“The teaching of the three forces is at the root of all ancient systems. The first force may be called active or positive; the second, passive or negative; the third, neutralizing. But these are merely names, for in reality all three forces are equally active and appear as active, passive, and neutralizing, only at their meeting points, that is to say, only in relation to one another at a given moment. The first two forces are more or less comprehensible to man and the third may sometimes be discovered either at the point of application of the forces, or in the ‘medium,’ or in the ‘result.’ But, speaking in general, the third force is not easily accessible to direct observation and understanding. The reason for this is to be found in the functional limitations of man’s ordinary psychological activity and in the fundamental categories of our perception of the phenomenal world, that is, in our sensation of space and time resulting from these limitations. People cannot perceive and observe the third force directly any more than they can spatially perceive the ‘fourth DIMENSION.’ Fragments: Four
“If we adopt this point of view, we shall have to admit that the relation of one cosmos to another is the relation of two bodies of different DIMENSIONs. If one cosmos is three-DIMENSIONal then the next cosmos, that is, the one above it, must be four-DIMENSIONal, the next — five-DIMENSIONal, and so on. If we take the ‘atom’ or ‘microbe,’ as you say, that is, the Microcosmos as a point, then relative to this point man will be a line, that is, a figure of one DIMENSION. The next cosmos, the earth, will be a plane relative to man, that is, it will have two DIMENSIONs, as is actually the case for direct perception. The sun, the solar system, will be three-DIMENSIONal for the earth. The starry world will be four-DIMENSIONal for the sun. ‘All worlds’ are five-DIMENSIONal, and the Absolute or Protocosmos is six-DIMENSIONal. Fragments: Ten
“The ‘period of DIMENSIONs’ contains within itself seven DIMENSIONs: The zero-DIMENSION, the first, the second, and so on up to the sixth DIMENSION. The zero-DIMENSION or the point is a limit. This means that we see something as a point, but we do not know what is concealed behind this point. It may actually be a point, that is, a body having no DIMENSIONs and it may also be a whole world, but a world so far removed from us or so small that it appears to us as a point. The movement of this point in space will appear to us as a line. In the same way the point itself will see the space along which it moves as a line. The movement of the line in a direction perpendicular to itself will be a plane and the line itself will see the space along which it moves in the shape of a plane. Fragments: Ten
“But when we say a thing ‘exists,’ we mean by this existence in time. But there is no time in three-DIMENSIONal space. Time lies outside the three-DIMENSIONal space. Time, as we feel it, is the fourth DIMENSION. Existence is for us existence in time. Existence in time is movement or extension along the fourth DIMENSION. If we take existence as an extension along the fourth DIMENSION, if we think of life as a four-DIMENSIONal body, then a three-DIMENSIONal body will be its section, its projection, or its limit. Fragments: Ten
“Eternity is the infinite existence of every moment of time. If we conceive time as a line, then this line will be crossed at every point by the lines of eternity. Every point of the line of time will be a line in eternity. The line of time will be a plane of eternity. Eternity has one DIMENSION more than time. Therefore, if time is the fourth DIMENSION, eternity is the fifth DIMENSION. If the space of time is four-DIMENSIONal, then the space of eternity is five-DIMENSIONal. Fragments: Ten
“But all the possibilities that have been created or have originated in the world must be actualized. The actualization of all the possibilities created or originated constitutes the world’s being. At the same time there is no place for the actualization of these possibilities within the limits of eternity. In eternity everything that has been actualized continues to be actualized and everything non-actualized continues to remain non-actualized. Eternity, however, is only a plane crossed by the line of time. At every point of this line there remains a certain number of non-actualized possibilities. If we imagine the line of the actualization of these possibilities, they will proceed along radii issuing from one point at different angles to the line of time and the line of eternity. These lines will proceed outside eternity, outside the five-DIMENSIONal space, in ‘higher eternity’ or in six-DIMENSIONal space, in the sixth DIMENSION. Fragments: Ten
“The sixth DIMENSION is the line of the actualization of all possibilities. Fragments: Ten
“The fifth DIMENSION is the line of the eternal existence or repetition of the actualized possibilities. Fragments: Ten
“The fourth DIMENSION is the sequence of the moments of the actualization of one possibility. Fragments: Ten
“As I have said, seven DIMENSIONs, from zero-DIMENSION to the sixth DIMENSION, constitute the full period of DIMENSIONs. Beyond this period there is either nothing or the same period may repeat itself on another scale. Fragments: Ten
“As I have already said, the system of cosmoses, the exposition of which we have just heard, strikes me above all by the fact that it fully corresponds to the ‘period of DIMENSION’ which is the basis of my New Model of the Universe, only this system of cosmoses goes still further and explains many things which were not clear in my model of the universe. Fragments: Ten
“As every cosmos has a real physical existence, every cosmos therefore is three-DIMENSIONal for itself or in itself. In relation to a lower cosmos it is four-DIMENSIONal, in relation to a higher cosmos it is a point. To put it differently, it is, itself, three-DIMENSIONal, but the fourth DIMENSION lies for it in the cosmos above and the cosmos below. This last point is perhaps the most paradoxical, but nevertheless it is exactly as it should be. For a three-DIMENSIONal body, such as is a cosmos, the fourth DIMENSION lies as much in the realm of very large magnitudes as in the realm of very small magnitudes; as much in the realm of what is actually infinity as in the realm of what is actually zero. Fragments: Ten
“The inexactitude of this view becomes evident if we try to conceive the existence of one cosmos within the other, that is, of a lower cosmos in a higher, of a smaller cosmos in a greater, such as, for instance, the existence of man in organic life or in relation to organic life. In this case organic life must inevitably be taken in time. Existence in time is an extension along the fourth DIMENSION. Fragments: Ten