“When the organization of the first brotherhood Heechtvori in the city Djoolfapal had been more or less regulated and was so established that the further work could already be continued independently, by means only of the directions issuing from the Reason then present in the brotherhood, then the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash himself selected from among those .ho had become All-the-rights-possessing brothers of the brotherhood, those who had already sensed the said Divine impulse, consciously by their Reason and unconsciously by the feelings in their subconsciousness, and who had full confidence that by certain self-efforts this DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE might become and forever remain an inseparable part of their ordinary consciousness. And those who had sensed and become aware of this Divine conscience, and who were called ‘first-degree-initiates’, he set apart, and he began to enlighten their Reason separately concerning these ‘objective truths’, which before that time were still quite unknown to the three-brained beings. BTG XXVII
“Owing to all I have just said, my boy, at that period scarcely three years had passed when, on the one hand, all the ordinary beings of the town Djoolfapal and its environs and also of many other countries of the continent Asia, not only already knew that this DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE of ‘genuine conscience’ was in them, and that it could take part in the functioning of their ordinary ‘waking consciousness’, and that in all the brotherhoods of the great prophet Ashiata Shiemash all the initiates and priests elucidated and indicated how and what had to be done in order that such a Divine impulse should take part in the functioning of the mentioned ordinary waking consciousness, but furthermore, nearly everybody even began to strive and to exert himself to become priests of the brotherhood Heechtvori of which many brotherhoods were already founded during that period and functioned almost independently in many other countries of the continent Asia. BTG XXVII
“This became fully evident to me when, during the period of my last sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours, I became deeply interested in the mentioned Legominism concerning the deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash entitled ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’. I began in the course of my further detailed researches and investigations relating to his subsequent Very Saintly Activities and their results, to investigate the causes in which way and why the crystallization of the mentioned factors obtained from the particles of the emanation of the Sorrow of OUR COMMON FATHER CREATOR for the actualizing of the DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE of objective conscience, proceeded in their presences, that is to say, just in their said subconsciousness, and thus avoided that final degeneration to which are subject all the data placed in them for engendering in their presences the being-impulses Faith, Love, and Hope, and I was convinced that this strange anomaly there fully justifies one of the numerous wise sentences of our highly esteemed irreplaceable, and honorable Mullah Nassr Eddin which states: “‘Every – real – happiness – for – man – can – arise – exclusively – only – from – some – unhappiness – also – real -which – he – has – already – experienced’. BTG XXVII
“Well, then, my boy, when the data arose in the common presences of your favorites for engendering this ‘Unique-particular’ being-impulse egoism and when gradually evolving and giving rise to factors ensuing from it for other also particular but now secondary strange being-impulses, this said ‘Unique-property’ egoism usurped the place of the ‘Unique-All-Autocratic-Ruler’ in their general organization; then, not only every manifestation but even what is called the ‘desire-for-the-arising’ of such a DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE became a hindrance to the actions of this ‘All-Autocratic-Ruler’. And in consequence of this, when eventually your favorites had already, by force of necessity, both consciously and unconsciously, always and in everything, prevented it partaking in the functioning of that consciousness of theirs through the control of which it had become proper for them to actualize their waking-existence, the actions of those Divine data were gradually, as it were, removed from the functioning of their ordinary ‘consciousness’ and participated only in the functioning of their said subconsciousness. BTG XXVII
“And, that these data of this DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE are still crystallized and their manifestations still continue to participate in the process of their being-existence, was, apart from the said investigations, further confirmed by the fact that I frequently had a good deal of difficulty on account of it, during the periods of my observation of them from the planet Mars. BTG XXVII
“And all this then so happened because when the actions of the data of the DIVINE BEING-IMPULSE began to participate in the functioning of their ordinary waking-consciousness, and the three-brained beings began manifesting themselves towards each other, solely in accordance with conscience, the consequence was that masters ceased to deprive their slaves of freedom, and various power-possessing beings of their own accord surrendered their unmerited rights, having become aware by conscience and sensing that they possessed and occupied these rights and positions not for the common welfare but only for the satisfaction of their various personal weaknesses, such for instance as ‘vanity’, ‘self-love’, ‘self-calming’, and so on. BTG XXVII