elder beings

“When we assembled the next day, one of the ELDER BEINGS, elected the night before, first reported as follows: ” ‘We pondered and deliberated the whole night upon all the details of this lamentable event, and as a result we have unanimously come to the conclusion first of all that there is no way out but to revert to the former conditions of government. BTG XV

“When this elected being of ours had finished his report, our opinion was quickly formed; and a unanimous resolution was carried to do just as the ELDER BEINGS of our tribe had advised. BTG XV

“And thereupon we first sent one of our ELDER BEINGS to King Appolis to put our plan before him, to which the latter agreed, once more repeating his promise, namely, that he would do everything according to our directions. BTG XV

“And meanwhile King Appolis guided by two of our ELDER BEINGS, began under different pretexts replacing various officials by our beings, at first in the capital of Samlios itself. BTG XV

“And when all had been changed in this way, King Appolis, always under the guidance of these ELDER BEINGS of ours, began the restoration of the former code of regulations for the administration of the community. BTG XV

“And when the revolutionary psychosis had quite died down, King Appolis returned to the city of Samlios and again with the help of our ELDER BEINGS, gradually began replacing our countryman either by those of his old subordinates who were still alive, or by selecting absolutely new ones from among his other subjects. BTG XV