
Among other convictions formed in my common presence during my responsible, peculiarly composed life, there is one such also — an indubitable conviction — that always and everywhere on the earth, among people of every degree of development of understanding and of every form of manifestation of the factors which ENGENDER in their individuality all kinds of ideals, there is acquired the tendency, when beginning anything new, unfailingly to pronounce aloud or, if not aloud, at least mentally, that definite utterance understandable to every even quite illiterate person, which in different epochs has been formulated variously and in our day is formulated in the following words: “In the name of the Father and of the Son and in the name of the Holy Ghost, Amen”. BTG I

That is why I now, also, setting forth on this venture quite new for me, namely, authorship, begin by pronouncing this utterance and moreover pronounce it not only aloud, but even very distinctly and with a full, as the ancient Toulousites defined it, “wholly-manifested-intonation” — of course with that fullness which can arise in my entirety only from data already formed and thoroughly rooted in me for such a manifestation; data which are in general formed in the nature of man, by the way, during his preparatory age, and later, during his responsible life ENGENDER in him the ability for the manifestation of the nature and vivifyingness of such an intonation. BTG I

In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible notion of this saying, lies the truth, cognized by people for centuries, which affirms that every cause occurring in the life of man, from whatever phenomenon it arises, as one of two opposite effects of other causes, is in its turn obligatorily molded also into two quite opposite effects, as for instance: if “something” obtained from two different causes ENGENDERs light, then it must inevitably ENGENDER a phenomenon opposite to it, that is to say, darkness; or a factor ENGENDERing in the organism of a living creature an impulse of palpable satisfaction also ENGENDERs without fail nonsatisfaction, of course also palpable, and so on and so forth, always and in everything. BTG I

During the last weeks, while lying in bed, my body quite sick, I mentally drafted a summary of my future writings and thought out the form and sequence of their exposition, and I decided to make the chief hero of the first series of my writings … do you know whom? … the Great Beelzebub Himself — even in spite of the fact that this choice of mine might from the very beginning evoke in the mentation of most of my readers such mental associations as must ENGENDER in them all kinds of automatic contradictory impulses from the action of that totality of data infallibly formed in the psyche of people owing to all the established abnormal conditions of our external life, which data are in general crystallized in people owing to the famous what is called “religious morality” existing and rooted in their life, and in them, consequently, there must inevitably be formed data for an inexplicable hostility towards me personally. BTG I

“So, my boy, in view of this the Most High Commission then decided among other things provisionally to implant into the common presences of the three-brained beings there a special organ with a property such that, first, they should perceive reality topsy-turvy and, secondly, that every repeated impression from outside should crystallize in them data which would ENGENDER factors for evoking in them sensations of ‘pleasure’ and ‘enjoyment’. BTG X

“Owing once again merely to the strangeness of their psyche, the intentional suffering and conscious labors of this Sacred Individual, Saint Buddha, who had been specially actualized for them with a planetary presence similar to theirs, have ever since hovered and still hover in vain; nor have they yet actualized any lawfully expected real results whatsoever, but have ENGENDERed and until now continue to ENGENDER only all kinds of ‘pseudoteachings’ there, like those existing there in recent times under the names of ‘Occultism’, ‘Theosophy’, ‘Spiritualism’, ‘Psychoanalysis’, and so on, which before as now, are means only for the obscuring of their already, without this, obscured psyche. BTG XXI

“Thanks to this maleficent idea, there was even fixed in the instincts of most of these unfortunates at that period still another abnormal what is called ‘dictatory factor’, which began to ENGENDER in their common presences the false feeling that these ape-beings were presumably ‘sacred’; and the abnormal factor ENGENDERing this sacrilegious impulse, also passing by inheritance from generation to generation, has reached the instincts of very many beings even of the present time. BTG XXIII

“Further he continued: “‘Each part of this allegorical figure gives to every member of our society in all the three independently associating parts of his common presence, namely, in the body, in the thoughts, and in the feelings, a shock for corresponding associations for those separate cognizances which in their totality can alone give us the possibility of gradually getting rid of those undesirable factors present in every one of us, both those transmitted to us by heredity as well as those acquired by ourselves personally, which gradually ENGENDER within us impulses undesirable for us, and as a consequence of which we are not as we might be. BTG XXIII

“‘And this emblem of ours is understood by all of us, members of the society Akhaldan in the following way: “‘The trunk of this allegorical being, represented by the trunk of a “Bull”, means that the factor crystallized in us and which ENGENDER in our presences the impulses maleficent for us, those we have inherited, as well as those we have personally acquired, can be regenerated only by indefatigable labors, namely, by those labors for which among the beings of our planet, the Bull is particularly fitted. BTG XXIII

“‘During the period of my year of special observations on all of their manifestations and perceptions, I made it categorically clear to myself that although the factors for ENGENDERing in their presences the sacred being-impulses of Faith, Hope, and Love are already quite degenerated in the beings of this planet, nevertheless, the factor which ought to ENGENDER that being-impulse on which the whole psyche of beings of a three-brained system is in general based, and which impulse exists under the name of Objective-Conscience, is not yet atrophied in them, but remains in their presences almost in its primordial state. BTG XXVI

“And the Romans were the cause why as a result of successive changes, those factors are never crystallized in the presences of the contemporary three-brained beings there, which in other three-brained beings ENGENDER the impulse called ‘instinctive shame’; that is to say, the being impulse that maintains what are called ‘morals’ and ‘objective morality.) BTG XXIX

“‘In regard to the human Soldjinoha, as for instance various “mysteries”, “religious ceremonies”, “family-and-social-customs”, “religious-and-popular-dances”, and so on, then although they often change in their external form with the flow of time, yet the impulses ENGENDERed in man through them and the manifestations of man derived from them always remain the same; and thus by placing the various useful information and true knowledge we have already attained within the inner factors which ENGENDER these impulses and these useful manifestations, we can fully count on their reaching our very remote descendants, some of whom will decipher them and thereby enable all the rest to utilize them for their good. BTG XXX

“And the second fact — the fact ensuing from the abnormal conditions of the being-existence of your favorites — is that when, from the very beginning of the arising of their offspring, they intentionally try by every kind of means, for the purpose of making them respond to these abnormal conditions round them, to fix in their ‘logicnestarian-localizations’ as many impressions as possible obtained exclusively only from such artificial perceptions as are again due to the results of their abnormal existence — which maleficent action of theirs towards their offspring they call ‘education’ — then the totality of all such artificial perceptions gradually segregates itself in their common presences and acquires its own independent functioning, connected only as much with the functioning of their planetary body as is necessary merely for its automatic manifestation, and the totality of these artificial perceptions is then perceived by them, owing to their naivete, as their real ‘consciousness’. But as for the sacred data for genuine being-consciousness put into them by Great Nature — which consciousness ought to be possessed by them from the very beginning of their preparation for responsible existence together with the properties inherent in them which ENGENDER in them the genuine sacred being-impulses of ‘faith’, ‘hope’, ‘love’, and ‘conscience’ — these data, becoming gradually also isolated and being left to themselves, evolve independently of the intentions of the responsible beings, and of course also independently of the bearers of them themselves, and come to be regarded as what is called the ‘subconsciousness’. BTG XXXII

“The emanations of joy which then arose in me from my pardon by our ALL-JUST CREATOR OMNlPOTENT ENDLESSNESS and from His gracious permission to me to return to the bosom of my first arising must have prevented me from absorbing those impressions sufficiently intensely, for there to be in the corresponding part of my general whole such ‘completedly-crystallized’ data as should ENGENDER in beings during being-associations arising from the result of one-sourced manifestations the repetitions of what has already been sensed. BTG XXXIII

“These terrible processes usually arise and flow in the following sequence: “It always begins with this, that several beings from one or another grouping, namely, those in whom for some reason or ocher there were previously crystallized data stronger than in ocher beings — which data ENGENDER the mentioned strange impulses in relation to the beings who belong to other castes, particularly to the beings who belong to the caste of the ‘ruling-class’ — seeing and feeling reality more than others under the influence of the action of Solioonensius they begin as is said there to ‘clamor’, and these ‘clamoring orators’ become in relation to those around them such as are at the present time there usually called ‘leaders’. BTG XXXIV

“These absurdities which were written down began gradually to ENGENDER in the presences of certain of the beings of subsequent generations the impulse of doubt, not only concerning what I have just said, but also doubt relating in general to all the real information and accurate instructions and explanations of this Sacred Individual intentionally actualized among them from Above. BTG XXXVIII

“Just this same totality of substances which inevitably always arises as the final sum in the presences of all beings from their first being-food, became one of the chief causes of the fact that later, when they ceased to actualize ‘being-Partkdolg-duty’ in their common presences, and this totality of cosmic substances in consequence did not receive, according to the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, the required foreign help for their completing evolution into other definite higher active elements, it began to involve back in them towards those crystallizations from which their evolution began. And such involutionary processes in them began from this time to serve their common presences as factors which began to ENGENDER in their common presences the data for the arising of their innumerable what they call ‘illnesses’, and thus on the one hand began to ‘de-perfect’ their previously established essence-individuality, and on the other hand to shorten the general duration of their existence. BTG XXXIX

“The first cause was, that thanks to the same abnormal conditions of external being-existence established by them themselves, certain of them were formed into responsible beings with that special ‘organic-psychic-need’ which in their speech might be formulated thus: “An-irresistible-thirst-to-be-considered-as-learned-by-beings-around-them-similar-to-themselves’; and such an ‘psycho-organic-need’ began to ENGENDER in them that strange inherency about which I have many times spoken and which is called by them ‘cunning wiseacring. BTG XL

“There, at present, however, one being may inwardly wish another well, yet if for some reason or other this well-wishing being were in some way to express himself to another in words conventionally regarded as not good, then all is over; in all the different spiritualized localizations of the latter, data are invariably crystallized which always by association ENGENDER in his common presence the conviction that the former, who as a matter of fact inwardly wished him very well, only exists to do him always and everywhere every kind of what they call vileness’. BTG XLI

“But the principal evil lies in this, that at the present time there, all the ‘Oskianotznel’ of the rising generation, or the education of the children, is rendered and reduced only to the adoption of these innumerable customs which exist among them and ENGENDER only immorality. Hence it is that year by year the data crystallized in them by tens of centuries for the Being ‘of an image of God’, and not simply, as they themselves would say, ‘of an animal’, are on the one hand decrystallized, and on the other hand their psyche is already becoming almost such as our dear Teacher defines by the words: “‘There is everything in him except himself’. BTG XLII

“And so when the beings, their contemporaries of any grouping, owing to the formation in them while still in their preparatory age of new data for this false conviction, accidentally became the possessors of something which is accounted in the given period desirable and thereby acquire authority, and at the same time find out, of course also accidentally, about some idea of the beings of past epochs which has already existed many times, and, giving it out as having been thought of by themselves, spread it around, then the beings of other groupings, through the absence in their common presences, due to wrong education, of the data which it is proper to all three-brained beings of responsible age to have in their presences, and which ENGENDER what are called ‘an instinctive sensing of reality’ and ‘a broad outlook’, believe in the first place that this idea has arisen on their planet for quite the first time, and secondly that once the practical application of it has been actualized by those who already possess the said ‘something desirable’, then it must indeed be very good, and they forthwith begin to imitate everything really good as well as bad, notwithstanding its complete contrariety to everything there is and to everything well fixed in their ordinary existence, merely in order to possess that which for today is considered desirable. BTG XLII

“The first of the names enumerated, namely, bureaucrats, is given to those intelligentsics in whom the series of their ordinary automatic associations already present in them which ENGENDER experiencings are limited, that is to say, however varied the shocks coming from without may be, associations are evoked in these bureaucrats of always the same experiencings which thanks to the frequent repetition acquire their own specific character and manifest quite independently without the participation of any separate spiritualized being-part whatsoever of their common presence. BTG XLIII

“When this maleficent idea there gradually took on such a definite form and began to be for the psyche of your favorites what is called an ‘actualizing factor’ for the crystallization in their common presences of data for the fantastic notion, namely, that outside of them there exist, as it were, objective sources of ‘Good and Evil’ acting upon their essence; then from that time on, other peculiar data — at first spontaneously and later through their strange consciousness — began to be crystallized in the general psyche of each of them, which data, owing to automatic being-associations, ENGENDER the conviction that the causes of all their manifestations, both good and bad, are not they themselves personally nor their own criminal essence-egoism, but some or other external foreign influences not depending on them at all. BTG XLIV

And so, after I had very attentively read over that opening chapter of the first series, which I had written in the said conditions, and when in my memory by association there had been recalled the texts of those many succeeding chapters, which, according to my conviction, ought to produce in the consciousness of the readers unusual impressions which in turn always, as is said, “ENGENDER substantial results”, I — or rather, this time, that dominant something in my common presence which now represents the sum of the results obtained from the data crystallized during my life, data which ENGENDER, among other things, in a man who has in general set himself the aim, so to say “to mentate actively impartially” during the process of responsible existence, the ability to penetrate and understand the psyche of people of various types — I decided, urged by the impulse called “love of kind” which simultaneously arose in me not to write in this conclusion anything additional and correspondent to the general aim of this first series, but to confine myself simply to appending the first of a considerable number of lectures copies of which now are in my possession and which were publicly read during the existence of the institution I had founded under the name of the “Institute-for-the-Harmonious-Development-of-Man’. BTG XLVIII

The wrong system of education existing at the present time has led to the coachman’s ceasing to have any effect whatever on his horse, unless we allow the fact that he is merely able by means of the reins to ENGENDER in the consciousness of the horse just three ideas — right, left, and stop. BTG XLVIII

And so when, on account of the unbecoming life of people, Great Nature was constrained to ENGENDER the corresponding in their common presences, then from that time on it was so established for the purposes of the common actualizing of everything existing that human life in general on the Earth should flow in two streams; and Great Nature foresaw and gradually fixed in the details of Her common actualization such a corresponding law-conformableness, that in the drops of the water of the initial flow of the river of life, which have corresponding inner subjective what are called “struggles of one’s own self-denial”, there might arise or not arise that “something”, thanks to which certain properties are acquired giving the possibility, at the place of the branching of the waters of the river of life, of entering one or the other stream. BTG XLVIII