
and so, only he, who consciously assists the process of this inner struggle and consciously assists the nondesires to predominate over the desires, behaves just in accordance with the ESSENCE of our Common Father Creator Himself; whereas he who with his consciousness assists the contary, only increases His Sorrow B373

the-whole-of-us and the whole of our ESSENCE, are, and must be, already in our foundation, only suffering B372

objective-Reason, the representative-of-the-Very-Essence-of-Divinity B815

the foundation of this Most Great Greatness is there Above, for the convenience of the embracing of the ESSENCE of everything existing B244

in order that the planetary body of a being may correctly serve its chief part, that is to say, in order that this auxiliary part of the whole being should properly serve his ESSENCE itself, this ESSENCE must always be just and make demands on it only according to its inherent possibilities B1171 ff

the information perceived with this Reason, or results obtained thanks to being-contemplation of the totality of formerly perceived information — however a being himself may change and whatever changes may proceed in the spheres around him-will be forever a part of his ESSENCE B1166; consider also B173

the possibility is foreseen for beings to acquire the kernel of their ESSENCE, that is to say, their own I, even after the beginning of their responsible age also B1231

to have the happiness to become a particle of that Greatness, the blending with which must sooner or later be the lot of every already arisen ESSENCE B801

only such a sensation and such a cognizance can now destroy the egoism completely crystallized in them that has swallowed up the whole of their Essence B1183

with one part of their ESSENCE they always intend to wish one thing; at the same time with another part they definitely wish something else; and thanks to the third part, they already do something quite the contrary B487

their ESSENCE is gradually brought to such a phenomenal being-ableness to destroy for no rhyme or reason the existence of other beings similar to themselves B526

those small factors maleficent for them, the totality of which year by year dilutes, more and more, both their psyche as well as their very ESSENCE B643

there disappeared from their ESSENCE both the instinctive and the intentional striving for perfecting B782

multitudinous and multiform vices fixed in their ESSENCE B794

their negligence, engendered in their ESSENCE and already quite fused with their nature, in keeping their sex organs clean B974

innumerable villainies which have already become as it were, a property of their ESSENCE B1144

not proper to his ESSENCE B51

unbecoming to the ESSENCE B107

the genuine creator of his ESSENCE during the period of his preparatory existence is his tutor or teacher B818

through causes not depending on their ESSENCEs B1162

the functionings of which do not depend on the ESSENCE of beings but depend exclusively on the harmony of the common-cosmic tempo B1171

external causes independent of our Essence B1181; consider also B51

Orpheist: this word is composed from two definite roots of words then in use, which in contemporary times would signify right and ESSENCE; if someone was called thus, it meant that he rightly sensed the ESSENCE B495

Concerning the ESSENCE of:
Ahoon B449
all beings B196 ff
the Author B26
Beelzebub B51 B161 ff B173 B219 B319 B527 B529 B677 B1118 B1178 ff B1181
Belcultassi B295
Buddha B236 B239
Hassein B642 B813 ff

And: B24 B27 B34 B37 B39 B42 B161 B312 B405 B439 B460 B471 B499 B512 B514 B541 B588 B596 B598 B609 B660 B714 ff B719 B727 B740 B832 B857 B859 B1076 B1125 B1158 B1164 B1188 B1193 B1234

Hyphenated phrases such as:
ESSENCE-anxiety B688 B747
ESSENCE-attitude B187
ESSENCE-center-of-gravity B816
ESSENCE-conviction B807
ESSENCE-criticism B272
ESSENCE-doubt B354
ESSENCE-egoism B1140
ESSENCE-friend, Gornahoor Harharkh B149 B151 ff B159 ff B166 B174 B267 ff B833 B865 B1146 B1152
ESSENCE-functions B687
ESSENCE-grief B240 B1179; ESSENCE-palnassoorian-grief B1080
ESSENCE-hope B358
ESSENCE-individuality B793
ESSENCE-initiative B1081
ESSENCE-loving B360 B380 B384 B390 B413 ff B1104
ESSENCE-loving-hope B563
ESSENCE-oath B1238
ESSENCE-opinion B663
ESSENCE-place B1146
ESSENCE-power B385
ESSENCE-questions B77
ESSENCE-relations B247
ESSENCE-Sacred-Aliamizoornakalu B175
objective-ESSENCE-satisfaction B159
ESSENCE-understanding B1170
ESSENCE-values B350
ESSENCE-word B583