existence of beings of other forms

“‘And this custom of theirs is based on the notion, which can be cognized only by their strange Reason alone, that if they destroy the EXISTENCE OF BEINGS OF OTHER FORMS in honor of their gods and idols, then these imaginary gods and idols of theirs would find it very, very agreeable, and always and in everything unfailingly help and assist them in the actualization of all their fantastic and wild fancies. BTG XIX

“As almost all my personal activities, my boy, during that second descent of mine were connected with the external circumstances of this priest Abdil and as I happened to have during this descent of mine a great deal of trouble on his account, I shall tell you more or less in detail about this three-brained being there; and moreover, you will at the same time understand from these tales about him, the results I then attained for the purpose of uprooting from the strange psyche of your favorites the need to destroy the EXISTENCE OF BEINGS OF OTHER FORMS in order to ‘please’ and ‘appease’ their gods and revered idols. BTG XIX

“‘I am quite sure that if any one of them should become aware that in destroying another’s existence he is not only committing an evil deed against the true GOD and every real Saint, but is even causing them, in their essences, sorrow and grief that there should exist in the great Universe “in-the-likeness-of-God” beings-monsters who can manifest towards other creations of our COMMON CREATOR so consciencelessly and pitilessly; I repeat, if any of them should become aware of this, then certainly not one among them could with all his heart ever again destroy the EXISTENCE OF BEINGS OF OTHER FORMS for Sacrificial-Offerings. BTG XIX

“This ingenious and energetic Persian dervish Assadulla Ibrahim Ogly, here, there, and everywhere, very cleverly persuaded these other dervishes of the ‘truth’ of his idea and these in their turn now everywhere persuaded the ordinary beings of the continent Asia that the destruction of the EXISTENCE OF BEINGS OF OTHER FORMS is not only not pleasing to God, but that the destroyers would even be obliged to bear ‘in another world’ in hell, a double punishment, one for their own what are called ‘sins’ and one for the ‘sins’ of the beings destroyed by them, and so on. BTG XLIII