“‘These meditations of mine made it categorically clear to me, that all the genuine functions proper to men-beings, as they are proper to all the three-centered beings of our Great Universe, had already degenerated in their remote ancestors into other functions, namely, into functions included among the properties of the organ Kundabuffer which were very similar to the genuine sacred being-functions of FAITH, Love, and Hope. 2128 XXVI
“‘And this degeneration occurred in all probability in consequence of the fact that when the organ Kundabuffer had been destroyed in these ancestors. and they had also acquired in themselves factors for the genuine sacred being-impulses then, as the taste of many of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer still remained in them, these properties of the organ Kundabuffer which l resembled these three sacred impulses became gradually mixed with the latter, with the result that there were crystallized in their psyche the factors for the impulses FAITH, Love, and Hope, which although similar to the genuine, were nevertheless somehow or other quite distinct. 2129 XXVI
“‘Such a being-impulse has not only finally adapted itself in them to the whole of their presences in a distorted form, but this maleficent strange “hope” newly formed in them, which has taken the place of the being-impulse of Sacred Hope, is now already the principal reason why factors can no longer be acquired in them for the functioning of the genuine being-impulse of FAITH, Love, and Hope. 2143 XXVI
“‘During the period of my year of special observations on all of their manifestations and perceptions, I made it categorically clear to myself that although the factors for engendering in their presences the sacred being-impulses of FAITH, Hope, and Love are already quite degenerated in the beings of this planet, nevertheless, the factor which ought to engender that being-impulse on which the whole psyche of beings of a three-brained system is in general based, and which impulse exists under the name of Objective-Conscience, is not yet atrophied in them, but remains in their presences almost in its primordial state. 2146 XXVI
“On this still surviving marble were inscriptions concerning the sacred being-impulses called FAITH, Love, and Hope, namely: ” ‘FAITH’, ‘Love’, and ‘Hope’ – FAITH of consciousness is freedom – FAITH of feeling is weakness – FAITH of body is stupidity. Love of consciousness evokes the same in response – Love of feeling evokes the opposite – Love of body depends only on type and polarity. Hope of consciousness is strength – Hope of feeling is slavery – Hope of body is disease. 2158 XXVI
“This became fully evident to me when, during the period of my last sojourn on the surface of this planet of yours, I became deeply interested in the mentioned Legominism concerning the deliberations of the Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash entitled ‘The Terror-of-the-Situation’. I began in the course of my further detailed researches and investigations relating to his subsequent Very Saintly Activities and their results, to investigate the causes in which way and why the crystallization of the mentioned factors obtained from the particles of the emanation of the Sorrow of OUR COMMON FATHER CREATOR for the actualizing of the Divine being-impulse of objective conscience, proceeded in their presences, that is to say, just in their said subconsciousness, and thus avoided that final degeneration to which are subject all the data placed in them for engendering in their presences the being-impulses FAITH, Love, and Hope, and I was convinced that this strange anomaly there fully justifies one of the numerous wise sentences of our highly esteemed irreplaceable, and honorable Mullah Nassr Eddin which states: “‘Every – real – happiness – for – man – can – arise – exclusively – only – from – some – unhappiness – also – real -which – he – has – already – experienced’. 2217 XXVII
“That is why, my boy, the crystallization in their common presences of the Divine manifestation issuing from Above for the data of the arising of this sacred being impulse in them, proceeds only in their subconsciousness — which has ceased to participate in the process of their ordinary, daily existence — and that is why these data have escaped that ‘degeneration’ to which all the other sacred being-impulses were subject, and which they also ought to have in their presences, namely, the impulses FAITH, Love, and Hope. 2227 XXVII