“In GEMCHANIA itself all the adherents of that sect already knew of the existence of that special ‘convenient’ place for the actualization of the finale of their religious doctrine, purporting to have been based on the exact instructions of Saint Buddha; and in every big center they even had what are called agents who helped them to get there. 1614 XXII
“During the last century one of these favorite places on another continent for the beings of this peculiar planet, was the country of ancient GEMCHANIA or as contemporary beings say there ‘India’. 3991 XXXVIII
“Do you remember that I once told you that to that self-same GEMCHANIA of the continent Ashhark, now Asia beings of the continent Atlantis used to sail in the beginning for pearls, and how, later, that it was also they who first populated that country? 3992 XXXVIII
“So, my boy, this same unfortunate former GEMCHANIA now ‘India’, has become during recent centuries the favorite place also of the contemporary beings of the continent Europe, but this time for their processes of reciprocal destruction. 3993 XXXVIII
“The processes of reciprocal destruction of local character there in that unfortunate GEMCHANIA were very frequent especially during the last eighteen or fifteen centuries. 3995 XXXVIII
“Quite from the beginning of this period, the beings of the continent Europe began in various ways to take from the local beings there in GEMCHANIA their lands also, on which they began to exist, just as on the continent Europe, in separate groups according to the community from which they had emigrated. 4003 XXXVIII
“And there in GEMCHANIA too, beings of one community began to pipe with full blast against beings of another community that ‘Hasnamussian music’ they call ‘policy’, that is, they began to ‘criticize’ each other, to ‘lower each other’s standing’, to ‘down each other’, and so on, their aim being to create what is called ‘prestige’ among the local beings in relation to their own community. 4005 XXXVIII
“Although both the former heads of the beings of this community and also that being himself who had hit upon the secret Ksvaznell, already long ago perished, yet subsequent generations — continuing now of course automatically to employ this ‘secret’ — gradually not only took into their own hands almost the whole of this GEMCHANIA, but also subordinated to their influence the very essence of all the beings breeding on that part of the planet Earth. 4008 XXXVIII
“From very early times it was composed of seven beings, directly initiated by Saint Krishnatkharna, also a messenger of our ENDLESSNESS specially sent to the three-centered beinbeings of the planet Earth breeding in the country GEMCHANIA. 4036 XXXVIII
“When Saint Buddha afterwards appeared there in GEMCHANIA, and made clear that many instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna were not yet obsolete for the psyche of the beings of that same country, and that these instructions, when absorbed by any of the beings there, contribute to the destruction of those consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, to help them in freeing themselves from which he had himself also been sent to them, and when He decided to put these instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna as a whole into the basis of his own teaching also, then these seven beings there, initiated directly by Saint Krishnatkharna — after Buddha had taught them the aim and necessity of their existence, and they had clearly sensed this and were convinced that the instructions of Saint Buddha not only at heart did not contradict the instructions of Saint Krishnatkharna, but even corresponded more perfectly to the psyche of the beings of that given period — became followers of Saint Buddha. 4037 XXXVIII