Gornahoor Rakhoorkh

“The result of it all vas that the following day, escorted by one of that venerable Harahrahroohry’s court, I went to the place of existence of that Gornahoor Harharkh where I first saw those novel elucidatory experiments with the Omnipresent-Okidanokh. 942 BTG XVIII

“When Gornahoor Harharkh was informed ho we were and why we had come, he approached us and forthwith very amiably began his explanations. 946 BTG XVIII

“Before beginning his explanations I think it not inadvisable to warn you once and for all that all my conversations with various three-centered beings arising and existing on various planets of that system where I was obliged to exist for the ‘Sins of my youth’ -, as for instance in the present case, the conversations with this Gornahoor Harharkh which I am now about to relate to you while we travel on the space-ship Karnak – all proceeded in dialects still quite unknown to you, and sometimes even, by the way, in such dialects the consonances of which were quite ‘indigestible’ for perception by normal being-functions assigned for this purpose. 947 BTG XVIII

“Yes . . . it must be noticed here that the word Gornahoor is used by the three-brained beings on the planet Saturn in courtesy; they utter it before the name, of one whom they are addressing. 949 BTG XVIII

“When this subsequent essence-friend of mine, Gornahoor Harharkh, was informed of what was required of him, he invited us by a sign to approach one of the special appliances which he had made and which, as it late, turned out, was named by him ‘Hrhaharhtzaha ‘. 952 BTG XVIII

“The part of Gornahoor Harharkh’s new invention which he himself called the Hrhaharhtzaha and regarded as the most important, was in appearance very much like the ‘Tirzikiano’ or, as your favorites would say, a ‘huge-electric-lamp’. 956 BTG XVIII

“Later, it became clear that the said objects contained in this Hrhaharhtzaha, as well as everything we had later to put on, were made of special materials invented by this Gornahoor Harharkh. 962 BTG XVIII

“And as regards these materials also, I shall explain a little more in detail at the proper time in the course of my further explanations concerning Gornahoor Harharkh. 963 BTG XVIII

“Meanwhile bear in mind that in the enormous Khrh or workshop of Gornahoor Harharkh there were, besides the already mentioned Hrhaharhtzaha, several other large independent appliances, and, among them, two quite special what are called ‘Lifechakans’ which Gornahoor himself called ‘Krhrrhihirhi’. 964 BTG XVIII

“While I was looking over all this with surprise, Gornahoor Harharkh himself approached the said pump of special construction and with his left wing moved one of its parts, owing to which a certain mechanism began to work in the pump. He then approached us again, and pointing with the same special feather of his right wing to the largest Lifechakan, or Krhrrhihirhi, or dynamo, further continued his explanations. 967 BTG XVIII

“When we had recovered and Gornahoor Harharkh had pulled still another lever, which resulted in the whole surrounding space being restored to its former usual appearance, he first, with his customary angel-voice, again drew our attention to the ‘voltmeter’, the needle of which constantly indicated the same figure, and then continued: “‘You see that, although the process of the clash of two opposite component parts of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, of the same power of “force-of-striving” still continues, and that the part of the surface of this construction which has the property of admitting the passage of the said “rays” is still open, yet, in spite of all this there is no longer the phenomenon which ordinary beings define by the phrase “the-causes-of-artificial-light”. 978 BTG XVIII

“After all these explanations of his, Gornahoor Harharkh then proposed that I should venture to enter with him that demonstrating part itself of his new invention, in order that I might become, there within, an eyewitness of many particular manifestations of the Omnipresent and everything-penetrating Active-Element. 980 BTG XVIII

“First of all his assistants put on Gornahoor Harharkh and myself some special, very heavy suits, resembling those which your favorites call ‘diving suits’ but with many small heads of what are called ‘bolts’ projecting, and when these extremely peculiar suits had been put on us, his assistants screwed up the heads of these bolts in a certain order. 985 BTG XVIII

“Between Gornahoor Harharkh and myself there was also a special connector, through which we could easily communicate with each other while we were inside the Hrhaharhtzaha, from which the atmosphere was pumped out to make a vacuum. 990 BTG XVIII

“One end of this connector also, by means of appliances that were on the helmets, was fitted in a certain way to what are called my organs of ‘hearing’ and ‘speech’, and the other end was fitted to the same organs of Gornahoor Harharkh. 991 BTG XVIII

“Without this appliance we could not have communicated with each other in any way, chiefly because Gornahoor Harharkh was at that time still a being with a presence perfected only up to the state called the ‘Sacred Inkozarno’; and a being with such a presence not only cannot manifest himself in an absolutely empty pace, but he cannot even exist in it, even though the products of all the three-being foods be artificially introduced into him in such a space. 993 BTG XVIII

“But the most ‘curious’ and, as it is said, the most ‘cunningly ingenious’ of all the connectors there for various purposes on those strange diving suits and helmets, was the connector created by that great scientist Gornahoor Harharkh to enable the ‘organ-of-sight’ of ordinary beings to perceive the visibility of all kinds of surrounding objects in an ‘absolutely-empty-space’. 994 BTG XVIII

“As it was afterwards explained to me in detail, these connectors and the said special ‘magnetic-eur,ents’ had, it seems, been created by that truly great scientist Gornahoor Harharkh in order that the presences of learned three-centered beings – even those not perfected to the Sacred Inkozarno – might, owing to one property of the ‘magnetic current’ be ‘reflected’ for their own essences and that, owing to another property of this current, the presence of the mentioned objects might also be ‘reflected’, so that thereby the perception of the reality of the said objects might be actualized by their imperfect organs of being-sight in a vacuum containing none of these factors or those results of various cosmic concentrations which have received such vibrations, from the actualization of which alone the functioning of any being-organ whatsoever is possible. 997 BTG XVIII

“Having fitted upon us the said very heavy appliances for enabling beings to exist in a sphere not corresponding for them, the assistants of this, then still great all-universal scientist Gornahoor Harharkh, with the help again of special appliances, carried us into the Hrhaharhtzaha itself; and having screwed up all the free ends of the connectors projecting from us to the corresponding apparatuses in the Hrhaharhtzaha itself, went out and hermetically closed behind them the only way by which it was still possible, if at all, to have any communication with what is called the ‘Everything-representing-one-world’. 998 BTG XVIII

“When we were alone in the Hrhaharhtzaha itself, Gornahoor Harharkh, after turning one of what are called ‘switches’ there, said: “‘The work of the “pump” has already begun, and soon it will have pumped out all the results here without exception of those cosmic processes whatever they may be, the totality of the results of which is the basis and significance, as well as the process itself, of the maintenance of the existence of everything existing in the whole of this “Everything-representing-one-world”. ‘ 999 BTG XVIII

“To enable you to represent to yourself and understand better the perfection of this part also of the whole of this new invention of Gornahoor Harharkh, I must not fail to tell you also about the following: “Although I personally. as a three-brained being also, had had occasion many times before, owing to certain quite particular reasons, to be in atmosphereless spaces and had had to exist, sometimes for a long time, by means of the Sacred ‘Kreemhoolazoomara’ alone; and although from frequent repetition a habit had been acquired in my presence of moving from one sphere to another gradually and almost without feeling any inconvenience from the change in the presence of the ‘second-being-food’ occurring with the change of the presences of cosmic substances undergoing transformation and which are always around both large and small cosmic concentrations; and also, although the causes themselves of my arising and the subsequent process of my being-existence were arranged in an entirely special way, in consequence of which the various being-functions contained within my common presence had perforce gradually become also special, yet nevertheless, in spite of it all, the pumping out of the atmosphere by the said ‘pump’ then proceeded with such force that such sensations were impressed on the separate parts of the whole of my presence that even today I can very clearly experience the process of the flow of my state at that time and relate it to you almost in detail. 1002 BTG XVIII

“This extremely strange state began in me shortly after Gornahoor Harharkh had spoken in a half-sarcastic tone about our imminent situation. 1003 BTG XVIII

“While this strange and to my Reason then, still incomprehensible being-experiencing was proceeding in me, Gornahoor Harharkh himself was occupied in pulling some ‘levers’ and ‘switches’, of which there were very many at the edges of the table where we were placed. 1007 BTG XVIII

“An incident which happened to Gornahoor Harharkh himself changed all this being-experiencing of mine, and in my common presence the usual ‘inner-being-experiencing’ was resumed. 1008 BTG XVIII

“As it afterwards proved, my friend Gornahoor Harharkh had made a mistake while pulling the mentioned levers and switches and had made certain parts of his planetary body more tense than was necessary. In consequence, his presence together with everything on him, had received a shock and also the momentum given by the shock, and owing to the ‘tempo’ proceeding in his presence from taking in the ‘second-being-food’ and to the absence of any resistance in that absolutely empty space, he began to drift, or, as I have already said, to flounder like a ‘puppy-who-has-fallen-into-a-deep-pond’. ” 1010 BTG XVIII

Having said this with a smile, Beelzebub became silent; a little later he made a very strange gestu1e with his left hand, and with an intonation not proper to his own voice, he continued: “While I am gradually recalling and telling you about all this concerning the events of a period of my existence now long since past, the wish arises in me to make a sincere confession to you — just to you, one of my direct heirs who must inevitably represent the sum of all my deeds during the periods of the process of my past being-existence — and namely, I wish sincerely to confess to you that when my essence, with the participation of the parts of my presence, subject to it alone, had independently decided to take a personal part in those scientific elucidatory experiments with the demonstrating part of the new invention of Gornahoor Harharkh, and I had entered into this demonstrating part without the least compulsion from outside, yet, in spite of it all, my essence allowed to creep into my being and to be developed side by side with the said strange experiencings, a criminally egoistic anxiety for the safety of my personal existence. 1011 BTG XVIII

“Let us rather return to the tale I have begun about the Omnipresent-Okidanokh and my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh, who was, by the way, at one time considered everywhere among ordinary three-brained beings as a ‘greet-scientist’, and is now, though he still continues to exist, not only considered not ‘great’, but thanks to his own result, that is to say, to his own son, is what our dear Mullah Nassr Eddin would call a ‘has-been’ or, as he sometimes says in such cases, ‘He-is-already-sitting-in-an-old-American-galosh’. 1014 BTG XVIII

“Well, then, while floundering, Gornahoor Harharkh, with great difficulty, and only by means of a special and very complicated maneuver which he made, finally managed to get his planetary body, burdened with the various unusually heavy appliances, down on to the chair again, and this time he fixed it all with the aid of special screws which were on the chair for that purpose; and when we were both more or less arranged and communication was possible between us by means of the said artificial-connectors, he first drew my attention to those apparatuses hanging over the table which I told you were very much like the Momonodooars. 1015 BTG XVIII

“When I looked at the Ammeter and the Voltmeter and indeed saw that their needles moved and stopped on the same figures I had noticed the first time we were still outside the Hrhaharhtzaha, I was greatly surprised, because in spite of the indications of the needles and the intimation of Gornahoor Harharkh himself, I had neither noticed nor sensed any change in the degree of my perception of the visibility of the surrounding objects. 1021 BTG XVIII

“Only after I had somehow got accustomed to such a surprising constatation, Gornahoor Harharkh said: “‘I have already told you that the composition of the material of which the walls of this construction in which we are at this moment are made, possesses the property of not allowing any vibrations arising from any source whatsoever to pass through it, with the exception of certain vibrations arising from nearby concentrations; and these latter vibrations can be perceived by the organs of sight of three-brained beings, and even then of course, only of normal beings. 1024 BTG XVIII

“It appeared that the said light was obtained because by pressing this button, Gornahoor Harharkh had again opened that part of the wall of the Hrhaharhtzaha which had the property of permitting ‘rays’ to pass through it. 1029 BTG XVIII

“Then, my boy, this subsequent essence-friend of mine Gornahoor Harharkh, by means of switching on and off the influx of the three active parts of Okidanokh and changing their force-of-striving, also changed the density of the elements of the said metal and thereby transformed the red copper into all the other also definite intraplanetary metals of lower or higher degree of vivifyingness. 1055 BTG XVIII

“And here, for the elucidation of the strangeness of the psyche of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy, it is very important and interesting to note that while Gornahoor Harharkh was, with the aid of his new invention, artificially and deliberately producing the evolution and involution of the density and vivifyingness of the elements of red copper, I noticed very clearly that this metal was transformed once upon the said plate into just that same definite metal about which the sorry-savants of your planet have been wiseacring during nearly the whole of their arising and existing, in the hope of transforming other metals into this metal, and thus constantly leading astray their alreacly sufficiently erring brethren. 1056 BTG XVIII

“I replied that I had taken almost everything, except those cumbersome apparatuses which my friend Gornahoor Harharkh had constructed for me on the planet Mars. 1064 BTG XVIII

“Only sometimes I flew to the planet Saturn to rest, to Gornahoor Harharkh, who, during this time, had already become my real essence-friend, and thanks to whom I had such a marvel as that big Teskooano of mine which, as I have already told you, brought remote visibilities 7,285,000 times nearer”. 1648 BTG XXII

Beelzebub continued thus: “I descended for the fourth time to that planet Earth owing to the request of my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh. 1652 BTG XXIII

“I must first of all tell you that after I had met this Gornahoor Harharkh and had become friendly with him, I always, during our ‘subjective exchange of opinions’, whenever we again met, shared my impressions with him about the strange psyche of the three-centered beings of that planet of yours. 1653 BTG XXIII

“And how Gornahoor Harharkh came to be the cause of this descent of mine ensued from the following: “I have already told you that after my third personal descent to your planet, I occasionally for a rest ascended to the planet Saturn to this friend of mine. 1655 BTG XXIII

‘Well, then, when I spoke to Gornahoor Harharkh about this, he, without thinking long about it, agreed, and together we immediately began to deliberate holy to carry out our intention. 1658 BTG XXIII

“The problem was that our route from the planet Saturn to the planet Mars would cross such cosmic spheres as did not correspond to the presence of Gornahoor llarharkh, a being who had as yet the possibilities only for an ordinary planetary existence. 1659 BTG XXIII

“The result of our deliberations, then, was that on the following day his chief assistant began, under his direction, to arrange a special compartment in our ship Occasion itself, and to furnish it with every kind of adaptation and apparatus for elaborating those substances of which the atmosphere of the planet Saturn consists, and to which Gornahoor Harharkh was adapted by Nature for existence. 1660 BTG XXIII

“And there, on the planet Mars, which had almost the same atmosphere as the planet Saturn, my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh very soon became acclimatized and began to exist almost freely. 1662 BTG XXIII

“Well then, my dear boy, while Gornahoor Harharkh was then staying with me as my guest and we were once together observing the existence of these favorites of yours, a certain fact which we happened to notice was the cause of a very serious exchange of opinions between us concerning the three-centered beings of that peculiar planet of yours. 1666 BTG XXIII

“Having accomplished this, I telepathically signalled our ship Occasion which descended to us, it must be said on the first, very dark night; and when we had loaded these ape-beings into that special section of the ship Occasion which had been constructed for Gornahoor Harharkh under his directions, we at once reascended to the planet Mars; and three Martian days later, on the same ship and together with these apes, I ascended to the planet Saturn. 1883 BTG XXIII

“Though we had previously decided to carry out the experiments with these apes only on the following year, when they would have become thoroughly acclimatized and orientated to existence under the new conditions, I ascended then to the planet Saturn so soon because at my last personal meeting with Gornahoor Harharkh, I had promised him to be present at his family solemnity which had soon to take place. 1884 BTG XXIII

“And this family solemnity of Gornahoor Harharkh’s was that beings like himself around him were to consecrate the first heir produced by him. 1885 BTG XXIII

“The heir of Gornahoor Harharkh was then called Raoorkh”. 1888 BTG XXIII

“As the cause of my personal acquaintance with all the details of the construction and action of this remarkable experimental apparatus Alla-attapan was due to accidental circumstances connected with my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh, and as it will surely interest you very much and at the same time will be exceedingly instructive for you, I shall describe it to you in somewhat greater detail. 4846 BTG XL

“My personal and exhaustive study of this astonishing apparatus Alla-attapan — which became, thanks to Gornahoor Harharkh, famous among the genuine scientists of almost the whole of our Megalocosmos — proceeded according to the following chance circumstances. 4848 BTG XL

“Just at the time of one of my sojourns on the planet Saturn with my essence-friend, Gornahoor Harharkh, he, having already previously in some way heard about this apparatus, requested me during conversation, to bring him one of these experimental apparatuses from the planet Earth if I again happened to be there. 4850 BTG XL

“And when afterwards I again visited the surface of this planet of yours, I procured there one of these apparatuses and took it with me to the planet Mars in order to send it on a convenient occasion to the planet Saturn to Gornahoor Harharkh. 4852 BTG XL

“This physiological particularity of theirs, namely, that whatever number of definite sounds they reproduced the beings of this small group always obtained in the whole octave of their voice only on these three restorials inherent in them what is called the ‘unchanging totality of vibrations’, and that all during their manifestation these restorials had the property of evoking what is called ‘centralization’ and echo in the whole presence of a being, I made very clear to myself when, having become interested in their chanting, I began to investigate this particularity, rare among your contemporary favorites, with the aid of three special what are called there ‘tuning forks’ which I ordered, and with the aid of several very sensitive what are called ‘vibrometers’ which I possessed and which were invented for me personally by my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh. 5113 BTG XL

“The most interesting information for you, of all the events which have given cause for a clear constating and completed crystallizing in my common presence of the ‘imperishable’ being-data for the indubitable conviction of precisely such a common-cosmic distressing fact, might be the information that in this I was greatly helped by none other than the result, or as your favorites would say the son, of my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh, the young conscious individual GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH, who also, like his producer, devoted the whole of his existence to the study of all the details of the properties of the cosmic Omnipresent-Okidanokh and also, little by little, became worthy of being considered one of the what are called ‘higher-degree’ common-cosmic learned three-brained beings. 6899 BTG XLV

“One part of our beings remained on the ship Occasion itself, another found accommodation in the places offered us by the amiable beings of the planet Saturn, and I with Ahoon went to Rirkh, that is, to just that large populated center of beings there where my friend Gornahoor Harharkh existed. 6939 BTG XLV

“In the evening of our arrival there I, by the way, asked this essence-friend of mine during friendly conversation how the existence of his heir proceeded, that is my dear ‘Kesdjanian-result-outside-of-me’, or as your favorites would say my godson, GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH. 6940 BTG XLV

“You remember, I have already told you that my friend Gornahoor Harharkh was always kept informed of my observations on their strange psyche which I sent to him as well as to your uncle Tooilan, even with duplicates of certain of my notes. 6946 BTG XLV

“So, as we were talking of these three-brained being, who have taken your fancy, Gornahoor Harharkh happened by the way to ask me: 6947 BTG XLV

“When I began to explain to him the state of affairs there at the present time on this question, and the new data I had elicited concerning that abnormality there, just at that moment, the ‘result’ of Gornahoor Harharkh, Gornahoor Rhakhoorkh himself, entered the room where we were. 6949 BTG XLV

“You probably, my boy, did not understand what I meant when I told you that GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH took his place on his perch. 6954 BTG XLV

“And so, after having taken his place on his perch and expressed his welcome, my dear ‘K:esdjanian-result-outside-of-me’, or my godson, GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH, began to take part in my conversation with Gornahoor Harharkh. 6957 BTG XLV

“After having thought a little at the question which I had put to him, GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH replied with deep seriousness: 6960 BTG XLV

“With these words, captivated by the theme of this exposition, my dear godson, the young high-spirited GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH, finished his talk. 6970 BTG XLV

“In the middle of GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH’s explanations concerning the mentioned properties of the Omnipresent cosmic-substance Okidanokh and the inevitable consequences of its extraction and destruction from the common presence of your planet, the suspicion arose in me, and in my memory there gradually began to be restored all kinds of general pictures — previously perceived during my personal sojourn among your favorites just during the period of my close observations on their existence from tile planet Mars of the impressions from their ordinary being-existence — of how they at different periods repeatedly obtained this substance or its separate parts from the nature of their planet and used them for their different, naïvely egoistic aims. 6971 BTG XLV

“And when during the further explanations of GORNAHOOR RAKHOORKH, I, by association, remembered the request of the great Toof-Nef-Tef of the planet Mars, I then with all my being became aware without any doubt of all the maleficent consequences of just this manifestation of the three-brained beings of your planet. 6972 BTG XLV