higher being-part

“And only there, at the end of a certain time, does the principal and final sacred Rascooarno occur to this two-natured arising, after which such a ‘HIGHER BEING-PART ‘ indeed becomes an independent individual with its own individual Reason. Previously – i.e., before the Choot-God-Litanical period – this sacred cosmic actualization, was, only after this second process of the sacred Rascooarno, either thought worthy of uniting with the presence of our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute or went into other cosmic concentrations where such independent holy Individuals were needed.BTG XXXIX

“And if at the moment of the approach of the final process of the sacred Rascooarno these cosmic arisings had not yet attained to the required gradation of Reason of the sacred scale of Reason, then this HIGHER BEING-PART had to exist in the said sphere until it had perfected its Reason to the required degree.BTG XXXIX

“The point is, that according to various second-grade cosmic laws, the ‘being-body-Kesdjan’ cannot exist long in this sphere, and at the end of a certain time this second being-part must decompose, irrespective of whether the HIGHER BEING-PART existing within it had by that time attained the requisite degree of Reason; and in view of the fact that as long as this HIGHER BEING-PART does not perfect its Reason to the requisite degree, it must always be dependent upon some Kesdjanian arising or other, therefore immediately after the second sacred Rascooarno every such still unperfected higher being-body gets into a state called ‘Techgekdnel’ or ‘searching-for-some-other-similar-two-natured-arising-corresponding-to-itself’ so that when the higher part of this other two-natured arising perfects itself to the required degree of Reason and the final process of the sacred Rascooarno occurs to it, and the speedy disintegration of its Kesdjan body is not yet clearly sensed, this higher being-body might instantly enter this other body Kesdjan and continue to exist in it for its further perfection, which perfection must sooner or later be inevitably accomplished by every arisen higher being-body.BTG XXXIX

“And that is why, in that sphere to where the HIGHER BEING-PART goes after the first sacred Rascooarno, that process proceeds called ‘Okipkhalevnian-exchange-of-the-external-part-of-the-soul’ or ‘exchange-of-the-former-being-body-Kesdjan’.BTG XXXIX

“According to the fantastic branch of this theory of their ‘science’, now called spiritualism, they suppose among other things that each of them already has a HIGHER BEING-PART or, as they call it, a soul, and that a transmigration must be occurring the whole time to this soul, i.e., something of the kind of this same ‘Okipkhalevnian exchange’ of which I have just spoken.BTG XXXIX

“As soon as all three-brained beings of our Megalocosmos without distinction of exterior coating acquire any degree of self-awareness, they already begin consciously or instinctively to dream of going on to that holy planet, in order later to have the happiness to become a particle of that Greatness, the blending with which must sooner or later be the lot of every alreacly arisen essence; and three-brained beings who have attained to an already greater self-awareness always eagerly and even joyfully permit during their ordinary-being-existence, for the realization of these dreams of theirs, those unpleasantnesses to their presences which proceed from the accepted privations to their planetary body, because such beings already well understand and instinctively feel that this lower being-body of theirs is, in their own sacred cosmic law of Triamazikamno, the indispensable source for a certain kind of denying manifestation, and as such, of course, always must and will manifest only as denying for their affirming part, that is, that the manifestation of this lower part of theirs must obligatorily be always opposite to what is required for them by their HIGHER BEING-PART.BTG XXXIX

“‘First of all to lay a petition at the feet of our MAKER CREATOR that HE in HIS Providence should send to the three-brained beings of the planet Earth a Messenger from Above with data corresponding to such a Reason as could on the spot find a possibility of uprooting this maleficent idea; and secondly, in view of the fact that the actualization on the surface of this planet of such a maleficent idea was and until now is the fundamental cause of all the terrifying misfortune for the sacred HIGHER BEING-PARTs arising there, to venture with contrition to request our COMMON FATHER not to allow the HIGHER BEING-PART of that terrestrial three-brained being who was the cause of the arising there of a maleficent idea to be taken on the holy planet, even if this higher being-body is perfected to the required gradation of Sacred Reason, but to doom it to exist eternally on the planet Remorse-of-Conscience’.BTG XLIV

“This turmoil was evoked there in the following way: After the said resolution was carried, it was soon undertaken on the initiative of all those fifty chosen candidates for the Sun Absolute, to elucidate just which terrestrial three-brained being – with perhaps his HIGHER BEING-PART already formed in him – was the cause of the arising on this planet of yours of such a maleficent idea.BTG XLIV

“And according to this elucidation, it turned out that that three-brained being who was the first to give the beginning of the crystallizing of that maleficent idea was a certain Makary Kronbernkzion whose HIGHER BEING-PART perfected to the required gradation of Reason had not only become worthy to go to the holy planet, but was even already considered one of the first candidates to be taken on to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute.BTG XLIV

“In spite of the fact that this completely formed HIGHER BEING-PART was the fundamental cause of the impossibility for all the higher being-bodies which arise in the presences of certain three-brained beings of this planet to perfect themselves completedly, this gracious command was given by our COMMON FATHER evidently because He hoped that ultimately these three-brained beings themselves might perhaps cognize their errors and begin to exist as is becoming to three-centered beings to exist. And in that case there would be no need to punish so terribly the higher-part of that being who, without yielding to adverse conditions not depending on himself and much stronger than his possibilities, and mercilessly struggling with his own inevitable denying principle, was able to perfect himself to such a gradation thanks to which he had acquired the possibility of reaching the threshold of the basis of everything existing in the Universe.BTG XLIV