highest being-bodies

“As a result of his inner what is called ‘double-gravity-centered’ existence, the ‘highest being-part’ of the presence of this terrestrial three-brained being was coated and perfected up to the required gradation of Objective Reason, and later this ‘highest being-part’ became, as I have once already told you, one of those three hundred and thirteen ‘HIGHEST BEING-BODIES’ who are called ‘Eternal-Hasnamuss-individuals’ and who have the place of their further existence in the Universe on a small planet existing under the name of ‘Eternal-Retribution’. BTG XXVIII

“Here it is interesting to notice that from among all the ‘HIGHEST BEING-BODIES’ which have been coated and perfected in every kind of exterior form of three-brained being there have, so far, reached the planet ‘Retribution’ from the whole Universe, only three hundred and thirteen, two of whom had their arising on your planet and one of these is the ‘highest being-body’ of this Lentrohar. BTG XXVIII

“The chief torture of the state of these ‘HIGHEST BEING-BODIES’ is that they must always experience these terrifying sufferings fully conscious of the utter hopelessness of their cessation”. BTG XXVIII