“Is not this the same thing which is described in the Acts as the descent of the HOLY Ghost upon the Apostles, when they began to understand divers languages?” asked someone. Fragments: Five
“You know the prayer ‘HOLY God, HOLY the Firm, HOLY the Immortal’? This prayer comes from ancient knowledge. HOLY God means the Absolute or All. HOLY the Firm also means the Absolute or Nothing. HOLY the Immortal signifies that which is between them, that is, the six notes of the ray of creation, with organic life. All three taken together make one. This is the coexistent and indivisible Trinity. Fragments: Seven
‘The square next below is — plants. The next — minerals, the next -metals, which constitute a separate cosmic group among minerals; and the following square has no name in our language because we never meet with matter in this state on the earth’s surface. This square comes into contact with the Absolute. You remember we spoke before about ‘HOLY the Firm.’ This is ‘HOLY the Firm.’” Fragments: Sixteen
“It is an incomplete ‘hydrogen,’” he said. “A ‘hydrogen’ without the HOLY Ghost. It belongs to the same, that is to the third, scale, but it is unfinished. Fragments: Sixteen
“Now further: ‘Nitrogen’ becomes ‘carbon’ for the next triad, but there is no ‘oxygen’ for it and no ‘nitrogen.’ Therefore by condensation it becomes itself ‘hydrogen’ 6144, but it is a dead hydrogen without any possibility of passing into anything further, a ‘hydrogen’ without the HOLY Ghost.” Fragments: Sixteen