Holy Writ

“It is interesting to notice that even in this totality noted ‘from-bits-here-and-there’, which your favorites call the HOLY WRIT, there are many precise words and even whole phrases, uttered at that ‘Lord’s Supper’ by the Saint Jesus Christ Himself, as well as by those directly initiated by Him who in this same Holy Script are called ‘disciples or ‘apostles’, and which words and phrases your favorites, particularly the contemporary ones, also under stand, as always and everything, only ‘literally’, without any awareness of the inner meaning put into them.BTG XXXVIII

“That is why, my boy, in the given case also they could not ponder at least only about the fact that, when this Sacred Individual Jesus Christ was actualized among them and when this same existing HOLY WRIT of theirs was compiled, so many definite words were not used by beings similar to these compilers as are used at the present time.BTG XXXVIII

“And so, my boy, it is necessary to explain to you about a certain fact, in the highest degree absurd and in the objective sense blasphemous, for a greater clarity of the real nothingness of this HOLY WRIT, still existing today among your favorites, which, apropos, became particularly widely spread after their last process of reciprocal destruction, and in which as you already surmise, there is everything you please, excepting reality and truth.BTG XXXVIII

“I will inform you, namely, concerning what is said in this contemporary HOLY WRIT, which has as it were reached them in an unchanged form, about the chief, most reasonable and most devoted of all the beings, directly initiated by this Sacred Individual or, as they would say, about one of his Apostles.BTG XXXVIII

“According to the present version of this HOLY WRIT everyone who wishes to draw on the true knowledge will acquire such a conviction, which will also be fixed in his essence, that this same Judas was the basest of beings conceivable, and that he was a conscienceless, double-faced, treacherous traitor.BTG XXXVIII

“I personally even think that if this Judas was presented in their HOLY WRIT as a type of this kind, then it may have been for this reason, that it was necessary for someone or other, also belonging to the mentioned types, to belittle in this way, for a certain purpose, the significance of Jesus Christ Himself.BTG XXXVIII