“Having said this, he again pointed to the HRHAHARHTZAHA and added that by means of the elucidating apparatus, not only can any ordinary being clearly understand the details of the properties of the three absolutely independent parts – which in their manifestations have nothing in common of the whole ‘Unique-Active-Element ‘, the particularities of which are the chief cause of everything existing in the Universe, but also any ordinary being can become categorically convinced that no results of any kind normally obtained from the processes occurring through this Omnipresent World-substance can ever be perceived by beings or sensed by then; certain being-functions however can perceive only those results of the said processes which proceed for some reason or other abnormally, on account of causes coming from without and issuing either from conscious sources or from accidental mechanical results.BTG XVIII
“The part of Gornahoor Harharkh’s new invention which he himself called the HRHAHARHTZAHA and regarded as the most important, was in appearance very much like the ‘Tirzikiano’ or, as your favorites would say, a ‘huge-electric-lamp’.BTG XVIII
“Later, it became clear that the said objects contained in this HRHAHARHTZAHA, as well as everything we had later to put on, were made of special materials invented by this Gornahoor Harharkh.BTG XVIII
“Meanwhile bear in mind that in the enormous Khrh or workshop of Gornahoor Harharkh there were, besides the already mentioned HRHAHARHTZAHA, several other large independent appliances, and, among them, two quite special what are called ‘Lifechakans’ which Gornahoor himself called ‘Krhrrhihirhi’.BTG XVIII
“Having said this, he approached nearer to the HRHAHARHTZAHA and pressed a certain button. The result was that the whole of the enormous Khrh or ‘workshop ‘ was suddenly so strongly lit up that up, that our organs of sight temporarily ceased to function and only after a considerable time had passed could we with great difficulty raise our eyelids and look around.BTG XVIII
“One of these connectors, which was called the ‘Harhrinhrarh ‘, meaning ‘sustainer-of-the-pulsation’, was something long, like a rubber tube. One end of it, by means of complicated appliances on the helmet itself, was hermetically attached to the corresponding place of the helmet for the breathing organs, while the other end, after we had already entered that strange HRHAHARHTZAHA, was screwed to an apparatus there, which was connected in its turn with the space, the ‘presence’ of which corresponded to the second being-food.BTG XVIII
“Between Gornahoor Harharkh and myself there was also a special connector, through which we could easily communicate with each other while we were inside the HRHAHARHTZAHA, from which the atmosphere was pumped out to make a vacuum.BTG XVIII
“One end of this astonishing connector was fitted in a certain way, also by means of appliances on the helmets, to our temples, while the other end was joined to what is called the ‘Amskomoutator’, which in its turn was joined in a certain way by means of what are called ‘wires’ to all the objects within the HRHAHARHTZAHA as well as to those outside, namely, to those objects whose visibility was needed during the experiments.BTG XVIII
“Having fitted upon us the said very heavy appliances for enabling beings to exist in a sphere not corresponding for them, the assistants of this, then still great all-universal scientist Gornahoor Harharkh, with the help again of special appliances, carried us into the HRHAHARHTZAHA itself; and having screwed up all the free ends of the connectors projecting from us to the corresponding apparatuses in the HRHAHARHTZAHA itself, went out and hermetically closed behind them the only way by which it was still possible, if at all, to have any communication with what is called the ‘Everything-representing-one-world’.BTG XVIII
“When we were alone in the HRHAHARHTZAHA itself, Gornahoor Harharkh, after turning one of what are called ‘switches’ there, said: “‘The work of the “pump” has already begun, and soon it will have pumped out all the results here without exception of those cosmic processes whatever they may be, the totality of the results of which is the basis and significance, as well as the process itself, of the maintenance of the existence of everything existing in the whole of this “Everything-representing-one-world”. ‘BTG XVIII
“Having said this, he first closed that part of the surface of the HRHAHARHTZAHA, the composition of which had the property of allowing ‘rays’ to pass through it; then he pulled two switches and pressed a certain button, as a result of which the small plate lying on that table, composed of a certain special mastic, automatically moved toward the mentioned carbon-candles, and then having again drawn my attention to the Ammeter and the Voltmeter, he added: “‘I have again admitted the influx of parts of the Okidanokh, namely, the Anodnatious and the Cathodnatious of equal force of “striving-to-reblend”.’BTG XVIII
“When I looked at the Ammeter and the Voltmeter and indeed saw that their needles moved and stopped on the same figures I had noticed the first time we were still outside the HRHAHARHTZAHA, I was greatly surprised, because in spite of the indications of the needles and the intimation of Gornahoor Harharkh himself, I had neither noticed nor sensed any change in the degree of my perception of the visibility of the surrounding objects.BTG XVIII
“Before replying to this question, he turned off the only lamp, which worked from a special magnetic current. My astonishment increased still more, because in spite of the darkness which instantly ensued, it could clearly be seen through the walls of the HRHAHARHTZAHA, that the needles of the Ammeter and Voltmeter still stood in their former places.BTG XVIII
“Having said this, he pressed some other button, and suddenly the whole interior of the HRHAHARHTZAHA was filled with the same blinding light which, as I have already told you, I experienced when I was outside the HRHAHARHTZAHA.BTG XVIII
“It appeared that the said light was obtained because by pressing this button, Gornahoor Harharkh had again opened that part of the wall of the HRHAHARHTZAHA which had the property of permitting ‘rays’ to pass through it.BTG XVIII
“As he explained further, the light was only a consequence of the result of the ‘striving-to-reblend-into-a-whole’ of the parts of Okidanokh proceeding in that absolutely empty space within the HRHAHARHTZAHA and manifested owing to what is called ‘reflection’ from outside back to the place of its arising.BTG XVIII
“And a little later there slowly ascended from the lower part of the HRHAHARHTZAHA a small something like a box, also with transparent walls, within which, as it proved later, were certain minerals, metalloids, metals, and various gases in liquid and solid states.BTG XVIII
“Having said this, he first fixed before my organ of sight the automatically moving Teskooano, and then turned on and off various switches in a certain sequence; and as I looked through the Teskooano he explained to me as follows: “‘At this moment I admit the ‘influx’ of all three parts of Okidanokh into the sphere containing this metal; and as all three parts have the same “density” and, hence, the same ”force-of-striving’, they reblend into a whole in this sphere without changing anything in the presence of the metal; and the Omnipresent-Okidanokh thus obtained flows in its usual state through a special connection out of the HRHAHARHTZAHA and is reconcentrated in the first container which you have already seen.BTG XVIII