
My dear, highly honored, strong-willed and of course very patient Sirs, and my much-esteemed, charming and IMPARTIAL Ladies — forgive me, I have omitted the most important — and my in no wise hysterical Ladies! 24 BTG I

This fact, by the way, can with attentive and IMPARTIAL observation be very clearly established when one is present at an exchange of opinions between persons belonging to two different races or who arose and were formed in different geographical localities. 72 BTG I

Please, reader, do not worry … I shall of course also write of the Earth, but with such an IMPARTIAL attitude that this comparatively small planet itself and also everything on it shall correspond to that place which in fact it occupies and which, even according to your own sane logic arrived at, thanks of course to my guidance, it must occupy in our Great Universe. 182 BTG I

“In the course of his further close observations and IMPARTIAL investigations King Konuzion clearly understood that these seeds contained a ‘something’ that could completely change for the time being, all the established habits of the psyche of those beings who introduced this something into themselves, with the result that they saw, understood, felt, sensed, and acted quite otherwise than they were previously accustomed to see, sense, act, and so on. 1325 BTG XX

“These exhaustive conscious observations and IMPARTIAL constatations finally convinced Belcultassi that something proceeded in his own common presence not as it should have proceeded according to sane being-logic. 1800 BTG XXIII

“After prolonged verifications, observations, and IMPARTIAL constatations, this entire group of terrestrial beings also became categorically convinced, just like Belcultassi himself, that they were not as they ought to be. 1807 BTG XXIII

“‘And that the head is fixed to the trunk of the Bull with “amber” signifies that this Love should be strictly IMPARTIAL, that is to say, completely separated from all the other functions proceeding in every whole responsible being’. 1873 BTG XXIII

“The full comprehension of this law by the pure Reason depends on the gradual IMPARTIAL, all-round acquaintance with its numerous details which can be revealed to a pure Reason in proportion to its development. 2068 BTG XXIV

“‘When I completed my seventeenth year, I began as commanded from Above, to prepare my planetary body in order, during my responsible existence, “to be able to be” IMPARTIAL. 2119 BTG XXVI

“‘But which during this period of my “self-preparation” I chanced to meet many beings of almost all “types” formed and existing here in the city of Babylon, and when during my IMPARTIAL observations, I constated many traits of their being-manifestations, there crept into me and progressively increased an “essence-doubt” as to the possibilities of saving the three-centered beings of this planet by means of these three sacred ways. 2121 BTG XXVI

“‘But never do beings-men here love with genuine, IMPARTIAL and nonegoistic love. 2141 BTG XXVI

“‘And so, my highly accomplished and IMPARTIAL colleagues. 2643 BTG XXX

“From such an exchange of opinion, there each time accumulated in me more and more material, as my IMPARTIAL observations and studies of all the aspects of the psyche of the local beings were crystallizing in me always newer and newer data concerning them. 3428 BTG XXXIV

“These processes of theirs, if they had even but a little improved the existence of beings of subsequent generations, then perhaps, from the point of view of a strictly IMPARTIAL observer, they might even not have appeared to be so terrifying, yet to the misfortune of all three-brained beings of our Great Universe, the calamity is just in this that as soon as the ‘blissful action’ of this cosmic lawful manifestation ceases, and these terrifying processes come to an end, then there again begins the old story and their ordinary being-existence becomes ‘more bitter’ than before, and, parallel with this, there also deteriorates what is called their ‘sane-awareness-of-the-sense-and-aim-of-their-existence’. 3522 BTG XXXIV

“Of course, if at least any of these good customs, fixed by them in the process of their existence, and already automatized ‘moral habits’ could have survived and been transformed by inheritance into the mode of existence of their subsequent generations, then thanks at least to this, their, in the objective sense, ‘desolate’ existence would have seemed to be, to an outside IMPARTIAL observer, at least a little reconcilable. 3590 BTG XXXIV

“For the elucidation of these causes, the following facts then served there, and also my IMPARTIAL observations and considerations. 3690 BTG XXXVII

“And so, this same guide being aware with the whole of his Being of the important significance of this responsibility taken upon himself in relation to this new being who has, in the said manner, only as yet reached his preparatory age, begins, according to conscience IMPARTIALly to create for his Oskiano every kind of what are called ‘inner-and-outer-factors’ for the perceiving of corresponding impressions in order to crystallize in his common presence all those data, the totality of which alone can give to the three-brained being who has reached responsible age, the power to be ‘Svolibroonolnian’, or, as your favorites there on Earth would say, the potency-not-to-be-identified-with-and-not-to-be-affected-by-externals-throughone’s-inevitably-inherent-passions’; and this being-impulse engendered in the being with these data, can alone help him to acquire the possibility of a free and IMPARTIAL constatation of all true phenomena appearing in the cosmic results around him. 4724 BTG XL

“I wish to explain to you about this in even as great detail as possible, with all the sequence of the historical course of development both as regards the constatation of the cognizance concerning this sacred law, as well as the gradual forgetting about it, because such information relating to all this will greatly help you, first of all, to elucidate those, as you expressed it, ‘unimportant details’ of this sacred law, which you have not yet completely transubstantiated in your Reason; and secondly, thanks to these elucidations of mine, you will likewise learn that among the number of your favorites, even the contemporary ones, such responsible beings do occasionally appear in the sphere of genuine learned beings; and assuming that the other three-brained beings there existed more or less normally, then thanks to the IMPARTIAL and modest conscious efforts of these beings, genuine objective learning might arise and gradually develop also on this ill-fated planet, as a result of which that welfare might be obtained also for them, which the three-brained beings of all the other planets of our great Megalocosmos have long ago deservedly enjoyed. 4732 BTG XL

“‘After long IMPARTIAL labors they discovered, in the first place, that the men who contracted this disease were exclusively those in whose subconsciousness, for some reason or other, there never arose any impulse of faith in anybody or in anything, and secondly, that those adult men who periodically performed the normal ritual of intercourse with women were not at all subject to this disease. 5942 BTG XLII

“Certain of these customs existing there now, appear when first witnessed as absurdly strange and barbaric, but on a close and IMPARTIAL investigation of the inner meaning of any of these customs, one can see how skillfully there has been incorporated in them for the people who follow them one or another moral or hygienic benefit. 6206 BTG XLII

“I personally saw hundreds of them which seemed at first sight no less strange and barbarous but, upon a serious and IMPARTIAL study of their hidden meaning, always revealed one and the same aim, namely, either the destruction of the noxious carriers of various diseases, or the strengthening of moral shame. 6232 BTG XLII

“However, my boy, even these contemporary beings of this contemporary common-planetary society the League of Nations, might perhaps — in spite of the fact that IMPARTIAL Reason, proper to the presence of all three-brained beings who have already attained responsible age, is absent in them — also achieve positive results in the fundamental aim they have set themselves, if they occupy themselves with the solving and actualizing of only those questions which are in the sphere of their competence and powers. 6452 BTG XLIII

“And as a consequence of all their IMPARTIAL and truly philanthropic labors, there was formed in the city Mosulopolis the mentioned large and serious society of men-beings under the title, ‘The-Earth-Is-Equally-Free-for-All’. 6581 BTG XLIII

“According to their understanding only such beings of their planet are able to be IMPARTIAL and just toward other beings of the Earth, irrespective of to what religion or nationality they belong. 6587 BTG XLIII

“Thanks to their intensive and indeed IMPARTIAL and unselfish activities, those increasing wars and civil wars on the continent Asia began to diminish, and it was anticipated that many other good things might still be done for this same end. 6590 BTG XLIII

“But to the misfortune of all three-brained beings of future times, arising on this ill-fated planet, it turned out that although all the elected learned members were also already advanced in years, and those malignant functions which in the beings of the Earth make their Being so to say ‘jealous’ and ‘greedy’ were almost atrophied in them, yet for various reasons, chiefly owing to their abnormal education, certain of them it seems had not yet acquired enough ground to be convinced of the nonactualizability of their dreams — which they owed to that notorious abnormal education of theirs — with the result that they were still not yet sufficiently disillusioned to be able to be fully IMPARTIAL and just. 6613 BTG XLIII

“‘I am very sincerely grieved that I have unintentionally been the cause of the dissolution of this great philanthropic undertaking, into which you, the most honorable and wise of all the countries of the Earth, have for several years put more IMPARTIAL and unselfish labor than men of the Earth have ever been or ever again will be able to bear for others, that is, for men quite unknown and indifferent to them. 6626 BTG XLIII

“However it might have been, my boy, indeed according to the detailed and IMPARTIAL researches I made there on the spot concerning all this, the following then became very definitely clear to me: 6867 BTG XLIV

XLVII The inevitable result of IMPARTIAL mentation 7046 BTG XLVII

“‘You, as one of the anticipated, accelerated results of all My actualizations, manifest briefly the sum of your long-centuried IMPARTIAL observations and studies of the psyche of the three-centered beings arising on the planet Earth and state in words whether it is still possible by some means or other to save them and to direct them into the becoming path?’” 7115 BTG XLVII

According to the already indicated seriously instituted experimental investigations carried on over many years, or even according merely to the sane and IMPARTIAL reflection of even every contemporary man, the common presence of every man — particularly of one in whom for some reason or another there arises, so to say, the pretension to be not just an ordinary average man, but what is called “one of the intelligentsia” in the genuine sense of the word — must inevitably consist not only of all the said four fully determined distinct personalities, but each of them must of necessity be exactly correspondingly developed, to ensure that in his general manifestations during the period of his responsible existence all the separate parts should harmonize with each other. 7146 BTG XLVIII

And indeed every more or less sane-thinking man who is able to be if only a little IMPARTIAL, must admit that hitherto there has not been nor can there be a fuller and more exhaustive definition. 7202 BTG XLVIII

Each of them puts his own subjective sense into all the words that have become gravity-center words in the said so to say “symphony of words without content”, and to the ear of this IMPARTIAL observer it is all perceived only as what is called in the ancient Sinokooloopianian tales of The Thousand and One Nights, “cacophonousfantastic-nonsense. ” 7284 BTG XLVIII

Although to be either masters or slaves in a collective existence among children, like ourselves, of the COMMON FATHER, is unworthy of man, yet thanks at the present time to the conditions existing which have already been thoroughly fixed in the process of the collective life of people, the source of which lies in remote antiquity, we must be reconciled to it and accept a compromise that, according to IMPARTIAL reasoning, should correspond both to our own personal welfare, and also at the same time not be contrary to the commandments specially issuing to us people from the “Prime-Source-of-Everything-Existing”. Such a compromise, I think, is possible if certain people consciously set themselves, as the chief aim of their existence, to acquire in their presences all the corresponding data to become masters among those around them similar to themselves. 7416 BTG XLVIII