Ashiata Shiemash began enlightening their Reason by means of objectively true information and guiding their being-IMPULSEs in such a way that they could sense these truths without the participation either of the abnormally crystallized factors already within their presences, or of the factors which might newly arise from the results of the external perceptions they obtained from the abnormally established form of ordinary being-existence B367 ff
that being-IMPULSE on which the whole psyche of beings is in general based, Objective Conscience B359; see conscience; the Divine being-IMPULSE, conscience, for example B371
the sacred data for genuine being-consciousness, together with the properties which engender the genuine sacred being-IMPULSEs of faith, hope, love, and conscience, become gradually isolated and evolve independently and come to be regarded as what is called the subconsciousness B566 ff.
Belcultassi began to recall just which IMPULSEs evoked which reactions in his body, feelings and thoughts B295
the inner and outer being IMPULSEs and manifestations which caused Belcultassi to found that truly great society Akhaldan B294
the trunk of the bull in the emblem of the society Akhaldan means that the factors crystallized in us and which engender in our presences the IMPULSEs maleficent for us can be regenerated only by indefatigable labors B310
in Hamolinadir’s common presence the factors for the IMPULSEs which had passed to him by heredity were not quite atrophied B332
that being-IMPULSE which is proper to arise only in one-natured beings like myself — Beelzebub B478
even in me, a being cast in another mold, various being-IMPULSEs were engendered by their musical and vocal melodies, and were alternated with an unusual sequence; for instance, my thinking-center engendered in my common presence, let us suppose, the IMPULSE of joy; my feeling-center, the IMPULSE called sorrow; my moving-center, the IMPULSE of religiousness, from B490 ff
two being-IMPULSEs on which objective being-morality is chiefly based, and which are called patriarchality, that is, love of family, and organic shame B687
these properties of the organ Kundabuffer which resembled these three sacred IMPULSEs became gradually mixed with the latter, with the result that there were crystallized in their psyche the factors for the IMPULSEs Faith, Love and Hope, which although similar to the genuine, were nevertheless somehow or other quite distinct B355 ff.; and B1236; see Kundabuffer
egoism, the fundamental contributory factor in the gradual crystallization in their general psyche of the data for the arising of still several other quite exclusively-particular being-IMPULSEs utterly unbecoming to three-brained beings B379 ff.
spectrum of Naloo-osnian-IMPULSEs B405 ff
maleficent IMPULSEs inherent in the Greeks and Romans which have now become being-IMPULSEs : the-passion-for-inventing-fantastic-sciences and the passion-for-depravity B423 ff.
three personalities and three differently sourced being-IMPULSEs B480 ff B486 ff
impressions B481 B1169 B1216 ff
the members of the club of the Aherents-of-Legominism B485 ff
destruction of other beings B526
Various kinds of IMPULSE:
abnormal B443
benevolent B876 ff
contradictory B42
crescendo B271
evoked by music B490 ff
exclusively-particular B379
fundamental B414
genuine B567
gravity-center B487
Individual-IMPULSEs in Hasnamuss individuals B405
inner-being-IMPULSEs which ought to be under the directive of their being-I B1082; and B294 B540
maleficent B310 B423
momentum of B305
normal B422
objective IMPULSE of Divine-Love B124 B370
particular B379 ff
proper B604
pseudo B424 ff
quality and quantity of B1169
requisite B1156
sacrilegious B272
secondary B380 B383
giving self-sensations B436
sensed-IMPULSE, concerning the Hasnamuss of the first kind B408
shameful B627 ff
unbecoming B379
undesirable for us B309
Unique-particular being-IMPULSE egoism B380
unnatural B424
unquenchable IMPULSE of desire B1209 B1232
and B27 B300 B1052 B1155 B1225
Consider also the following IMPULSEs and being-IMPULSEs: adultery, amazement, ambition, astonishment, belief, bootlicking, condescension, conscience, contempt, contrition, conviction, corporate feeling, cowardice, cringing, cunning, curiosity, deceit, desire, disdain, double-facedness, doubt, egoism, envy, existence, faith, gratitude, grief, hate, haughtiness, hope, humility, hypocrisy, impartiality, indignation, initiative, interest, jealousy, joy, love, offence, passion, patriarchality, patronage, pity, pleasure, potency, pride, rapture, regret, religiousness, remorse, respect, sadness, self-abasement, self-cognizance, self-calming, self-imagination, self-love, self-remorse, self-satisfaction, self-shame, sensing and foreseeing, servility, sexuality, shame, sincerity, slyness, sorrow, submission, sympathy, tenderness, timidity, vanity, vexation
SEE: function, property, urge