
used throughout in titles, for example, Most High Most Most Sacred Common Cosmic INDIVIDUAL; Sacred B82 B84 B89 B104 B128 B132 B175 B179 B183 B235 B237 ff B249 B353 B674 B695 ff B705 B715 B721 B735 B788 ff B743 B772 B835 B1043 B1127 B1178; Sacred INDIVIDUALs actualized from Above B697 ff B732 B734 B736 ff B740

the germ of a sacred INDIVIDUAL B696 B698

divine B90

conscious B125

with Pure Reason B239 B259

Saint-INDIVIDUAL B246 B294 ff

Eternal B293 ff

responsible B695

highest B733

independent holy B766

separate B126 B769

consider also the following titles, for example, Most Holy, Most High, Very Saintly Cosmic, Most Very Saintly Omnicosmic, etc. B124 B126 B135 B179 B234 B236 B261 B264 ff B275 B347 B360 ff B405 B409 ff B583 B672 B677 B695 B1106 B1162; and B1150 ff B1160; see Ashiata Shiemash, Jesus Christ, Mohammed, Moses

cosmic independent INDIVIDUAL, such as higher-being-bodies can become B747; and B798 ff more or less conscious relatively independent separate INDIVIDUALs B842; and B1163

Eternal-Hasnamussian-individual B325 B346 B391 B405 B407 B410

Hasnamussian-individual B326 B406 ff B493 B501; and B1083

individual-initiatives B377

INDIVIDUAL-impulses B405

individual-being B508

personal-individual being-Dimtzoneero B583

significance B618

dignity B671

collision B755

Reason B763

psyche B819

AND B332 B619

SEE influence, suggestibility, individuality