
SEE Individual

such is the ordinary average man-an unconscious slave of the whole entire service to all-universal purposes, which are alien to his own personal INDIVIDUALITY; but at the same time Great Nature has given him the possibility of working also for himself, for his own egoistic INDIVIDUALITY, from B1219

awareness-of-one’s-own-INDIVIDUALITY B539

degree-of-cognition-of-one’s-own-INDIVIDUALITY B409

the whole of my INDIVIDUALITY B42

degree of self-INDIVIDUALITY B386; see Martfotai

independent B398 B405 B778

constancy-of-self-INDIVIDUALITY B492

Ego-Individuality B595 ff


if this second being-body has attained to the required INDIVIDUALITY B637

determination of the degrees of INDIVIDUALITY B769

those coatings who obtain independent Individuality in the Tetartocosmoses B778

of Makary Kronbernkzion B1130 B1136

you are on the threshold of the Being of a responsible being, that is, when every kind of data for those functionings which during the responsible existence of each three-brained being compose his INDIVIDUALITY is crystallized and acquires a harmonious tempo in the common functioning — Beelzebub to Hassein B1163

being-Autokolizikners or Hoodazbabognari: the results of the persevering actualizing of the striving towards the manifestation of one’s own INDIVIDUALITY B1167

Lecture Number One: The Variety, According to Law, of the Manifestations of Human Individuality B1189 ff.

began to de-perfect their previously established essence-INDIVIDUALITY B793