
SEE law

“This fact, unexpectedly constated by this Theophany, greatly astonished him and the intensive wish arose in his common presence to elucidate to his Reason the radical causes of this LAW-CONFORMABLENESS still unknown to him, and therefore from that time on, he began to repeat the same thing, but already with a conscious aim. BTG XL

Although this organ was later “removed” also by Great Nature from their common presences, yet owing to a cosmic law expressed by the words “the assimilation of the results of oft-repeated acts” – according to which law, from the frequent repetition of one and the same act there arises in every “world concentration” under certain conditions a predisposition to produce similar results – this law-conformable predisposition which arose in our forefathers was transmitted by heredity from generation to generation, so that when their descendants in the process of their ordinary existence established numerous conditions which proved to be congenial for the said LAW-CONFORMABLENESS, from that time on the consequences of the various proper ties of this organ arose in them, and being assimilated owing to transmission by heredity from generation to generation, they ultimately acquired almost the same manifestations as those of their ancestors. BTG XLVIII

And so when, on account of the unbecoming life of people, Great Nature was constrained to engender the corresponding in their common presences, then from that time on it was so established for the purposes of the common actualizing of everything existing that human life in general on the Earth should flow in two streams; and Great Nature foresaw and gradually fixed in the details of Her common actualization such a corresponding LAW-CONFORMABLENESS, that in the drops of the water of the initial flow of the river of life, which have corresponding inner subjective what are called “struggles of one’s own self-denial”, there might arise or not arise that “something”, thanks to which certain properties are acquired giving the possibility, at the place of the branching of the waters of the river of life, of entering one or the other stream. BTG XLVIII