I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred LAWs, since knowledge of these sacred LAWs, particularly knowledge relating to the particularities of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade LAWs of World-creation and World-existence; likewise, an allround awareness of everything concerning these sacred LAWs also conduces, in general, to this, that three-brained beings irrespective of the form of their exterior coating, by becoming capable in the presence of all cosmic factors not depending on them and arising round about them — both the personally favorable as well as the unfavorable — of pondering on the sense of existence, acquire data for the eludication and reconciliation in themselves of that, what is called, individual collision which often arises, in general, in three-brained beings from the contradiction between the concrete results flowing from the processes of all the cosmic LAWs and the results presupposed and even quite surely expected by their what is called sane-logic; and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations B755-6
the third being-obligolnian-striving: the conscious striving to know ever more and more concerning the LAWs of World-creation and World-maintenance B386
Heptaparaparshinokh: the first fundamental, first degree, sacred, universal, primordial, common-cosmic LAW; also referred to as the LAW of sevenfoldness and the LAW of ninefoldness; see Heptaparaparshinokh
Triamazikamno: the second fundamental, first degree, sacred, primordial, common-cosmic LAW; see triamazikamno
Second-degree cosmic LAWs:
Again-Tarnotoltoor B768
Aieioiuoa or Remorse, Sacred, fundamental B140-1; and B142 B253 B305
Attraction-and-Fusion-of-Similarities B785
mutual attraction of the similar B760
Fusion B964-5; see fusion
Harnelmiatznel B786-7; and B751 B788-90
Litsvrtsi or the aggregation of the homogeneous, cosmic B758
Tenikdoa or the LAW of gravity B728 B767 B1050-1; see gravity
Tetetzender B800
Urdekhplifata B802
Laws undesignated as to degree:
affinity of the number of the totality of vibrations B279 B786; and B171 B785 B787; see vibration
the assimilation of the results of oft-repeated acts B1220
LAW of association B15 B446-7 B1185; see association
LAWs of the currents-of-associative-movements B479
LAW of the flowing of different-sourced associations B485
cosmic Law-of-Catching-Up B83 B122 B316
cosmic LAW, every-eause-gives-birth-to-its-corresponding-result B190; see cause
The effects of a cause must always re-enter the cause, a fundamental World LAW B1138
LAW of combination of colours B844 B846-7
Daivibrizkar B466-7
Law of Dimensions B476-7
Symmetrical-entering, World-LAW B171
the-LAW-of-the-equilibration-of-vibrations B388
Equilization-of-many-sourced-vibrations B444
cosmic Law<Law of Falling B66-9 B72 B83 B122; see falling
Reciprocal-feeding-of-everything-existing, common-universal-LAW, World-LAW B172; see feeding
God forgives everything B198
LAWs of heredity B38
LAWs of the Great Heropass B1163; and B750 B785
Heteratogetar B169
LAWs-of-the-fixing-and-unfixing-of-ideas-in-localizations, concerning the Reason-of-understanding B1169
LAWs of the inner organization of man B1017
LAW of reciprocal maintenance B1094-5 B1121
LAW of mechanics B343-4
LAWs of Nature B1055 B1098 B1226; see nature cosmic LAW of self-adaptation-of-Nature B564
cosmic LAW of polarity or type B358 B486 B560; consider also B484; see type
common-cosmic LAW of Solioonensius B190 B602 B605 B621 B622 B624-41passim, B843
Troemedekhfe, fundamental World-LAW B172
Trogoautoegocrat, most great fundamental common-cosmic LAW B1091 B1095; usually called a process; see Trogoautoegocrat
Laws of Vibrations; see vibration
Abrustdonis and Helkdonis B1106
astrology B287-8
their higher-being-part B673; see tenikdoa
the initial impetus B945
liberation B1219-20
the LAW of sane logic B736
objective knowledge B1120
normal duration of existence B133
sight B305
the Sun Absolute B749
World-creation and World-maintenance; see world unnamed cosmic LAWs B388 B413 B625 B756 B1230
unnamed fundamental sacred LAWs B86 B245 B761 and B36 B387 B1182
Lawful / LAW-conformable / according to LAW: B31 B66 B123 B139 B156 B178 B195 B240 B249 B292 B310 B354 B358 B364 B376 B439 B446 B477 B567 B590 B600 B628 B654 B702 B750 B774 B785 B795 B818 B820 B831-2 B866-7 B880 B984 B1072 B1163 B1172 B1189 B1220 B1228-30
Lawful divergencies, illogicalities, inexactitudes, otherwises: B461ff. B475 B482 B493 B517 B522; and B1100
NonLAWful / non-LAW-conformable / not according to LAW: B156 B158 B167-8 B171 B301 B312 B367 B677 B951 B1227-8
Civil LAWs:
a severe LAW forcing artists or actors to shave B510
a LAW forcing convicts to shave certain parts of the head B510
a LAW about shaving the heads of immoral women B510
a LAW about the painting of the lips of immoral women B511
LAWs fixed in the process of existence of this community, Russia, for idiotic dillydallyings B604-6
concerning the age of majority of females B691-2
in respect of the rights of parents over their children B920
each Mohammedan man is permitted by LAW to have as many as seven wives B989
King Solomon decided without delay to promulgate a severe LAW for his subjects according to which special isolated buildings were compulsorily constructed near every populated district in which to confine the beings of the female sex for the whole duration of their said state B1112
their notorious morality, politics, LAWs, morals B1141