“What is most interesting however of all the history related by me concerning the cognizance of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh by three-brained beings who bred on your planet and which concerns chiefly the contemporary beings, is, that although a great number of all kinds of ‘totalities of special information’ or, as they themselves express it, ‘separate branches of scientific knowledge’ again arose among them at the present time and began by them, so to say, to be ‘learned by rote, yet concerning the ‘LAW OF VIBRATIONS’ — which branch is the most important and which gives the possibility, though approximately, of recognizing reality — there is among them absolutely nothing, if, of course, one does not reckon that celebrated what is called ‘theory of sound’, which arose comparatively recently, and which is ‘seriously’ studied and, as it were, ‘known’ by their contemporary, as they are called, ‘learned physicists’ and ‘learned musicians’.BTG XL
“And so, my boy, the basis for the arising of such terrestrial misunderstandings was that various fragments of information concerning the ‘LAW OF VIBRATIONS’ reached the contemporary beings from two independent sources, namely, from those same ancient Chinese and from those ancient Greeks, about whom, you remember, I have already told you that their community was formed there long ago between the continents of Asia and Europe, by those Asiatic fishermen, who, out of boredom during bad weather, invented various ‘sciences’ among which was just this ‘science of the vibrations of sound’.BTG XL