“‘And as regards the strange image of the head of our allegorical being, in the form of the “Breasts of a virgin”, this expresses that Love should predominate always and in everything during the inner and the outer functionings evoked by one’s consciousness, such a Love as can arise and be present only in the presences of concentrations formed in the LAWFUL parts of every whole responsible being in whom the hopes of our COMMON FATHER are placed. BTG XXIII
“‘The different manifestations of the beings I then encountered, which increased my doubts, gradually convinced me that these consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer, having passed by heredity through a series of generations over a very long period of time, had ultimately so crystallized in their presences, that they now reached contemporary beings already as a LAWFUL part of their essence, and hence these crystallized consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer are now, as it were, a “second nature” of their common presences. BTG XXVI
“‘Thanks to this kind of love in the contemporary beings here, their hereditary predispositions to the crystallizations of the consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer are crystallized at the present time without hindrance, and finally become fixed in their nature as a LAWFUL part of them. BTG XXVI
“This exclusively particular property was formed in them soon after the second Transapalnian perturbation there, and, gradually undergoing development and becoming strengthened in them, was passed from generation to generation by heredity, until it has now already passed to the contemporary beings as a certain LAWFUL and inseparable part of their general psyche and this particular property of their psyche is called by themselves ‘egoism’. BTG XXVII
“‘And as regards the method itself, that is to say, the mode of transmission through this Law, in my opinion, it can be actualized in the following way: “‘In all the productions which we shall intentionally create on the basis of this Law for the purpose of transmitting to remote generations, we shall intentionally introduce certain also LAWFUL inexactitudes, and in these LAWFUL inexactitudes we shall place, by means available to us, the contents of some true knowledge or other which is already in the possession of men of the present time. BTG XXX
“On Mondays, namely, on the ‘day-of-religious-and-civil-ceremonies’, the learned beings of the first group demon. strafed various ceremonies in which the fragments-of-knowledge’ that had been previously selected for transmission, were indicated by means of inexactitudes in the Law of Sevenfoldness, chiefly in the inexactitudes of the LAWFUL movements of the participants in the given ceremonies. BTG XXX
“Let us suppose that according to the character and purpose of some building or other it is required that from the interiors of the given building, in accordance with the Law of Sevenfoldness and with the mechanical practice of centuries, definite sensations must be evoked in a certain LAWFUL sequence. BTG XXX
“Then utilizing the law of Daivibrizkar they combined the interiors of this proposed building in such a way that the required sensations were evoked in the beings who entered them, not in the anticipated familiar LAWFUL sequence but in some other order. BTG XXX
“And it was just in these deviations from the LAWFUL sequence of sensations that they placed whatever they wished in a certain way. BTG XXX
“Now hear in just which way the learned beings then in Babylon belonging to the group of painters indicated various useful information and fragments of the knowledge they had attained, in the LAWFUL inexactitudes of the great cosmic law then called the Law of Sevenfoldness, by means of the combinations of the mentioned seven independent definite colors and other secondary tonalities ensuing from them. BTG XXX
“So, whenever the Babylonian learned painters wove or embroidered with colored threads or colored their productions, they inserted the distinctions of the tonalities of the colors in the crosslines as well as in the horizontal lines and even in the intersecting lines of color, not in the LAWFUL sequence in which this process really proceeds, in accordance with the Law of Sevenfoldness, but otherwise; and in these also LAWFUL ‘otherwises’, they placed the contents of some or other information or knowledge. BTG XXX
“And so, during their dances, in the movements LAWFUL in their accordance with each other, these learned dancers inserted intentional inexactitudes, also LAWFUL, and in a certain way indicated in them the information and knowledge which they wished to transmit. BTG XXX
“The learned beings belonging to this group indicated all that was requisite in the LAWFUL inexactitudes allowed by them in connection with what was then called the ‘Law of Dimensions’. BTG XXX
“The facial dimensions of every three-centered being in general and also the facial dimensions of the three-centered beinbeings of the planet Earth who have taken your fancy, are the result of the dimensions of seven different fundamental parts of the whole of his body, and the dimension of each separate part of the face is the result of seven different dimensions of the whole face. For instance, the dimensions of the nose of any being are derived from the dimensions of the other parts of the face, and on this nose in its turn there are actualized seven definite what are called ‘surfaces’ and these surfaces also have seven LAWFUL dimensions down to the said atom itself of this face of theirs, which as I have said is one of the seven independent dimensions composing the dimensions of the whole planetary body. BTG XXX
“In the deviations from these LAWFUL dimensions, the learned sculptors among the members of the Adherents-of-Legominism then in the city of Babylon indicated all kinds of useful information and fragments of knowledge already known to them which they intended to transmit to the beings of remote generations. BTG XXX
“The learned members of the club of the Adherents-of-Legominism belonging to this group then in Babylon, indicated what they wished in the movements and in the actions of the participants in the mysteries in the following way: “For instance, suppose that in order to fulfill his role in the given mystery, according to LAWFUL associations, a participant evoked in one or another of his ‘brains’ some new impression or other, he was bound to react by some or other definite manifestation or movement; but he would intentionally produce this manifestation or movement not as he ought to have produced it, according to the Law of Sevenfoldness, but otherwise, and in these ‘otherwises’ they inserted in a certain way whatever they considered necessary for transmission to distant generations. BTG XXX
“Not only absolutely nothing whatever reached them of all the various fragments of general knowledge already then known on the Earth, which the learned beings the Adherents-of-Legominism indicated in LAWFUL divergencies from the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, or, as they called it the Law of Sevenfoldness, but in the interval of time between these two civilizations of theirs their being-rumination has so deteriorated that they now already do not know nor even suspect the existence of such an all-universal law on their planet. BTG XXX
“Thanks to their chief particularity, namely, to the ‘periodic-process-of-reciprocal-destruction’, there almost wholly disappeared from amongst the ordinary beings there, soon after the period of the ‘Babylonian-magnificence’, not only the Legominism concerning the keys to the LAWFUL inexactitudes in the Law of Sevenfoldness contained in each of the branches of the ‘being-Afalkalna’ and ‘Soldjinoha’, but, as I have already told you, there gradually also disappeared even the very notion of the Universal Law of the holy Heptaparaparshinokh, which in Babylon they then called the Law of Sevenfoldness. BTG XXX
“In this Europe still several other inquiring beings noticed from time to time LAWFUL inexactitudes in the works of various branches of art which had reached them from ancient times; but no sooner did they find the key to the understanding of these inexactitudes than their existence came to an end. BTG XXX
“This specific particularity of theirs is that whenever one or other of the mentioned beings, namely, of the beings who notice in various productions which have reached them from ancient times some very ‘LAWFUL illogicality’ and begin to produce the given branch in quite a new manner, perhaps in order to make the said LAWFUL illogicality practically clear to himself, then most of the beings around him belonging to the profession of the same branch at once become his followers and begin doing supposedly the same thing but of course without either aim or sense. BTG XXX
“Only thanks to the single fact that your favorites, especially the contemporary ones, do not know at all and even do not suspect the necessity of at least adapting their famous education to the said subconsciousness of their offspring, but that they always and in everything intentionally assist every one of the rising generation to perceive impressions only from the abnormally artificial, then thanks only to this, when every one of them reaches the age of a responsible being all his being-judgments and all his deductions from them are always purely peculiarly-subjective in him and have no connection not only with the genuine being-impulses arising also in him, but also neither with those general cosmic LAWFUL phenomena, to sense which by Reason is proper to every three-brained being, and by means of which there is established that connection between all the three-brained beings of all our Great Universe for the collective fulfilment of the common universal functioning, for which purpose everything existing in the Universe just exists. BTG XXXII
“The point is that not being used up for their predetermined purpose, the said definite cosmic crystallizations become, during certain displacements of their atmosphere, concentrated in certain of their atmospheric strata, and entering into them from time to time – dependently on various external surrounding conditions and also on the inner state of the common presences of your favorites, which by the way arises in them chiefly from the form of their mutual relationship – just into them as into apparatuses foreseen by Nature in general for the transformation of cosmic substances needed for serving the aims of the Most Great general-cosmic-Trogoautoegocrat, and not meeting there ‘substrata’ corresponding to the requirements of the LAWFUL process of Djartklom, they, that is these cosmic crystallizations, during their subsequent free completed evolutions or involutions for passing into other crystallizations proper to this planet and before completing their transformations, produce upon planetary bodies, thanks already to other accidental factors, that action by which such a mentioned specific disease newly arisen there is characterized. BTG XXXII
“‘These Russians moreover correspond ideally to this peculiar bird turkey, as the following considerations of mine show: “‘Arising and being formed on the continent Asia, but chiefly owing to a clean heredity, organic as well as psychic, forged in the course of many centuries in conditions of existence obtained on the said continent, they become, in all respects, the possessors of the nature of Asiatic people, and consequently they should also at the present time be crows. But in view of the fact that in recent times they have all been striving hard to become Europeans and have with intent been thoroughly stuffing themselves accordingly, they, thereby, little by little, are ceasing to be crows; and as, according to several undoubtedly LAWFUL data, they cannot turn into real peacocks, they, leaving the ‘crows’ behind and not yet reaching to the ‘peacocks’, are in themselves as I have said, ideally turkeys. BTG XXXIV
“These processes of theirs, if they had even but a little improved the existence of beings of subsequent generations, then perhaps, from the point of view of a strictly impartial observer, they might even not have appeared to be so terrifying, yet to the misfortune of all three-brained beings of our Great Universe, the calamity is just in this that as soon as the ‘blissful action’ of this cosmic LAWFUL manifestation ceases, and these terrifying processes come to an end, then there again begins the old story and their ordinary being-existence becomes ‘more bitter’ than before, and, parallel with this, there also deteriorates what is called their ‘sane-awareness-of-the-sense-and-aim-of-their-existence’. BTG XXXIV
“Further, again from the sacred canticle of our cherubim and seraphim, but this time the fifth sacred canticle we were worthy of learning that after this Divine ascertainment of HIS, our ENDLESSNESS devoted HIMSELF entirely to finding a possibility of averting such an inevitable end, which had to occur according to the LAWFUL commands of the merciless Heropass, and that after HIS long Divine deliberations, HE decided to create our present existing ‘Megalocosmos’. BTG XXXIX
“‘And this psycho-organic particularity in our Persian people by the way is that the feeling of the husband’s infidelity never arises in any of the LAWFUL wives concerning his other LAWFUL wives. BTG XLII
“If they would attain the abolition of these two practices which have already become firmly fixed in the process of their abnormal ordinary being-existence, then, thanks to the abolition of the first, they would eradicate forever the greater part of those ‘automatic factors’ which make the psyche of the growing generation also predisposed to be subject to that special property on account of which they always fall into that state into which it has already become without fail habitual for them to fall during these processes; and thanks to the second they would help towards this, that there might not reach to the beings of future times at least one of those idiotic ideas from the number of already without this sufficiently numerous similar ideas constantly arising there, which are transmitted from generation to generation as ‘something’ LAWFUL and indubitable and which all together are partly the cause of the formation in their presences of those properties not one of which is becoming to three-centered beings of our Great Megalocosmos and among the number of which there belongs also that property inherent in them alone which engenders in them even ‘doubt in the existence of Divinity’; and owing chiefly to this doubt there has almost entirely disappeared from their common presences the possibility of the precipitation of those data which should without fail be precipitated in the presences of all three-brained beings, the totality of which data engenders in them the impulse, called the ‘instinctive sensing’, of those certain cosmic truths, which are always felt even by all one-centered and two-centered beings, wherever they might breed in the whole of the Universe. BTG XLIII