
“‘”And precisely their parents, husbands, and guardians should be blamed and despised who have allowed the arising in them during their age preparatory to adult being – while as yet they have not their own good sense – of the property called LAZINESS. BTG XLII

“‘”Although at this age this LAZINESS is as yet only automatic in them, and young people have not to make very great efforts to overcome it, and are able in consequence, on acquiring their own good sense, not to allow it to gain complete control of them, yet nevertheless, as regards the organization of women’s psyche, the active principle must, owing to results not dependent on our will but ensuing from World-laws, unfailingly participate i in every initiative and in every good manifestation of theirs. BTG XLII

“‘”And it is just precisely in the early years of the adult life of these contemporary unfortunate prospective women-mothers – thanks to the various ideas of the people of contemporary civilization concerning ‘equal rights for women’ existing there under the catchwords ‘equal rights’, ‘equal opportunities’, etc…. ideas which are now already widespread everywhere on the Earth, which are naive to the understanding of a man who has lived his life normally, and which are unconsciously accepted also by the majority of contemporary men – that these contemporary not yet completely formed prospective women-mothers, on the one hand, not having around them the law-conformable, requisite sources of the active principle, such as their parents, guardians and husbands, to whom the responsibility for them passes from the moment of marriage, and on the other hand thanks to the intensive process of imagination and enthusiasms which is proper to proceed in them and which is also in this transitional age foreordained by nature according to Law for the purpose of better actualizing the data for the development of their good sense, they, as it were, gradually absorb the said automatic LAZINESS into their very nature, and this LAZINESS remains in their nature, as a progressive and indispensable necessity. BTG XLII