When Beelzebub had in this way heard the contents of the LEITOOCHANBROS handed to him, he turned to his grandson and said: “You see, my boy, what coincidences occur in our Great Universe.BTG XXIII
After Beelzebub had listened to the contents of the LEITOOCHANBROS and had put it by the side of the “Sinooa” near him, that is something similar to our etagere, he again deeply sighed and continued to speak as follows: “It would be only half a calamity for our common Megalocosmos, if the abnormalities of the ordinary existence of the three-brained beings of this planet of yours had all kinds of bad consequences only for them themselves, that is, for the three-brained beings, which they are, and also for the possibilities of completely perfecting themselves with those higher being-bodies which have already had the extreme misfortune to arise within them or which will arise within them in the future.BTG XLV