“And according to this elucidation, it turned out that that three-brained being who was the first to give the beginning of the crystallizing of that maleficent idea was a certain MAKARY Kronbernkzion whose higher being-part perfected to the required gradation of Reason had not only become worthy to go to the holy planet, but was even already considered one of the first candidates to be taken on to the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute. BTG XLIV
“‘To leave in abeyance the first common-planetary sentence which was passed concerning the higher-part of MAKARY Kronbernkzion and to lay at the feet of HIS ALL-MOST-GRACIOUS ENDLESSNESS the request of all the dwellers of the holy planet to mitigate this terrifying sentence’. BTG XLIV
Owing to the said command of our ALL-MOST-GRACIOUS CREATOR, the higher-part of this poor MAKARY Kronbernkzion now still exists on the holy planet and his future now depends exclusively only on the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy”. BTG XLIV
“Many impressions were a-taken in me and data crystallized for a subjective opinion, when having become interested in this story, I began among other things to make my researches and to make clear to myself also the story of the arising and formation of this same MAKARY Kronbernkzion. BTG XLIV
“If, my boy, I now initiate you into the information I learned concerning the history of the arising and process of the existence there of this MAKARY Kronbernkzion, then perhaps corresponding data would be crystallized in you for an approximate representation concerning this terrestrial fact. BTG XLIV
“I shall begin by saying that when I decided to occupy myself there with this, I then began from that time on, whenever I met any corresponding individual to inquire about everything which in totality might throw some light on one or other aspect of the individuality of this MAKARY Kronbernkzion. BTG XLIV
”This mentioned elderly being of your planet existed just on the continent Atlantis and just at that period when that MAKARY Kronbernkzion existed there also. BTG XLIV
“According to all the information I learned and also according to every other special method of my investigation, it transpired that this terrestrial three-brained being named MAKARY Kronbernkzion arose and began to exist there on the continent Atlantis from the sacred process of ‘Elmooarno’ which proceeded between two terrestrial beings there of different sex who had just reached responsible age. BTG XLIV
“Owing to the fact that this couple had a healthy heredity in every respect, and that the external conditions of ordinary being-existence in general there were still relatively normal and for this couple happened to be specially favorable, hence the result of this sacred process, that is to say, this same, according to them, ‘son’ of theirs who was later called MAKARY Kronbernkzion, already received in his presence from the beginning of his arising and during his early existence almost the same data for the Being of a future responsible being as every Keschapmartnian three-brained being should possess at his arising anywhere on any other planet of our Great Megalocosmos, and as a desire happened to arise in his producers, or as it is said there in his ‘parents’ to prepare their ‘result’ to become a responsible being with a ‘scientific career’, and as they also happened to find successful guides for him, then when this result of theirs became a responsible being, he became a very good ‘scientist’ — of course, very good for the planet Earth. BTG XLIV
“As the information I learned concerning the question — in what way the said copy of the Boolmarshano incised with his own hand by MAKARY Kronbernkzion and which I happened to decipher during my last sojourn on your planet, remained intact and reached to the contemporary epoch — will be very instructive and interesting to you, I will briefly tell you about it. BTG XLIV
“After this terrifying event, this production of the pending Saint MAKARY Kronbernkzion lay for a long time beneath the ruins and was gradually covered with ‘Kashiman’, and only after about thirty centuries, when the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy again multiplied and their process of reciprocal destruction proceeded near this place between the communities of that time named ‘Filnooanzi’ and ‘Plitazoorali’, the beings belonging to the community ‘Filnooanzi’, when digging holes to obtain drinking water for themselves and their camels, came across this copy and dug it out. BTG XLIV
“And so, my boy, when during that sixth descent of mine I learned about the beginning of that sad common-cosmic history which came about there on your planet, and when I began to investigate it on the spot during my sojourn there, and also to make clear to myself the individuality of this MAKARY Kronbernkzion, then, because a very long time had already elapsed since that event, and even every ‘Kalzanooarnian’ trace concerning the Being who was to blame for it all had absolutely vanished there, I decided to have recourse, in addition to the ordinary forms of investigation, also to this Spipsychoonalian means. BTG XLIV
“When, during my investigations concerning the actions and personality of this MAKARY Kronbernkzion, it seemed probable that there still existed on the surface of that planet ‘something’ which had a close connection with him, I just began to look for that ‘something’ also in the said manner. BTG XLIV
“Having learned in this way that the aforesaid Aisorian priest possessed the half I referred to of the copy of the original Boolmarshano created personally by MAKARY Kronbernkzion, and likewise having learned that the same Aisorian priest existed on the continent Asia in the locality called ‘Urmia’, I went there and, having found him, soon made it clear that indeed he had a very ancient and, as he expressed it, ‘shapeless large ivory mass’ which he himself considered very antique and valuable. BTG XLIV
“And so, my boy! After I had found both of these halves of the copy of the creation of the pending Saint MAKARY Kronbernkzion by the aforesaid means, and took them to the city of the country now called ‘Turkestan’ in which at that period I had the chief place of my existence, I began to decipher the inscriptions and incisions on the Boolmarshano of the scientific thesis by MAKARY Kronbernkzion under the title of ‘The Affirming and Denying Influences on Man’. BTG XLIV
“When we return home, I shall without fail try to recall and tell you as nearly as possible word for word the whole contents of this great production of the Reason and, as is said, of the ‘hand’ of a three-brained being, but meanwhile I will expound to you only that part of it in which MAKARY Kronbernkzion first employed the notion of ‘Good and Evil’, signifying by these words those forces which are just the basis for the formation of the presence as well as of the flowing state of every separate relatively independent cosmic arising, and also of course of every being. BTG XLIV
“And so, my boy, it was in this sense and in this meaning that the words ‘Good’ and ‘Evil’ were first used by this unfortunate MAKARY Kronbernkzion. BTG XLIV
“Thanks to the aforesaid Boolmarshano of his and according to other data elucidated by me there on the spot, there was crystallized in me, both concerning MAKARY Kronbernkzion himself and everything else, my own special opinion, entirely different from the one which the righteous dwellers of the holy planet expressed as a result of all their researches, which although wise were not direct. BTG XLIV
“I repeat, although the idea of ‘external Good and Evil’ first arose there thanks to the individuality of that MAKARY Kronbernkzion, yet he was, in my opinion, not to blame for it having taken such a maleficent form. BTG XLIV