In view of this request of Ashiata Shiemash, and also of the modest and cognoscent existence of Beelzebub himself, our MAKER CREATOR pardoned him and gave him permission to return to the place of his arising. 258 II

“All that can be said is that these bird-beings have hearts exactly like those of the angels nearest our ENDLESS MAKER AND CREATOR. 584 X

“‘First of all to lay a petition at the feet of our MAKER CREATOR that HE in HIS Providence should send to the three-brained beings of the planet Earth a Messenger from Above with data corresponding to such a Reason as could on the spot find a possibility of uprooting this maleficent idea; and secondly, in view of the fact that the actualization on the surface of this planet of such a maleficent idea was and until now is the fundamental cause of all the terrifying misfortune for the sacred higher being-parts arising there, to venture with contrition to request our COMMON FATHER not to allow the higher being-part of that terrestrial three-brained being who was the cause of the arising there of a maleficent idea to be taken on the holy planet, even if this higher being-body is perfected to the required gradation of Sacred Reason, but to doom it to exist eternally on the planet Remorse-of-Conscience’. 6790 XLIV

This Hymn consists of the following words: Thou Long Patient CREATOR Of ALL That Breathes, Thou Abundantly LOVING CAUSE Of ALL That Exists, Thou Unique VANQUISHER Of The Merciless Heropass, Now To The Sounds Of Our Glorifying Only Rejoice And Abide In Beatitude. By Thy Unprecedented Labors Thou Hast Given Us The Beginning Of Our Arisings, By Thy Vanquishing Of The Heropass Have We Obtained The Possibility Of Perfecting Ourselves To The Sacred Anklad. And Now Only Rest, As Merited, And We, In Gratitude, Will Maintain All That Thou Hast Created And Always And In All Things Will Extol Thee Forever, Extol Thee MAKER-CREATOR Thou, The Beginning Of All Ends, Thou, Proceeding From Infinity, Thou, Having The End Of All Things Within Thyself, Thou, Our ENDLESS ENDLESSNESS. 7057 XLVII