man number six

“Once again let us take the idea man. In the language of which I speak, instead of the word ‘man,’ seven words are used, namely: man number one, man number two, man number three, man number four, man number five, MAN NUMBER SIX, and man number seven. With these seven ideas people are already able to understand one another when speaking of man. Fragments: Four

Man number six stands very close to man number seven. He differs from man number seven only by the fact that some of his properties have not as yet become permanent. Fragments: Four

“The knowledge of man number four is a very different kind of knowledge. It is knowledge which comes from man number five, who in turn receives it from MAN NUMBER SIX, who has received it from man number seven. But, of course, man number four assimilates of this knowledge only what is possible according to his powers. But, in comparison with man number one, man number two, and man number three, man number four has begun to get free from the subjective elements in his knowledge and to move along the path towards objective knowledge. Fragments: Four

“The knowledge of MAN NUMBER SIX is the complete knowledge possible to man; but it can still be lost. Fragments: Four