“During these periods the second also quite independent group of three-brained beings of your planet also dwelt on that continent Ashhark, on that part which was then called the country MARALPLEICIE. 1121 BTG XIX
“And when, shortly afterwards, the continent Atlantis entered within the planet and this learned Akhaldan member had no longer any place to return to, he remained to exist with these hunters in that future MARALPLEICIE. 1313 BTG XX
“Here it must without fail be noticed that the beings of MARALPLEICIE then only had a passion for chewing those seeds of the mentioned surplanetary formation which had without fail to be gathered at the time of what is called ‘ripeness’. 1324 BTG XX
“Thanks to these measures of his, the chewing of the said seeds seemed to diminish in the country of MARALPLEICIE; but after a very short time it was discovered that the number of those who chewed had only seemingly diminished; in reality, they were even more than before. 1328 BTG XX
“When I first came to the country of MARALPLEICIE, all the three-brained beings of that country were followers of a ‘religion’ based on the just-mentioned ingenious ‘religious-doctrine’, and this ‘religion’ was then in full bloom. 1360 BTG XX
“But of course owing once again to the strangeness of the psyche of your favorites, his invention had taken such a strong hold there, that not a single being in the whole country of MARALPLEICIE then doubted the truth of its peculiar tenets. 1362 BTG XX
“It must be noticed that although the custom of Sacrificial-Offerings was also flourishing at that period in the country of MARALPLEICIE, it was not on the large scale on which it had flourished in the country Tikliamish. 1364 BTG XX
“Not only did the inhabitants of the city itself go there, but also all the visitors from the whole of MARALPLEICIE. 1379 BTG XX
“The result of it all was that there in the country of MARALPLEICIE, not only were Sacrificial-Offerings indeed diminished, but they even began to treat the beings of other forms with unprecedented attention. 1390 BTG XX
“We finally arrived at a small town called ‘Arguenia’ which in those days was considered the most remote point of the country MARALPLEICIE. 1421 BTG XX
“If only it had all continued like that, it would have been very good; but here as well, just as in the country MARALPLEICIE, they soon began, as is proper to them, to wiseacre and to manifest all kinds of comical aspects of their Havatvernoni. 1533 BTG XXI
“During this time, that is to say, between my fourth and fifth visits, great changes occurred to the surface of your planet; many changes also occurred there in the concentrations of the places of settlement of these favorites of yours. For example, all those centers-of-culture of theirs on the continent Ashhark where I had been in person during my previous descents upon the Earth, namely, the countries of Tikliamish and MARALPLEICIE, had by the time of my fifth arrival there entirely ceased to exist. 1895 BTG XXIV
“Such depressions were also the two countries of the continent Ashhark upon which the process of existence was chiefly concentrated of the second and third groups of beings of contemporary Asia, that is to say, the main parts of the countries Tikliamish and MARALPLEICIE. 1901 BTG XXIV
“As for the beings populating the country MARALPLEICIE one part wandered eastwards, while the rest, the major part, went towards the west. 1908 BTG XXIV
“And that part of the beings of MARALPLEICIE who sought safety by moving to the west, after wandering from place to place, ultimately reached the neighboring continent, later called ‘Europe’, and the three-brained beings who then still existed in the middle of the continent Grabontzi dispersed over the whole of the surface. 1910 BTG XXIV
“And the numbers of your favorites on that continent Europe only increased when emigrants from MARALPLEICIE, wandering from one place to another, finally arrived and settled there. 2406 BTG XXIX
“One of these three medical means which does sometimes nevertheless produce a useful reaction is that substance, or, more strictly speaking, those active elements entering into it, which the beings of MARALPLEICIE learned how to obtain from the plant poppy and which they were the first to call opium. 3101 BTG XXXI
“This ‘abnormal’ particular property of their psyche was first constated by the learned beings of the city Gob of the country MARALPLEICIE; and even then they made it a serious and detailed branch of science which spread over the whole of the planet under the name of ‘non-responsible-manifestations-of-personality’. 3164 BTG XXXII
During the period of the Tikliamishian civilization, when the learned beings from the country of MARALPLEICIE first discovered the possibility of such combinations in their common psyche and tried to put one another at will into that special state, they soon found out and understood how to obtain it with the help of what is called being-hanbledzoin, that cosmic substance whose essence the three-brained beings of contemporary civilization came close to understanding, and which they named animal magnetism. 3202 BTG XXXII
“Do you remember, I already told you that on the continent of Asia there was a country MARALPLEICIE and that a King existed there by name Konuzion, a descendant of that learned member of the Society of Akhaldans, who had gone there from Atlantis for the observation of all kinds of natural phenomena of their planet, just that same King who had invented for his subjects the ‘wise tale’ already mentioned by me in order to save them from the pernicious habit of chewing the seeds of the flower ‘Goolgoolian’. 4760 BTG XL
“Well then, to the grandson of this King Konuzion, after the arising of an heir who later also became king over the beings of this group, there arose just these same two results of the male sex, twins, the elder of whom was called ‘Choon-Kil-Tez’ and the younger ‘Choon-Tro-Pel’. The word ‘Choon’ then in the country MARALPLEICIE meant ‘prince’. 4762 BTG XL
“The period of their preparatory age and the early years of their responsible existence were spent in the town Gob, in the country MARALPLEICIE, but when this part of the surface of your planet began to be buried under sand, they were both among the number of those refugees who went East. 4768 BTG XL
“This group of three-brained beings, refugees from the country MARALPLEICIE, among whom were also these two twin brothers, later great learned beings, crossed the Eastern heights of MARALPLEICIE and then settled on the shores of a great water-space. 4770 BTG XL
“The history of the constatation of the existence there on your planet of this sound is as follows: “It was first discovered by that learned member of the society Akhaldan which existed on the continent Atlantis who was a progenitor of these same learned twin brothers and who, do you remember, I have already told you, chanced to meet the first settlers of the country MARALPLEICIE and was later elected by them as their chief. 5135 BTG XL
“There on the continent America, the very same is occurring with the consumption of alcohol as occurred with the chewing of the seeds of the poppy by the beings of the country MARALPLEICIE. 5636 BTG XLII
“The difference is that in the country of MARALPLEICIE the beings were then addicted to the use of at least genuine poppy seeds, whereas in America the beings now consume any liquid that comes their way, provided only that it bears the name of some alcoholic liquid existing somewhere on their planet. 5637 BTG XLII
“And another difference is, that in respect of concealing their consumption of the prohibited product from government eyes, the contemporary beings now breeding on the continent America are not by any means so naive as were the beings of the MARALPLEICIE epoch. 5638 BTG XLII
“As a parallel to this contemporary means of preserving products for one’s first being-food in hermetically sealed vessels, let us take as an example that means of preserving which I personally have witnessed in the country MARALPLEICIE. 5829 BTG XLII
“It was just at the time when the beings of the locality of MARALPLEICIE were vying in everything with the beings of the country Tikliamish and were engaged in a fierce rivalry with them that the beings of all other countries should consider their country the first and foremost ‘center of culture’. 5830 BTG XLII
“Those beings of MARALPLEICIE, however, preserved their edible products sealed hermetically not in ‘poison-exuding tin cans’, such as the contemporary beings of the continent America use, but in what were then called ‘Sikharenenian vessels’. 5832 BTG XLII
“Those Sikharenenian vessels in MARALPLEICIE were prepared from very finely ground, what are called there ‘mother-of-pearl’, ‘yolks of hen’s eggs’, and a glue obtained from the fish named the Choozna sturgeon. 5833 BTG XLII
“In spite of all the obvious advantages of preserving products in such vessels, yet nevertheless, when certain beings with Reason in the country MARALPLEICIE constated that in those beings who habitually used products preserved in this way there was gradually atrophied what is celled ‘organic shame’, then, having succeeded in widely spreading among the other ordinary beings information about this constation of theirs, all the other surrounding beings, similar to them, gradually ceased to employ this method, and eventually it was so completely dropped from common use that even the knowledge that such a method had ever existed failed even to reach the fifth or sixth generation after them. 5835 BTG XLII