
the active MENTATION in a being and the useful results of such active MENTATION are in reality actualized exclusively only with the equal-degree functionings of all his three localizations of the results spiritualized in his presence, called thinking-center, feeling-center, and moving-motor-center 1172; and 1162 1165

active: 55 591 661 807 813 833 922 1056 1151 1156 1165-6 1171

concerning the Reason-of-knowing and the Reason-of-understanding 1166-72

in every three-brained being, there can be crystallized data for three independent kinds of being-MENTATION, the totality of the engendered results of which expresses the gradation of his Reason 769-70; see reason

the process of the MENTATION of every creature, especially man, flows exclusively in accordance with the law of association 15; and 21 42 52 150 228 481 591 633 1153 1162 1185; see association

man has in general two kinds of MENTATION: MENTATION by thought, in which words, always possessing a relative sense, are employed; and the other kind, which is proper to all animals as well as to man, MENTATION by form 15ff.; consider also 738-9 1212-3

I shall expound my thoughts intentionally in such a sequence and with such logical confrontation that the essence of certain real notions may automatically go into the subconscious and there bring about results which a man ought to have from his own conscious MENTATION 24-5; and v 17-8 21 42 1184; consider also 1056 1165-6

owing to his callow and therefore still impetuous MENTATION with unequally flowing associations, that is, based on a limited understanding 52

in spite of your having been created three-brained with possibilities of a logical MENTATION, yet you do not use this sacred property of yours for the purpose for which it was foreordained, but manifest it as cunning 195

logical MENTATION 286 312 337 423 436 457 491632-4 654 661 736-71181; bob-tailed logical MENTATION 861; distorted Aimnophnian MENTATION 775-7

being-Partkdolg-duty, thanks only to the results of which what is called sane comparative MENTATION as well as the possibility of conscious active manifestation can arise in beings from various associations 480-1

sane MENTATION 286 339 423 481 694 732 736 819-20 1165

since it is impossible for all three-brained beings to exist without the process of MENTATION and since your favorites wish to have the possibility of indulging in their evil god self-calming they then gradually and very efficiently accustom themselves that a sort of thinking should proceed in them purely automatically, entirely without the participation of any being-effort of their own; their thoughts flow in all directions without any intentional exertion of any part whatsoever of their presence 1059-60; consider also 43 450 553 738-9 775-7 857 861 870 1049 1053 1062 1184 1190 1192 1200 1234

there never occurs in their MENTATION the process called to ponder 1049

the future normal MENTATION of their children depends exclusively upon whether they do or do not contract this disease, onanism 1008

form of MENTATION of Mullah Nassr Eddin 290 922 and 32 45 274 425 451 527 596 660 841 1042 1047-8 1210 1213 1224

Being-MENTATION: 55 150 312 450-1 527 553 596 634 661 695 736 738 769 819-20 857 1153