
“His METHODS were so varied and at the same time so reasonable that even those of his ‘subjects-beings ‘ in whom the said consequences had already been crystallized could not help respecting him, although they added to his name, of course behind his back, the nickname ‘Archcunning ‘. BTG XV

“But for the three-brained beings of the passive sex, or, as they are called, ‘women’, the said anti-natural METHODS proved to be not sufficiently satisfying, and so the poor ‘women orphans’ of that time, being already then more cunning and inventive than the men there, began to seek out and accustom beings of other forms of the given place to be their ‘partners’. BTG XXIII

“The Very Saintly Ashiata Shiemash was the only Messenger sent from Above to your planet who succeeded by His holy labors in creating on that planet conditions in which the existence of its unfortunate beings somewhat resembled for a certain time the existence of the three-brained beings of the other planets of our great Universe on which beings exist with the same possibilities; and He was also the first on that planet Earth, who for the mission preassigned to Him refused to employ for the three-brained beings of that planet the ordinary METHODS which had been established during centuries by all the other Messengers from Above. BTG XXV

“Strictly speaking, the capacity to cook up ‘fantastic sciences’ and to devise new METHODS for ordinary being-existence there, did not pass from the ancient Greeks to the beings of that contemporary Germany alone; the same capacity was perhaps no less also inherited by the beings of another contemporary community, also an independent one, and also in her turn enjoying dominion. BTG XXIX

“I may say that I already had a very wide experience in this specialty, having during my previous elucidation of certain subtle points of the psyche of individual favorites of yours many times had recourse to METHODS used there by such a kind of physician. BTG XXXII

“It is lucky that they still do not know — and it must be hoped that they never will know — other METHODS besides the one first discovered by the beings of the community Italy, the abbot Pedrini and the doctor Bambini, namely, the gazing at a shining brilliant object, by means of which method, as I have already told you, certain of them can indeed be brought into such a mentioned ‘concentrated state’. ” BTG XXXII

“‘And they concoct this “melange” in the following way: the branch of the firm here, advertising itself well by American METHODS, is already widely known to my compatriots, and therefore, many of them, owing to always their same “vanity” and to other weaknesses, proper by the way to those beings of whom my compatriots mostly consist, always order their so-called fashionable dresses from this branch here, and the branch here sends to them “from the capital of the world” “real French models”. BTG XXXVII

“It is very interesting to notice further that just as formerly the Russian czar was supplied by his nearest old patriarchal functionaries with a great quantity of what is called ‘money’, obtained by the sweat of the peasants, and was sent to the continent of Europe to study in the various communities there a great number of METHODS of government, in order that when he returned he might the better orientate himself in the ruling of his community; so likewise these present callow Turkish rulers were also provided by their own ‘patriarchal’ fathers with much ‘money’, this time however obtained by the sweat of the ‘Khaivansanansaks’, and also sent to the continent Europe to receive there what they call a ‘good education’ for the future welfare of their fatherland. BTG XXXVIII

“Among those unimportant fragments which automatically reached most of the contemporary favorites of yours there are, firstly, several METHODS of separating from the Polormedekhtian product named opium certain of its independent active elements; secondly, what is called ‘the law of combination of colors’; and thirdly, what is called, the ‘seven-toned scale of sound’. BTG XL

“As regards the first of the enumerated three fragments of the practical results attained by the Reason of three-brained beings of this ancient China and which reached to your contemporary favorites, it is necessary to tell you that in consequence of the fact that certain of the constituent parts of this whole product called there opium became from then on — thanks to the special properties of their agreeable action on the abnormal general-psyche of the beings — to be continuously used by them, therefore the knowledge of many METHODS of getting certain of its independent active elements began to be transmitted from generation to generation and reached down to your contemporary favorites. BTG XL

“The last time I was on your planet I heard that the contemporary learned beings of the community Germany found, as it were, METHODS of separating several other independent active elements from opium. BTG XL

“And so, when I inquired about the METHODS of the gas and electric lighting in this underground kingdom of his, he related to me the following: “‘The causes of the origin of these two kinds of lighting are entirely different, and each of these two kinds of lighting has its own independent story. BTG XLI

“In addition to the fact that this maleficent invention was and still is one of the chief factors in the said disharmonization now proceeding in them themselves and also in almost all the beings of the other continents — who, by the way, have already begun in recent times very jealously imitating them in all their peculiar METHODS of ‘assisting’ their transformatory functioning — your favorites thanks to this invention of theirs, now striving to fulfill even this inevitable being function of theirs with the greatest possible sensation of pleasant tranquillity, have got, as it were, a new incentive for the jealous service of their god ‘self-calming’, which as I have already said more than once, has been and still is for them almost the chief evil engendering and evoking all the abnormalities of their psyche as well as of their ordinary being-existence. BTG XLII

“The contemporary unfortunate three-brained beings in general who breed on your planet are, of course. Not aware, nor for causes already explained to you, have they in themselves the possibility of reflecting, that their remote ancestors of various past ages, who were much more normally formed into responsible beings, must have ‘racked their brains’, as is said, ‘not a little’ to discover means for minimizing the time spent on this inevitable being-necessity of feeding themselves with products, and having found such apparently expedient METHODS, they every time, after a brief trial of them, eventually became convinced that these products, of whatever kind and however they might be preserved, always deteriorated with time and became worthless for their first-food; and hence they ceased to employ these METHODS in the process of their ordinary existence. BTG XLII

“On this continent Asia there have existed throughout almost all the ages all kinds of METHODS for preserving edible products for a long time, and even now several of these METHODS exist there which have come down to the contemporary beings from their very remote ancestors. BTG XLII

“But of all these METHODS not one was so harmful for the beings themselves as this method invented by these contemporary beings of the continent America, namely, the preserving of products in poison-exuding tin cans. BTG XLII

“In order that you may better evaluate the significance of this invention of those contemporary beings breeding on the continent America, and which is, as it were, the real outcome of contemporary civilization, I do not consider it superfluous to inform you also of the METHODS of preserving several other products for a long time, which METHODS are now in use among the beings of the continent Asia. BTG XLII

“I repeat, my boy, that there on your planet, the beings of past epochs, especially those breeding on this continent of Asia, had already many times attempted to use various METHODS of preserving products for a long time, and it always ended as follows: first of all, certain persons, thanks to their conscious or accidental observations, discovered the undesirable and harmful consequences of this kind of practice both for themselves and for those near them; and then, they communicated this to all the other beings, who, having also made observations with as much impartiality as possible towards themselves, also became convinced of the correctness of these deductions; and ultimately, they all ceased to employ these practices in the process of their existence. BTG XLII

“My sons soon became so attached to him that they never left his side even during the execution of his strict duties concerning my observatory, and even under these conditions the good Pooloodjistius constantly enlightened their Reason and gave them practical explanations about all the observations on the concentrations, the METHODS of studying their mutual influence, and the significance of these influences themselves. BTG XLIV

“Although I said that the second half had not yet had time during that period to enter deeply into that planet, yet nevertheless it did enter so deep that it was impossible to obtain it by ordinary METHODS. BTG XLIV

The fundamental evil among contemporary people is chiefly that, owing to the rooted and widespread abnormal METHODS of education of the rising generation, this fourth personality which should be present in everybody on reaching responsible age is entirely missing in them; and almost all of them consist only of the three enumerated parts, which parts, moreover, are formed arbitrarily of themselves and anyhow. In other words, almost every contemporary man of responsible age consists of nothing more nor less than simply a “hackney carriage”, and one moreover, composed as follows: a broken-down carriage “which has long ago seen its day”, a crock of a horse, and, on the box, a tatterdemalion, half-sleepy, half-drunken coachman whose time designated by Mother Nature for self-perfection passes while he waits on a corner, fantastically daydreaming, for any old chance passenger. The first passenger who happens along hires him and dismisses him just as he pleases, and not only him but also all the parts subordinate to him. BTG XLVIII

“And each and all claim immutability and infallibility for the METHODS they employ for grafting these branches on to the main trunk, called man’s personality. BTG XLVIII