
“At that time of the day we usually made a halt to feed our quadruped workers, and so we asked the MONKS to allow us to make our necessary halt in the shelter of their monastery.BTG XXII

“Strange and unusual as it may seem, the beings there bearing the name MONKS did not refuse our objectively just request, but at once, and without any of the ‘swaggering’ that had become proper there to MONKS of all centuries and of all doctrines, admitted us. And we thereupon entered the very center of the sphere of the arcana of this doctrine, the kind of sphere which, from the very beginning of their arising, the beings of the planet Earth came to be very skillful in concealing from the observation even of Individuals with pure Reason. In other words, they became skillful in wiseacring something or other and in making of it, as they say, a ‘mystery’, and in so thoroughly concealing this mystery of theirs from others by all sorts of means, that even beings with Pure Reason cannot penetrate them.BTG XXII

“And when they soon found beings responding to this aim amongst what are called the ‘MONKS’ of places called ‘monasteries’ of which there were already many of that period in the environs of the town Djoolfapal, they together with these MONKS chosen by them, founded the said ‘brotherhood’.BTG XXVII

“These brethren then preached this objective truth at first chiefly among the MONKS of the mentioned monasteries-many of which, as I have already said, existed in the environs of the town itself.BTG XXVII

“But when this monk Ignatius was about to share what is called this said ‘discovery’ of his with other beings there like himself, namely, with two of his what are called comrades, MONKS — together with whom he as a specialist had been sent by his Abbot for the purpose of directing the laying of what are called the ‘foundations’ of a temple, which later became famous — then, for some trifling reason ensuing from the consequences of one of the properties of the organ Kundabufler crystallized in them called ‘envy’, he was murdered while asleep and his planetary body was thrown into the water-space surrounding that small island on which it was proposed to erect the said temple.BTG XXX

“At the present time, very many of these ‘monasteries’ exist there, and these innumerable ‘MONKS’ who enter them do indeed strictly abstain from the ejection from themselves in the customary way of the being-Exioëhary or sperm formed in them; but of course, no sensible result at all is ever obtained from this abstinence of theirs, and it is not obtained, because the thought has ceased even to enter the heads of these unfortunate ‘contemporary’ MONKS that although it is indeed possible, by means of these substances Exioëhary formed in them, to perfect themselves, yet this can proceed exclusively only if the second and third being-foods are intentionally absorbed and consciously digested in one’s presence, and this is possible exclusively only if all the parts of one’s presence have been accustomed beforehand consciously to fulfill both sacred being-Partkdolg-duties, that is to fulfill ‘conscious labors’ and ‘intentional sufferings’.BTG XXXIX

“It is however unjust to say that no sensible result at all is obtained among these MONKS there. There are even obtained among them ‘sensible results’ of two independent kinds.BTG XXXIX

“So that you may understand why these mentioned two independent kinds of results are obtained among the contemporary abstaining MONKS, I must repeat to you once again that, according to the fundamental cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, if everything in general existing in our Megalocosmos, the great as well as the small, does not receive in the process of evolution at the time of its passing through both ‘Mdnel-Ins’ of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh corresponding foreign help coming from outside, then it begins to involve back to those definite states from which it began its evolution.BTG XXXIX

“The same of course proceeds with the definite cosmic substances which are formed in the presences of these same terrestrial abstaining MONKS.BTG XXXIX

“The consequence of all this is that in the first case these terrestrial abstaining MONKS become extraordinarily, as it is usually said there, fat, and sometimes one indeed meets among these fat MONKS specimens with such an abundant deposit of fat, that they could give many points to that form of being there which they expressly fatten in order to increase this same fat in their planetary bodies, and this form of being they call there ‘pig’.BTG XXXIX

“And in the second case, on the contrary, these abstaining MONKS become, as it is also usually said there, ‘meagerthin’; and the action of the ‘Poisonioonoskirian-vibrations’ which penetrate through them is chiefly evident in their general psyche which becomes sharply dual and the manifestations of which are divided into two diametrically opposite kinds — the outer, visible and for show, sensed by everyone around them, and the inner and hidden, which the ordinary beings there, especially the contemporary, are entirely incapable of ascertaining or perceiving — namely, in their outer visible manifestations, these ‘Poisonioonoskirian-MONKS’ appear to be what your favorites would express as ‘bigots’ of a high degree; and in their hidden inner manifestations, not shown to others, what your favorites would call ‘expert cynics’, also of a high degree.BTG XXXIX

“As regards the causes why ‘Poisonioonoskirian-vibrations’ are obtained among certain of the abstaining MONKS from the involutionary process of the Exioëhary instead of the deposit of fat, there even exists one very detailed theory there about this, worked out by certain, as they are called, ‘Catholic MONKS’ who, several centuries ago, proved in great detail that this proceeds because in the first year of their existence these same ‘thin MONKS’ very zealously occupied themselves with that occupation from which ‘pimples’ — known even to medicine there — generally appear on the faces of young beings there.BTG XXXIX

“For a full representation and understanding concerning the significance of this kind of abstinence among contemporary MONKS there, it remains for me to add that of which I became convinced during my last sojourn there among them, and, namely, that already, thanks only to these consequences flowing from the involutionary process of the Exioëhary, the fixation of various consequences of the properties of the organ Kundabuffer in the common presences of these unfortunate terrestrial abstaining MONKS has become greatly facilitated and has in consequence increased”.BTG XXXIX

These bottles of this divine liquid were buried in all probability by MONKS who lived near by, far from worldly temptations, for the salvation of their souls.BTG XLVIII

It now seems to me for some reason or other that they buried these bottles there, not without some ulterior motive, and that, thanks to their what is called “intuitive perspicacity”, the data for which particularity of theirs, one must assume, was formed in them thanks to their pious lives, they foresaw that the buried divine liquid would fall into hands worthy of understanding the meaning of such things; and now indeed this liquid stimulates the owner of these hands praiseworthily to sustain and assist the better transmission to the next generation of the meaning of the ideals on which the co-operation of these MONKS was founded.BTG XLVIII