Most Great and Most Most Holy Sun Absolute

“In the beginning, when nothing yet existed and when the whole of our Universe was empty endless space with the presence of only the prime-source cosmic substance ‘Etherokrilno’, our present MOST GREAT AND MOST MOST HOLY SUN ABSOLUTE existed alone in all this empty space, and it was on this then sole cosmic concentration that our UNI-BEING CREATOR with HIS cherubim and seraphim had the place of his most glorious Being. BTG XXXIX

“And so, my boy, thanks to this new system of the reciprocal feeding of everything existing in the Universe in which our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute Itself participated, there was established in it that equilibrium which at the present time no longer gives the merciless Heropass any possibility of bringing about anything unforeseen whatsoever to our MOST GREAT AND MOST MOST HOLY SUN ABSOLUTE; and thus, the motive for the Divine anxiety of our ALMIGHTY UNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS concerning the wholeness of HIS eternal place of dwelling, disappeared forever. BTG XXXIX