“I will cite you one example only — music. Objective music is all based on ‘inner octaves.’ And it can obtain not only definite psychological results but definite physical results. There can be such music as would freeze water. There can be such music as would kill a man instantaneously. The Biblical legend of the destruction of the walls of Jericho by music is precisely a legend of OBJECTIVE MUSIC. Plain music, no matter of what kind, will not destroy walls, but OBJECTIVE MUSIC indeed can do so. And not only can it destroy but it can also build up. In the legend of Orpheus there are hints of OBJECTIVE MUSIC, for Orpheus used to impart knowledge by music. Snake charmers’ music in the East is an approach to OBJECTIVE MUSIC, of course very primitive. Very often it is simply one note which is long drawn out, rising and falling only very little; but in this single note ‘inner octaves’ are going on all the time and melodies of ‘inner octaves’ which are inaudible to the ears but felt by the emotional center. And the snake hears this music or, more strictly speaking, he feels it, and he obeys it. The same music, only a little more complicated, and men would obey it. Fragments: Fourteen
objective music