One of his chief occupations was the arranging of an “OBSERVATORY” on the planet Mars for the observation both of remote points of the Universe and of the conditions of existence of beings on neighboring planets; and this OBSERVATORY of his it may here be remarked, afterwards became well known and even famous everywhere in the Universe. BTG II
“During its motion this peculiar little planet often approached very near to our planet Mars and sometimes during whole ‘Kilprenos’ I took great pleasure in observing through my ‘Teskooano’ (‘Teskooano’ means ‘telescope’.) in my OBSERVATORY the process of existence of the three-brained beings upon it. BTG III
“Yes, I must note that by the time to which my tale refers, my first Teskooano had already been set up in the OBSERVATORY which I had constructed on the planet Mars and I was just then devoting myself entirely to the further organization and development of this OBSERVATORY of mine, for the more detailed observation of the remote concentrations of our great Universe and of the planets of this solar system. BTG X
“Here it will do no harm to remark that I also, thanks only to his learning, had later in my OBSERVATORY on the planet Mars that Teskooano which, when it was finally established, enabled my sight to perceive, or as is said, ‘approach-the-visibility ‘ of remote cosmic concentrations, 7,000,285 times. BTG XVIII
“Strictly speaking, it was owing to just this Teskooano that my OBSERVATORY was afterwards considered one of the best constructions of its kind in the whole Universe; and, most important of all, it was by means of this Teskooano that I myself thereafter could, even while staying at home on the planet Mars, relatively easily see and observe the processes of the existence occurring on the surfaces of those parts of the other planets of that solar system which in accordance with what is called the ‘common-cosmic Harmonious-Movement’ could be perceived by being-sight at the given moment. BTG XVIII
“When during these flights to him I had become convinced of his great learning, the idea once arose in me to invite him to descend on our ship Occasion to the planet Mars, in order there, on the spot, to help me personally with his knowledge in the details of arranging my OBSERVATORY which was just then being completed. BTG XXIII
“Here I might as well emphasize the fact that if this OBSERVATORY of mine afterwards became famous and indeed the best of all the constructions of its kind in the whole of the Universe, I am chiefly indebted to the learning of this same essence-friend of mine. BTG XXIII
“It was just during his stay on Mars that he devised that Teskooano, or, as your favorites call it, a ‘telescope’, thanks chiefly to which, as I have already said, my OBSERVATORY afterwards became particularly famous through the whole of the Universe. BTG XXIII
“Thanks to this Teskooano I was sometimes fully able, while seated in my house on Mars, to observe almost everything that proceeded on those parts of the surface of other planets of this solar system, which in the process of what is called the general-system-movement, were at the given time within the sphere of vision of my OBSERVATORY. BTG XXIII
“Well then, my boy, when I left that system, I presented my famous OBSERVATORY to him with everything in it, and in gratitude for this he promised to report every month, according to the time-calculation of the planet Mars, all the more important events occurring on the planets of that system. BTG XXIII
“And when he had related all he had himself seen with his own eyes, I immediately became greatly interested, because from his description of certain details of this new construction there, it seemed to me that these terrestrial beings had perhaps found a means of overcoming that inconvenience about which I myself had just previously been thinking a great deal while I was completing the construction of my OBSERVATORY on the planet Mars. BTG XXIII
“Although the OBSERVATORY which interested me was not yet quite finished, nevertheless observations of the exterior visibility of cosmic concentrations could be made from it, and the results issuing from them and the reciprocal action of these results could be studied. BTG XXIII
“In view of the fact, my boy, that this conscious ability expressed in the creation of such a construction unparalleled both before and after this period, of which I was then an eyewitness, was also the result of the attainments of the beings, members of the learned society Akhaldan, which was formed on the continent of Atlantis before the second great terrestrial catastrophe, I think it will be best, if, before continuing to explain to you further about the mentioned OBSERVATORY and other constructions erected there for the welfare of being existence, I should tell you, even though briefly, about the history of the arising there of such an indeed great learned society consisting of ordinary three-brained beings, as this learned society Akhaldan shell was on the continent of Atlantis. BTG XXIII
“Although the expectations that I had formed from all that our countrymen had told me concerning the mentioned new OBSERVATORY there, before I had seen it with my own eyes, were not justified, nevertheless, the OBSERVATORY itself and also the other constructions of the beings then of that region proved to be exceedingly ingenious and provided data for the enrichment of my common presence by a great deal of productive information for my consciousness. BTG XXIII
“And in order that you may clearly represent to yourself and understand how these various constructions were then erected by the three-brained beings of this region for the welfare of their being existence, I think it will be enough if I explain to you in as great detail as possible, how the particularity of their ingenious practical invention was manifested in respect of their new OBSERVATORY on account of which I had decided to visit that region. BTG XXIII
“The OBSERVATORY, I then saw, had five of these hollows. BTG XXIII
“They began, in relation to the horizon, from different places of the surface of the planet occupied by the OBSERVATORY, but they all met at a small underground common hollow which was something like a cave. From there the specialists, then called Astrologers, made their observations for the purpose of studying, as I have already told you, the visible presences and results of the reciprocal action of other cosmic concentrations belonging to their own solar system as well as to other systems of the Great Universe. BTG XXIII
“I repeat, my boy, that although the chief peculiarity of the OBSERVATORY constructed there by the three-brained beings of the future Egypt proved not to be new to me, since this principle had also been utilized in my OBSERVATORY on Mars, with only this difference, that my seven long pipes were fixed not within the planet but on it, nevertheless all their innovations were so interesting in detail that, for any case that might arise, I even made, during my stay there, a detailed sketch of everything I saw, and later even used something of it for my own OBSERVATORY. BTG XXIII
“And as regards the other ‘constructions’ there, I shall perhaps tell you about them in detail sometime later, but meanwhile, I will only say that all these independent constructions which were then not quite finished were situated not far from the OBSERVATORY itself, and were intended — as I elucidated during my inspection under the guidance of the constructor who accompanied us and who was a friend of one of our tribe — partly for the same purpose of observing other suns and planets of our Great Universe, and partly for determining and intentionally directing the course of the surrounding atmosphere in order to obtain the ‘climate’ desired. BTG XXIII
“Having arrived there, I settled down in the city called ‘Cairot and very soon organized the external form of my ordinary existence in such a way as to have that rest for my planetary body after the said intense and strenuous labors. “Do you remember, I already told you that I was in this Egypt for the first time during my fourth appearance on the surface of that planet of yours, where I descended for the purpose of collecting with the help of several beings of our tribe existing there, a certain number of the chance-arisen ‘freaks’ called ‘apes’; and I furthermore then told you that I inspected in that country many interesting artificial constructions, among which was also that particular OBSERVATORY, which had then interested me, for the observation of cosmic concentrations. BTG XXXIII
“I must mention here that I had always been greatly interested in these establishments of theirs, namely, those places where your favorites destroy the existence of various forms of terrestrial beings; and furthermore, from the time when I began organizing my OBSERVATORY on the planet Mars, and had to do with various machines for it I took always and everywhere a great interest in every other sort of machine as well. BTG XLII
“And so, when I began there on the planet Mars to organize my OBSERVATORY, this same learned Pooloodjistius proposed to me that I should take him in the capacity of inspector and manager of this new establishment of mine. BTG XLIV
“My sons soon became so attached to him that they never left his side even during the execution of his strict duties concerning my OBSERVATORY, and even under these conditions the good Pooloodjistius constantly enlightened their Reason and gave them practical explanations about all the observations on the concentrations, the methods of studying their mutual influence, and the significance of these influences themselves. BTG XLIV