
“As I have already said, many of us definitely settled down on the planet Mars; and others, by the ship OCCASION which had been put at the disposal of the beings of our tribe for interplanetary communication, either went or prepared to go to exist on other planets of the same solar system. 567 BTG X

“At first I tried to help them while remaining on the planet Mars, but when I became certain that it would be impossible to do anything effective from the planet Mars, I decided to descend to the planet Earth and there, on the spot, to find some way out. The next day after this decision of mine, I took with me everything necessary which I had at hand and flew there on the ship OCCASION. 702 BTG XV

“I may remind you that the ship OCCASION was the ship on which all the beings of our tribe were transported to that solar system and as I have already told you, it was left there for the use of the beings of our tribe for the purpose of interplanetary communication. 703 BTG XV

“Thus it was on this same ship OCCASION that I made my first descent to the planet Earth. 705 BTG XV

“Having descended, I went straight from the ship OCCASION to the city named ‘Samlios ‘, situated on the said continent, where that unfortunate being of our tribe, who was the cause of this descent of mine, had the place of his existence. 708 BTG XV

“But after two days it turned out that there were not sufficient beings of our tribe dwelling on the planet Earth to replace all the officials of that community; and we therefore immediately sent the OCCASION back to the planet Mars for our beings there. 759 BTG XV

“And when several days later our ship OCCASION arrived from the planet Mars with beings of our tribe, similar replacements were made in the provinces also, and soon everywhere in that community what are called the responsible posts were filled by the beings of our tribe. 761 BTG XV

“So, my boy, imbued with this, I flew the next day on the same ship OCCASION for the second time to your planet Earth. 1109 BTG XIX

“This time our ship OCCASION alighted on the sea which was newly formed by the perturbation during the second great disaster to that planet of yours, and which was called there in that period of the flow of time, ‘Kolhidious’. 1110 BTG XIX

“The OCCASION alighted on this sea Kolhidious or Caspian Sea because this sea was the most convenient for mooring our OCCASION as well as for my further travels. 1114 BTG XIX

“I therefore immediately hired several suitable beings for a great sum of money and, unbeknown to anybody else, had his planetary body removed and temporarily placed in my Selchan, that is, on my raft which was moored not far away on the river Oksoseria, and which I had not disposed of because I had intended to sail on it from there to the sea Kolhidious to our ship OCCASION. 1262 BTG XIX

“When I arrived on our ship OCCASION I found an etherogram for me from Mars in which I was informed of the arrival there of another party of beings from the planet Karatas, and that speedy return there was desired. 1267 BTG XIX

“And so, from the sea Kolhidious, I soon ascended on the ship OCCASION to the planet Mars, where our beings and several kind Martians, who had already learned of the events which had taken place on the planet Earth, paid due respect to the planetary body I had taken with me. 1270 BTG XIX

“On this third descent of mine to the planet Earth our ship OCCASION did not alight on the sea Kolhidious, which is now called there Caspian Sea, but on the sea called at that period the ‘Sea of Beneficence’. 1280 BTG XX

“And the conversation I then heard at once evoked in my mentation an association to the effect that it might be better to go to the country Pearl-land directly from here with this large caravan of these beings, rather than return the same way to the Sea of Beneficence, and from there, by means of the same ship OCCASION, to reach this country. 1434 BTG XXI

“When I was quite convinced that I had succeeded so easily in the destruction, perhaps for a long time, of that terrible practice among the beings of that group there in Pearl-land, I decided to stay there no longer but to return to the Sea of Beneficence to our ship OCCASION. 1555 BTG XXI

Having said this, and giving his face its usual expression, Beelzebub continued thus: “Through that region now called Tibet, we then continued our route, encountering hardships of every kind and finally came to the source of the river called the Keria-chi and a few days later, sailing down to the Sea of Beneficence, we came to our ship OCCASION. 1638 BTG XXII

“When during these flights to him I had become convinced of his great learning, the idea once arose in me to invite him to descend on our ship OCCASION to the planet Mars, in order there, on the spot, to help me personally with his knowledge in the details of arranging my observatory which was just then being completed. 1656 BTG XXIII

“The result of our deliberations, then, was that on the following day his chief assistant began, under his direction, to arrange a special compartment in our ship OCCASION itself, and to furnish it with every kind of adaptation and apparatus for elaborating those substances of which the atmosphere of the planet Saturn consists, and to which Gornahoor Harharkh was adapted by Nature for existence. 1660 BTG XXIII

“Well, then, upon this the fourth flight of mine to the planet Earth, our ship OCCASION descended on to the sea called the ‘Red Sea’. 1739 BTG XXIII

“And we descended upon this Sea because it washed the Eastern shores of that continent where I wished to go, namely, to that continent then called Grabontzi and now called Africa, on which those ape-beings I needed then bred more than on any other of the terra firma parts of the surface of that planet of yours; and also because this sea was at that period particularly convenient for the mooring of our ship OCCASION; but what was still more important was that on one of its sides that country was situated which was then called ‘Nilia’ and is now called Egypt, where those beings of our tribe then existed who wished to remain on that planet and with whose help I intended to collect the apes. 1740 BTG XXIII

“Well, then, having descended upon the Red Sea, we sailed from the ship OCCASION on ‘Epodrenekhs’ to the shore; and afterwards, on camels we came to that town where our beings existed and which was then the capital of the future Egypt. 1741 BTG XXIII

“Having accomplished this, I telepathically signalled our ship OCCASION which descended to us, it must be said on the first, very dark night; and when we had loaded these ape-beings into that special section of the ship OCCASION which had been constructed for Gornahoor Harharkh under his directions, we at once reascended to the planet Mars; and three Martian days later, on the same ship and together with these apes, I ascended to the planet Saturn. 1883 BTG XXIII

“Several Martian days after my decision, I again ascended there on the ship OCCASION. 1922 BTG XXIV

“This time our ship OCCASION alighted on what is called the ‘Persian Gulf’ because we had ascertained through the Teskooano before our flight that for our further traveling, that is to reach the town of Babylon, and also for the mooring of our ship OCCASION itself, the most convenient place would be that same Saliakooriapoian space of the surface of your planet now existing there under the name of the Persian Gulf. 1924 BTG XXIV

“Several Martian days later I just flew there, as always on the same ship OCCASION. 2963 BTG XXXI

“Having descended on to the locality near this Afghanistan we decided to send our ship OCCASION for mooring somewhere further from those places where your favorites had recently been breeding. 2965 BTG XXXI

“You must know that to find a suitable mooring place for our ship OCCASION on the surface of your planet has already in recent times become anything but easy, since your favorites have furnished themselves with very many kinds of contrivances for what is called ‘marine locomotion’, which contrivances they also call ships, and these ships of theirs are constantly flitting about in all directions, mostly around the continents. 2966 BTG XXXI

“We had, it is true, the possibility of making our ship OCCASION invisible to their organs of perception of visibility, but we could not annihilate its presence, and without this it could not remain stationary on the water without the constant danger that their ships might bump into it. 2967 BTG XXXI

“And so, in consequence of the fact that for a long time our ship OCCASION did not happen to go to the planet Saturn, this apparatus Alla-attapan remained at my home on the planet Mars and it often came within the sphere of the automatic perception of the organs of my sight; and during a period of rest from active mentation I attentively examined it and ultimately became familiar with all the details of its construction and action. 4854 BTG XL

“Several days after having left your planet forever, I, as always, returned on our same OCCASION to the planet Mars. 6904 BTG XLV

“Arriving there on the planet Mars we soon received a command from Above that I and all other beings of our tribe who wished to return to the place of their arising should assemble on the planet Saturn, using the ship OCCASION, on which planet that large intersystem ship Omnipresent would land which would bring us all to our destination. 6905 BTG XLV

“One part of our beings remained on the ship OCCASION itself, another found accommodation in the places offered us by the amiable beings of the planet Saturn, and I with Ahoon went to Rirkh, that is, to just that large populated center of beings there where my friend Gornahoor Harharkh existed. 6939 BTG XLV