“By the way, you should know that this same Hydrogen of theirs is just one of those seven cosmic substances which in their general totality actualize specially for the given solar system what is called the ‘inner Ansapalnian-OCTAVE’ of cosmic substances, which independent OCTAVE, in its turn, is a one-seventh independent part of the fundamental ‘common-cosmic Ansapalnian-OCTAVE’. 4828 BTG XL
“Each such an OCTAVE of strings on the Lav-Merz-Nokh gave that totality of vibrations which according to the calculations of the great twin-brothers correspond to the totality of the vibrations of all those cosmic substances which, issuing from seven separate independent sources, compose one of the seven-centers-of-gravity of the ‘fundamental common-cosmic Ansapaluian-OCTAVE’. 5002 BTG XL
“Each white string on the Lav-Merz-Nokh was tuned separately by this Chinese learned being King-Too-Toz in such a way that it gave that average number of vibrations which according to the calculations of the great brothers ought also to be in substances which arc one of the seven-centers-of-gravity of the given whole totality of substances, which in its turn is one of the seven centers of gravity of the fundamental cosmic OCTAVE of substances. 5004 BTG XL
“On the Lav-Merz-Nokh, each OCTAVE as well as each whole note of the OCTAVE had names of their own. 5006 BTG XL
“And, namely, the highest OCTAVE of the strings was called ‘Arachiaplnish’, The second highest ‘Erkrordiapan’ The third highest ‘Erordiapan’ The fourth highest ‘Chorortdiapan’ The fifth highest ‘Piandjiapan’ The sixth highest ‘Vetserordiapan’ The seventh highest ‘Okhterordiapan’ 5008 BTG XL
“And the ‘gravity-center-strings’ themselves were painted white and were called the same in all OCTAVEs, but with the addition of the name of the given OCTAVE itself. “And, namely, these whole notes were called thus: The first highest ‘Adashtanas’ The second highest ‘Evotanas’ The third highest ‘Govorktanis’ The fourth highest ‘Maikitanis’ The fifth highest ‘Midotanis’ The sixth highest ‘Lookotanas’ The seventh highest ‘Sonitanis’. 5010 BTG XL
“Further, on this Lav-Merz-Nokh in each OCTAVE between these white strings or whole notes, this learned being King-Too-Toz strung in certain places five further strings, but this time painted black. 5018 BTG XL
“These black strings however he named ‘Demisakhsakhsa’, which according to the terminology of the beings of the Earth corresponded to what they call ‘half notes’, and these ‘half-note strings’ on the Lav-Merz-Nokh were not strung between those whole notes between which, according to the indications of the saints Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel, there is according to the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh no possibility of the independence of the evolution and involution of the vibrations of sound, and these places they were the first to call ‘gaps’. And in the given places of the OCTAVE where these gaps ought to be, this learned being King-Too-Toz strung special strings between the whole notes made of the tail-hairs of beings called there ‘horse’. 5020 BTG XL
“On this Lav-Merz-Nokh between these white, black, and hair strings there were also strung in each OCTAVE fourteen strings also from ‘twisted intestines’, which were painted red and called ‘Keesookesschoor’, and if contemporary beinbeings of the Earth were to use these strings they would call them ‘quarter notes’. 5026 BTG XL
“His simplification consisted in this, that without having at all taken into consideration the red and hair strings on the Lav-Merz-Nokh, he made the basis of his sound-producing instrument only the white and black strings, and moreover, only the number of strings of two OCTAVEs and he placed them thus, that one whole OCTAVE which was found in the middle had for its evolutionary and involutionary continuation half an OCTAVE from its next higher OCTAVE and half an OCTAVE from its preceding lower OCTAVE. 5046 BTG XL
“That is why, my boy, this, as it is now called there, ‘Chinese seven-toned subdivision of the OCTAVE of sound’ simplified by the mentioned Chai-Yoo, which has reached down to your contemporary favorites and which is used at the present time by them for all their sound-producing instruments enumerated by me, might still, as I have already said, partly serve for, so to say, the ‘practical confrontative study’ and approximate cognizance of how in the process of the Most Great Trogoautoegocrat, from what is called the ‘flowing-of-some-vibrations-from-others’, cosmic substances arise of different ‘density’ and ‘vivifyingness’, and in which way, uniting and disuniting among themselves, they form large and small ‘relatively independent’ concentrations, and thus actualize the common cosmic Iraniranumange. 5052 BTG XL
“All subsequent misunderstandings began with this, that in the information which had reached them from the ancient Chinese it was shown that the ‘whole OCTAVE of vibrations’ has seven ‘restorials’, that is to say, that the OCTAVE consists of seven ‘gravity center sounds’; while in the Greek information it was said that the ‘whole OCTAVE of vibrations’ has five ‘restorials’, that is to say, that the OCTAVE consists of five centers of gravity or five whole notes. 5079 BTG XL
“After a great deal of, as they still sometimes say, ‘drying of saliva’, they finally decided, in order that no one should be offended and at the same time in order to have also this branch in their science, to unite into one both of these theories which had reached them from ancient times and which had nothing in common with each other. And a little later when one of them, named Gaidoropoolo, thought out a very long ‘mathematical’ explanation of this misunderstanding, namely, why in one theory there is mentioned the division of the OCTAVE into seven ‘whole sounds’, while in the other, into only five ‘whole sounds’, and why and how such an important contradiction had occurred, then these mathematical explanations of his entirely pacified all the corresponding representatives of contemporary civilization so that now, with a quiet conscience, they produce all their wiseacring concerning vibrations on the basis of the ‘mathematical explanations’ of this obliging Gaidoropoolo. 5083 BTG XL
“In these mathematical explanations the following considerations were adduced: “Now, that is to say, this same obliging Gaidoropoolo, in a certain way known to himself, calculated the number of vibrations of all the Chinese seven whole notes and began to explain that in the Chinese ‘seven-toned OCTAVE’ those whole notes called ‘ml’ and ‘si’ are not whole notes at all but only half notes, since the number of vibrations which they have almost coincides with the number of vibrations of those Greek half notes which according to the division of the Greek OCTAVE are found just between the Chinese whole notes ‘re’ and ‘fa’ and between ‘si’ and ‘do’. 5085 BTG XL
“He made the further supposition that it was obviously convenient for the Chinese to have the rectorial of the voice, that is, the ‘center of gravity’ of the voice also on these half notes, and therefore they divided their OCTAVE not into five whole notes like the Greeks, but into seven, and so on in this way. 5087 BTG XL
“These contemporary favorites of yours of course do not know and do not even suspect that these two independent divisions of the OCTAVE into whole notes which they now have and which they called the Chinese and the Greek have as the basis of their arising two entirely different causes: the first, that is, the Chinese division, is, as I already said, the result of the thorough cognizance by the great learned twin brothers — unprecedented on Earth previously as well as subsequently — of the law of Heptaparaparshinokh; and the second, that is the Greek division, was made only on the basis of what is called the ‘restorials of voice’ which were in the voices of the beings-Greeks of that period, when this ‘five-tone Greek OCTAVE’ was composed. 5097 BTG XL
“Your contemporary favorites of course cannot understand that however hard these same ancient Greeks tried, or, so to say, ‘however conscientious their attitude toward this matter’, they could not with all their wish find in the division of the OCTAVE of sound into definite tones either more or less than these five whole notes, since the totality of all the conditions not depending on them, both inner and outer, gave them the possibility at the reproduction of their chanting to rely only on their five restorials of voice. 5101 BTG XL
“Thanks to the various conditions there of local character and also to various assimilated hereditary qualities, various ‘restorials of voice’ or gravity-center notes are formed in beings of almost each group or of each geographical place, and hence the division of the OCTAVE into whole notes among beings who breed on each definite part of the surface of this planet of yours is quite different. 5105 BTG XL
“At the present time among your favorites such groups exist as have the capacity to reproduce the gravity-center notes in the OCTAVE of sounds not only in five or seven gravity-center sounds but even in thirteen and seventeen whole notes. 5107 BTG XL
“This physiological particularity of theirs, namely, that whatever number of definite sounds they reproduced the beings of this small group always obtained in the whole OCTAVE of their voice only on these three restorials inherent in them what is called the ‘unchanging totality of vibrations’, and that all during their manifestation these restorials had the property of evoking what is called ‘centralization’ and echo in the whole presence of a being, I made very clear to myself when, having become interested in their chanting, I began to investigate this particularity, rare among your contemporary favorites, with the aid of three special what are called there ‘tuning forks’ which I ordered, and with the aid of several very sensitive what are called ‘vibrometers’ which I possessed and which were invented for me personally by my essence-friend Gornahoor Harharkh. 5113 BTG XL
“In the Chinese division of the OCTAVE into whole notes this being-property was not at all taken into account. 5115 BTG XL
“The basis of the Chinese ‘subdivision of the OCTAVE into seven whole notes’ as well as the basis of all the information composing the totality of the special branch of knowledge relating to the law of Ninefoldness, consisted of the results of those conscious labors and intentional sufferings of the two great twin brothers for which their higher bodies became beatified, and who now dwell on that holy planet on which we recently had the happiness to be. 5117 BTG XL
“However, my boy, although the sound-producing instrument piano which I brought from the surface of your planet is a very typical invention of your contemporary favorites, yet owing to the fact, as I have already told you that the fundamental tuning of the strings of its whole notes and half notes has not yet been changed, therefore according to the consecutive blending vibrations evoked in a corresponding manner by the strings on it, it might still be possible experimentally to demonstrate at least the laws of vibrations issuing from any one fundamental common-cosmic OCTAVE of substances, that is to say, issuing from one of the seven fundamental totalities of sources and thanks to this, it might be possible to represent to oneself and to cognize all the reciprocally acting vibrations issuing from all other sources, because as I have already told you, all the variously scaled cosmoses as well as the independent seventh parts of these cosmoses, are almost exactly similar to the Megalocosmos, and in each of them, the sevenfold sources of vibrations have the same reciprocal actions as proceed in the Megalocosmos, and therefore having understood the laws of vibrations for any one center-of-gravity, it is possible to understand approximately also the laws of vibrations for all centers-of-gravity, if, of course, their difference of scale is taken into account. 5123 BTG XL
“On this piano the vibrations of each whole note and half note of any OCTAVE pass from one to another exactly according to the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and thus their vibrations — as this occurs always and everywhere in the Universe exactly similarly — mutually help each other to evolve or involve. 5127 BTG XL
“In conclusion of the explanations that I have already given you relating to the subdivision into seven tones of the OCTAVE of sound which exists among your favorites, I must once again, alas, insist on this fact that if anything has remained and reached them of this knowledge, they have forgotten everything that was essential and always for the same reason: the disappearance from their presences of the practice of actualizing being-Partkdolg-duty the same disappearance which is the very cause of the gradual deterioration in them of the mentation proper to three-brained beings”. 5149 BTG XL
“When during our conversation which dealt exclusively with the knowledge now called there Shat-Chai-Mernis we came to speak of the nature and the significance of vibrations in general, and when we happened to talk about the OCTAVE of sound, Hadji-Asvatz-Troov then said that not only had the OCTAVE of sound seven aspects of relatively independent whole manifestations, but that the vibrations of any one of these relatively independent manifestations follow, in their arising as well as in their manifestation, the same conformity to law. 5267 BTG XLI
“But this time, in the melody, two sounds of the lowest OCTAVE of the grand piano were evenly and constantly repeated. 5377 BTG XLI