In trying first to understand the basic thought and real significance hidden in this strange verbal formulation, there must, in my opinion, first of all arise in the consciousness of every more or less sane-thinking man the supposition that, in the totality of ideas on which is based and from which must flow a sensible notion of this saying, lies the truth, cognized by people for centuries, which affirms that every cause occurring in the life of man, from whatever phenomenon it arises, as one of two opposite effects of other causes, is in its turn obligatorily molded also into two quite opposite effects, as for instance: if “something” obtained from two different causes engenders light, then it must inevitably engender a phenomenon opposite to it, that is to say, darkness; or a factor engendering in the ORGANISM of a living creature an impulse of palpable satisfaction also engenders without fail nonsatisfaction, of course also palpable, and so on and so forth, always and in everything. BTG I
“The other, the lower sphere, has only two apertures: one in front for taking in the first and second being-foods, and the other at the back for the elimination from the ORGANISM of residues. BTG III
“For the Hasnamuss of the first kind, namely, when this something is acquired by a being still consisting only of just a planetary body alone, the decomposition of this planetary body of his does not proceed according to the general rule, that is to say, the cessation of the functioning in his ORGANISM of every kind of sensed-impulse does not proceed simultaneously with the approach of the ‘sacred Rascooarno’, that is, death. BTG XXVIII
“‘And besides, speaking candidly, our new composition of Dover’s powder is much better than the real one made from the prescription of Dover himself, if only because it contains no substance injurious to the ORGANISM. BTG XXXI
“‘And you know the properties of opium? If a man takes it often enough even in small doses, his ORGANISM soon gets so accustomed to it that later, if he ceases dosing himself, he suffers intensely. BTG XXXI
“‘But from the powder made from our prescription this would never happen, since it contains none of that opium or any other substance harmful to the ORGANISM. BTG XXXI
“I bought them to please the beings then accompanying me, and who came from the continents of Asia and Europe where fruits so rarely beautiful to look at did not as yet exist. When I brought my purchases home and distributed them these beings were at first, indeed, not a whit less astonished and delighted than I had been by their appearance, but, afterwards, when they had consumed them for their first being-food, all that was needed was to see their grimaces and the change of co)or on their faces to understand what effect these fruits in general have upon the ORGANISM of beings. BTG XLII
“These poisonous active elements which issue from tin or similar metal, remaining in hermetically closed cans, are unable to volatilize into space, and in time, meeting among the elements of the products within these cans certain elements which correspond to them by what is called ‘kinship of class by number of vibrations, fuse with them according to the cosmic law named ‘Fusion’ and remain in them; and together with these products of course afterwards enter into the common ORGANISM of the beings who consume them. BTG XLII
“‘And the same Persian man will, in a normal condition, also treat a woman of the second category, that is, a prostitute, as a woman-female, since, however young and beautiful she may be, he will inevitably experience an organic aversion to her; nor could he treat her as a woman unless there had been introduced into his ORGANISM the toxic products, maleficent for people, which I have enumerated. BTG XLII
“‘When I had called these European celebrities together, they unanimously pronounced after all kinds of very “detailed” investigations and what are called “chemical analyses” known to them themselves, that there was not the slightest sign of any venereal disease in my ORGANISM. BTG XLII
“‘At the beginning of the explanation about the disease Moordoorten it was said, among other things, that the human ORGANISM has been brought by Great Nature to such perfection that each and every organ has been provided with a means of defense against every external contingency; and hence that if any organ should function incorrectly in people, it must always be the people themselves who are to blame owing to their own established conditions of everyday life. BTG XLII
“‘And concerning the causes themselves of the appearance of Moordoorten among children, it was said in Chapter VI, Verse XI of this incomparable book that this disease occurs in children for the following reasons: “‘Among the definite substances elaborated by the human ORGANISM and constantly thrown off by it as waste, there is a definite substance called “Kulnabo”. BTG XLII
“‘This substance is in general elaborated in the ORGANISM of beings for the purpose of neutralizing other also definite substances necessary for the functioning of their sex organs, and it is formed and participates in the functioning of the said organs from the very beginning of the arising of the beings of both sexes, that is to say, from their infancy. BTG XLII
“‘Great Nature has so arranged it that after its utilization the residue of this substance is discharged from the ORGANISM of boys at the place between the ”Toolkhtotino” and the “Sarnuonino”, and in girls from the places between the “Kartotakhnian hills”. BTG XLII
“‘The parts of the ORGANISM of boys located at the end of what is called the “genital member” and which are named in this incomparable book “Toolkhtotino” and “Sarnuonino” are named by contemporary medicine there “glans penis” and “prepuce penis”; and the “Kartotakhnian hills”, covering what is called the “clitoris” of girls, are called ‘labia majora” and “labia minora” or as is said in common language, “the large and small obscene lips”. BTG XLII
“‘But, unforeseen by Nature, the clothing which people have invented for themselves prevent the said factors from freely effecting the separation and volatilization of these substances, with the result that this Kulnabo, remaining for a long time on these places, promotes the arising of perspiration; moreover, as this substance is in general the very best medium for the multiplication of what are called “bacteria”, which exist in the atmosphere as well as in what are called the “subjective spheres” of all kinds of things coming into direct contact with the children, there occurs from this multiplying there on the given parts of the ORGANISM of children a process called “itching”. BTG XLII
“‘On account of this itching children begin, unconsciously at first, to rub or scratch these places. Later, as there are concentrated in these parts of the ORGANISM all the ends of the nerves created by Nature for the special sensation required for the completion of the sacred process Almuano, which normally arises in adult people at the end of what is called copulation, and as, especially at a certain period when according to the providence of Great Nature there proceeds in these organs of children a process of preparation for future sex functioning, they experience from this rubbing or scratching a certain peculiar pleasant sensation, they therefore begin intentionally — having instinctively realized from which of their actions this pleasant sensation is evoked in them — to rub these places even when there is no itching; and thus the ranks of the little “Moordoortenists” on the Earth are always increasing by leaps and bounds. BTG XLII
“‘Concerning, for instance, the custom of circumcision in particular, I, being a good diagnostician and able to tell from one glance at a man’s face what disharmony he has in his ORGANISM, can safely say that this terrible children’s disease of onanism is scarcely ever found among those children upon whom this rite has been performed, whereas the children of those parents who fail to observe this custom are almost all subject to it. BTG XLII
“‘”My experiments proved to me that although when they abstain from meat people’s bodily health improves, nevertheless, when such abstainers find themselves mixing with those who consume meat, their psychic state inevitably grows worse, in spite of the fact that the state of their ORGANISM may at the same time sometimes improve. BTG XLII
“‘”As regards the people who constantly consume meat or those products which contain the element called ‘Eknokh’, although the appearance of the state of their ORGANISM undergoes no change, nevertheless their psyche, especially its chief feature which is sometimes designated by the general word the ‘character’ of man, gradually changes in regard to positiveness and morality for the worse, beyond all recognition. BTG XLII
“‘”By means of this said remarkable apparatus Arostodesokh I was enabled for several years to register daily the general state of the ORGANISM of all those thousands of people who lived under test conditions at the expense of the good shepherd Alla Ek Linakh. BTG XLII
“‘”The results of these last researches of mine made it clear to me that although in general people’s psyche does indeed deteriorate from the constant introduction into the ORGANISM of the substance Eknokh, yet this substance has a particularly harmful effect only at certain times of the year. BTG XLII
“‘”This substance is present also in everything which exists for the formation of the said ORGANISM, as for example in the vascular fluid of every pregnant female of every kind of life, and in such products as milk, eggs, caviar, etc…”. BTG XLII
The third independent part of the whole being is the prime functioning of his ORGANISM as well as what are called the “motor-reflex-reciprocally-affecting-manifestations-proceeding-in-it”, and the quality of these manifestations also depends on those aforesaid results of heredity and of the circumstances during his preparatory formation. BTG XLVIII
Contemporary “exact-positive-science” says that a man is a very complex ORGANISM developed by evolution from the simplest ORGANISMs, and who has now become capable of reacting in a very complex manner to external impressions. This capability of reacting in man is so complex, and the responsive movements can appear to be so far removed from the causes evoking them and conditioning them, that the actions of man, or at least a part of them, seem to naive observation quite spontaneous. BTG XLVIII
And now, before beginning work on the second series of my writings, in order to put them, from my point of view, into a generally accessible form, I intend to rest for a whole month, to write positively nothing, and for a stimulus to my ORGANISM, fatigued to the extreme limit, s-l-o-w-l-y to drink the still remaining fifteen bottles of “super-most-super-heavenly-nectar” called at the present time on Earth “old Calvados”. BTG XLVIII