
of all that exists B162 B183 B192

of the Most Great Greatness B246; and B244 ff

to me, a trifling PARTICLE of the whole of the Great Whole — Ashiata Shiemash B353; and B384

PARTICLEs of the emanation of the Sorrow of our Common Father Creator B372 B376 B385

PARTICLEs of a part of Divinity B452

of his Hanbledzoin, concerning the sacrament of the sacred Almznoshinoo B728 ff

sacred PARTICLEs of the higher being-foods B784

of that Greatness, the blending with which must sooner or later be the lot of every already arisen essence B801

of the most sacred substance Theomertmalogos B867

of the common presence of the atmosphere of our planet and evidently of other planets, concerning Okidanokh B1157

beings created by our One Common Father, your aid will consist in this, that each of you should consent to renounce for Beelzebub’s merited pardon certain PARTICLEs of your own horns B1175