“The exterior forms of their planetary bodies are all made alike, and of course in respect of size and in their other subjective PARTICULARITIES, they are each coated, just as we are, in accordance with the reflection of heredity, with the conditions at the moment of conception and with the other factors that serve in general as the causes for the arising and formation of every being. 681 BTG XIV
“They also differ among themselves in the color of their skin and in conformation of their hair, and these latter PARTICULARITIES are determined in their presences, just as they are everywhere they are formed until they reach the age of responsible beings, or as they say, until they become ‘adult ‘. 682 BTG XIV
“As regards their general psyche itself and its fundamental traits, no matter upon what part of the surface of their planet they arise, these traits in all of them have precisely the same PARTICULARITIES, among them being also that property of the three-brained beings there, thanks to which on that strange planet alone in the whole of the Universe does that horrible process occur among three-brained beings which is called the ‘process of the destruction of each other ‘s existence, ‘ or, as it is called on that ill-fated planet, ‘war ‘. 683 BTG XIV
“All the ‘features ‘ of the whole of your psyche – what are called your ‘character ‘, ‘temperament ‘, ‘inclinations ‘, and, in short, all the PARTICULARITIES of your psyche which are manifested exteriorly – are exactly the same as those of a still immature and pliant three-brained being there of the age of twelve years. 836 BTG XVI
“So, my boy, when we were once talking simply according to the flow of what is called ‘being-associative-mentation’, and happened to touch on the question, among other things, of the strange results actualized in the manifestations of the PARTICULARITIES of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh, the venerable Harahrahroohry of the planet Saturn first mentioned that one of his learned beings-subjects, by name Harharkh, had recently devised for the elucidation of many of the previously unexplained properties of that cosmic substance, an exceedingly interesting appliance which he called a ‘Rhaharahr’, the chief demonstrating part of which he called a ‘Hrhaharhtzaha’. 940 BTG XVIII
“Having said this, he again pointed to the Hrhaharhtzaha and added that by means of the elucidating apparatus, not only can any ordinary being clearly understand the details of the properties of the three absolutely independent parts – which in their manifestations have nothing in common of the whole ‘Unique-Active-Element ‘, the PARTICULARITIES of which are the chief cause of everything existing in the Universe, but also any ordinary being can become categorically convinced that no results of any kind normally obtained from the processes occurring through this Omnipresent World-substance can ever be perceived by beings or sensed by then; certain being-functions however can perceive only those results of the said processes which proceed for some reason or other abnormally, on account of causes coming from without and issuing either from conscious sources or from accidental mechanical results. 955 BTG XVIII
“Pointing to a ‘something’ very much like the apparatus existing also on your planet and called there ‘voltmeter ‘ he said: “‘One of the advantages of this new invention of mine for the demonstration of the given phenomenon is that in spite of the unusual power of the process of the “force-of-striving”, now proceeding there, the what are called “Salnichizinooarnian-momentum-vibrations” which most beings consider also to be “rays”, and which ought to be obtained and to issue from this process, do not issue out of the place of their arising, that is, out of this construction in which the PARTICULARITIES of the Omnipresent-Okidanokh are being elucidated. 975 BTG XVIII
“And the result of these exchanges of opinion of ours concerning your favorites was that he finally also became so interested in them that he once even very seriously asked me to keep him always informed, even if only approximately, of my observations of them, and thereafter I sent to him, just as I did to your uncle Tooilan, copies of all my brief-notes concerning the strange PARTICULARITIES of their psyche. 1654 BTG XXIII
“And so, my boy, in order to have more material for elucidating this question which interested me so intensely, I, in the interval between my fourth and fifth sojourn on the planet Earth, organized my observations through the Teskooano from the planet Mars of the existence of those peculiar three-brained beings in the following way: “I deliberately kept under observation quite a number of their beings from among your favorites and during many of their years either I personally or somebody whom I commissioned observed them attentively, trying as much as possible not to miss anything, and to clear up from every aspect all the PARTICULARITIES in their manifestations during the processes of their ordinary existence. 1913 BTG XXIV
“Here it is very important to emphasize that then in Babylon the three-brained learned beings who belonged to the group of the mysterists did indeed reproduce in action amazingly well and accurately the subjective PARTICULARITIES of the perceptions and manifestations of various types foreign to them. 2752 BTG XXX
“For your understanding of how the learned beings there of that group made their indications in the ‘musical’ and ‘vocal’ productions of theirs, I must first explain to you about certain special PARTICULARITIES of the perceptive organ of hearing in the common presences of every kind of being. 2765 BTG XXX
“Among the number of these special PARTICULARITIES is the property called ‘Vibroechonitanko’. 2766 BTG XXX
“In addition to this, among the symptoms of this peculiar illness there appear in the common presence of the sick being seven other very specific PARTICULARITIES. 2832 BTG XXX
And this time, again keeping the style and intonations of Beelzebub himself, he continued: “It is just for this reason, that I now wish to initiate you for any eventuality into the results of the various impressions which I involuntarily perceived concerning the resulting types as well as concerning the PARTICULARITIES of their manifestations of those said contemporary representatives of art there. 2877 BTG XXX
“At the conclusion of my present tale about the terrestrial contemporary art, I might as well, I think, remark about yet one other of the many specific PARTICULARITIES of just those beings of the contemporary civilization who are occupied with this famous art. 2931 BTG XXX
“Yes . . . and this ‘polyglotism’ is also one of the characteristics and exclusive PARTICULARITIES of these strange three-brained beings who please you. 2979 BTG XXXI
“But even if certain of them should by chance notice something illogical in their manifestations or in the manifestations of others, then, thanks to the absence in them of the knowledge of the law of ‘typicality’, they at best ascribe it to the PARTICULARITIES of the character of the given beings. 3163 BTG XXXII
“I began, however, during that time, to go about everywhere as is usual for me, and to frequent the beings of this city, belonging to various what are called there ‘classes’, in order to become acquainted with the characteristic PARTICULARITIES of their manners and customs. 3355 BTG XXXIV
“As I have already said, while my acquaintance, the said important Russian, settled up his affairs which had become disorganized during his absence, I began to go about everywhere and meet beings there, of different, as is said, ‘class’ and ‘position’, in order to study the characteristic PARTICULARITIES of their manners and customs, and to make clear for myself the cause of their so-called ‘organic need’ for alcohol, and the manifest consequences also of the result of its effects on their common presences. 3390 BTG XXXIV
“In my opinion, it will do no harm here, apropos, to tell you that that being-experiencing of theirs which is excellently characterized by the words, ‘vainly-to-grow-sincerely-indignant’, also appears to be one of the unfortunate PARTICULARITIES of the psyche of these ill-fated three-brained beings who please you, especially of the contemporary ones. 3558 BTG XXXIV
“On account of the absence in their psyche of these two PARTICULARITIES, they could not even approximately suspect that individuals similar to themselves were in no way the cause of these terrifying processes there, and that these processes of their ill-fated planet proceed from two inevitable great causes. The first of these causes is just the cosmic law Solioonensius, entirely independent of them; and the second cause, partly dependent on them, consists in this that, thanks to the totality of all the results of the abnormal conditions of ordinary being-existence established by themselves, which still continue to be crystallized in their common presences, the data for bringing forth the sacred impulse ‘conscience’ do not in general take part in any of them in the functioning of their ordinary waking state, in consequence of which the action of the first cause takes just this terrible form. 3561 BTG XXXIV
“I repeat, my boy: Try very hard to understand everything that will relate to both these fundamental cosmic sacred laws, since knowledge of these sacred laws, particularly knowledge relating to the PARTICULARITIES of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, will help you in the future to understand very easily and very well all the second-grade and third-grade laws of World-creation and World-existence. Likewise, an all-round awareness of everything concerning these sacred laws also conduces, in general, to this, that three-brained beings irrespective of the form of their exterior coating, by becoming capable in the presence of all cosmic factors not depending on them and arising round about them — both the personally favorable as well as the unfavorable — of pondering on the sense of existence, acquire data for the elucidation and reconciliation in themselves of that, what is called, ‘individual collision’ which often arises, in general, in three-brained beings from the contradiction between the concrete results flowing from the processes of all the cosmic laws and the results presupposed and even quite surely expected by their what is called ‘sane-logic’; and thus, correctly evaluating the essential significance of their own presence, they become capable of becoming aware of the genuine corresponding place for themselves in these common-cosmic actualizations. 4240 BTG XXXIX
“And the process itself of creation proceeded then in the following successiveness: “Thanks to the new particularity of the fifth Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, these emanations issuing from the Sun Absolute began to act at certain definite points of the space of the Universe upon the prime Source cosmic substance Etherokrilno from which, owing to the totality of the former and the new PARTICULARITIES of the sacred primordial laws, certain definite concentrations began to be concentrated. 4249 BTG XXXIX
“Although the process of the transformation of substances for the continuation of the species by means of us or by means of the common presences of your favorites does not proceed exactly as it proceeded in the first Tetartocosmoses who were transformed into beings, nevertheless we shall take them as an example, since the process itself of the transformation of cosmic substances for the needs of the Most Great common-cosmic Trogoautoegocrat proceeds through their common presences exactly as it proceeded through the first Tetartocosmoses; at the same time you will acquire information concerning several other small details of the strange PARTICULARITIES of their psyche, and also gain information relating to how they in general understand, and how they regard, their being-duty in the sense of serving the common-cosmic process of Iraniranumange, destroying for the beatification of their own belly every kind of law-conformable foreseeing actualization for the welfare of the whole Megalocosmos. 4401 BTG XXXIX
“As for those PARTICULARITIES of the transformation of cosmic substances, thanks to which the continuation of the species of different beings at the present time proceeds differently, for the present I will say only this, that the cause depends on the place of concentration of the sacred Ashagiprotoëhary, i.e., on the place of concentration of those cosmic substances, which are the results of the last Stopinder in the common-cosmic Ansanbaluiazar. 4403 BTG XXXIX
“It was just then that there became separated from the solar system called Khlarfogo that famous planet which exists alone in space and has quite exceptional PARTICULARITIES and which is at the present time called Remorse-of-Conscience. 4603 BTG XXXIX
“For a better sensing and cognizing and at the same time for a better fairylike illumination of the meaning of these expressions which I just used — hens’ laughter and castor oil — I must tell you about some other consequences which flowed from always the same cunning wiseacring of these favorites of yours, in this case concerning the question of the ‘being-Exioëhary’, the more so since the knowledge about this will give you additional data for elucidating by a concrete example certain PARTICULARITIES, which I have already explained to you, of the fundamental cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh. 4653 BTG XXXIX
“In any case I can already very well represent to myself the sacred law of Triamazikamno with the PARTICULARITIES of all three of its sacred independent forces and cognize it for my personal essence quite satisfactorily; hut as regards the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, then, although I have not yet fully made clear to my reason certain of its, in my opinion, unimportant details, nevertheless I hope that with a little more active pondering I shall understand them as well. 4702 BTG XL
“For the definition of the PARTICULARITIES of the composite of the ‘white-ray’, they added the expression ‘Nar-KhraNoora’. 4818 BTG XL
“And so, my boy, these great terrestrial learned beings now Saints, the twin brothers Choon-Kil-Tez and Choon-Tro-Pel, were the first after the loss of Atlantis to lay anew the foundation of this knowledge. They not only laid anew the foundation of this ‘totality-of-special-information’ but they were even the first there on Earth who also constated two of the three chief law-conformable PARTICULARITIES present in that great law about which I have already spoken to you, and, namely, they were the first to constate two of its Mdnel-Ins; they then called that branch of genuine knowledge, similar to that which on the continent of Atlantis was called the ‘seven-aspectness-of-every-whole phenomenon’, the law of ‘ninefoldness’ and they called it thus because they added to the seven obvious ‘different-manifestations’, called by them ‘Dooczako’, of this great law, these two PARTICULARITIES first constated by them and named by them ‘Sooanso-Toorabizo’, which name meant ‘obligatory-gap-aspects-of-the-unbroken-flowing-of-the-whole’. And they named this law thus, chiefly because during their detailed researches they became convinced beyond all doubt that in all the cosmic ‘transitory results’ they investigated, these PARTICULARITIES first constated by them likewise obligatorily always proceed in certain places of the process of this great law. 4838 BTG XL
“By means of this apparatus it was possible to verify and be convinced that in each of the mentioned three transitory results ensuing from common-cosmic-processes, and which have nothing in common outwardly with each other, there not only proceeds exactly similar what are called ‘mutual-actions-ensuing-one-from-the-other-and-forming-one-common-functioning’, and that, in the sense of the evolutionary and involutionary PARTICULARITIES of the law of Heptaparaparshinokh, the action of each separate intermediary stage in one general functioning influences the action of each separate intermediary stage in another, exactly as in its own, but also that according to the PARTICULARITIES of the properties of the vibrations which compose their aggregate, these transitory cosmic results have complete affinity. 4926 BTG XL
“Moreover, you will soon clearly convince yourself about this, when on returning to our dear Karatas, I will show you, as I have already promised, and explain practically the significance of the tuning on that contemporary sound-producing instrument, the piano, which was taken by me among a number of other things from the surface of your planet and which I brought in order experimentally to elucidate to myself on being free at home, one of its PARTICULARITIES which I did not have sufficient time to elucidate there on the spot and which is connected with the strange psyche of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy and with the vibrations of different vivifyingness engendered around them. 5054 BTG XL
There was a rather long silence after which he said to the latter: “Ekh! my dear child, I must now speak to you willy-nilly about an experiment of which I was a witness on that same planet Earth and which refers to the laws of vibrations. I shall moreover speak to you about it in all possible detail for the two following reasons: “The first is because I have already said much to you about this first fundamental sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh. I would therefore be very distressed if for some reason or other you should not succeed in understanding clearly the PARTICULARITIES of this law. This is why I now find myself constrained to hide nothing from you concerning these experiments because I am sure that they will enable you to form for yourself an exhaustive representation. 5153 BTG XL
“But though this advice of his is excellent and even indispensable for existence among them, I personally do not consider it practical for you; not practical in the first place, because since not all the beings of the Earth are like representatives of Art, this advice does not apply to all of them in general; and secondly, because it will be inconvenient for you always to have to remember all these numerous PARTICULARITIES and each time to stop and think on which occasion which of these numerous weaknesses of theirs must be ‘tickled’. 6470 BTG XLIII
“He always explained to them why and for what purpose any definite cosmic concentration occupies just a certain place, and informed them about the PARTICULARITIES of the influence of these concentrations on each other during the common-cosmic Trogoautoegocratic process. 6773 BTG XLIV
“When they arrived there and it proved that they were well informed concerning the position of cosmic concentrations and their properties and PARTICULARITIES, and also that they were practically versed in the calculations of the totality of the reciprocal influences, then thanks to all this they were immediately assigned to the said responsible duties. 6778 BTG XLIV
“‘Both of these forces in the general process of reciprocally maintaining forces are entirely independent, and in their manifestations have always and in everything their own properties and PARTICULARITIES. 6857 BTG XLIV
The whole totality of the manifestations of human mentation, with all the inherencies proper to this functioning and with all its specific PARTICULARITIES, corresponds al most exactly in every respect to the essence and manifestations of a typical hired coachman. 7153 BTG XLVIII
All the PARTICULARITIES of the world view of the ordinary man and the characteristic features of his individuality ensue, and depend on the sequence of the impulse proceeding in him at the moment of the perception of new impressions and also on the automatism established for the arising of the process of the repetition of those impressions. 7303 BTG XLVIII