
all the functionings of the planetary body and the body itself without other of the spiritualized PARTS of the being are only a dependent cosmic formation, conscious of nothing; each spiritualized part of a being must always be just towards this dependent and unconscious part; in order that the planetary body of a being may serve its chief part, that is to say, his essence itself, this essence must always be just and make demands on it only according to its inherent possibilities B1171 ff

bring about a contact between your consciousness and the various unconscious PARTS of your general presence B78

their predominant part gradually allowed other PARTS of their total presences to perceive every new impression without being-Partkdolg-duty B103

there began to be perceived separately and independently in each of my three being-centers very definite impressions that there was taking place in the separate PARTS of my whole planetary body an independent process of the sacred Rascooarno, and that the cosmic crystallizations which composed the presences of these PARTS were flowing in vain B163 ff

Saint Buddha explained the order in which their positive part should consciously guide the manifestations of their unconscious PARTS B239; consider also B696 B1171

in his three independently spiritualized PARTS, that is to say in his body, in his feelings and in his thoughts B295; and B449 B506 B569 B617 B630 B642 B672 B696 B1151; consider also B1189 ff. to die-in-PARTS B441 ff.

my essence prompts me and animates my I and all the separately spiritualized PARTS of my common presence B529

they already could not with one of their spiritualized PARTS criticize and judge another part of themselves impartially B537

their Zoostat, or as they themselves would say, their spiritual part B564

the Great Saroonoorishan, my first educator, so to say the fundamental cause of all the spiritualized PARTS of my genuine common presence B658

he began to labor consciously and with a complete mercilessness towards his denying-part and to create intentionally disturbing conditions for this denying-part of his B1181; consider also B1128

the Hraprkhabeekhrokhnian part of every being B1157

Higher PARTS:
all three-centered beings of our Great Megalocosmos constantly carry on a relentless struggle against the wishes of their planetary bodies so that there should be formed in them, in this struggle from what is called the Disputekrialnian-friction those sacred crystallizations from which their higher Divine being-part arises and is perfected in them B802
since their higher-being-part is not subject to decomposition on planets, it must inevitably languish forever in all kinds of exterior planetary forms B673 ff; and B768
objective Reason is proper only to the presence of a higher being-body or to the common presences of the bodies themselves of those three brained-beings in whom this higher part has already arisen and perfected itself, and then only when it is the center-of-gravity-initiator-of-the individual-functioning of the whole presence of the being B770
the cells-of-the-head-brain actualize for the whole presence of each of them exactly such a purpose as is fulfilled at the present time by the higher-perfected-bodies of three-brained beings from the whole of our Great Universe who have already united themselves with the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute B777 ff
the intentional absorption of these definite cosmic substances necessary for the arising and existence of higher being-PARTS B783 ff. B808 B1166

this common-cosmic misfortune for the higher-being-perfected-PARTS, concerning the Choot-God-Litanical period B797 ff.

being-PARTS; for example, divine, higher, lower, opposite, perfected, sacred, spiritualized B131 B294 B345 B366 B390 B506 B569 B633 B673 B765 ff B770 B783 B796 ff B802 B804 B816 B1083 B1125 ff B1145 B1166

and B438

SEE body

The three PARTS of Okidanokh:
the three fundamental PARTS of Okidanokh B153 ff.
the dispersal of Okidanokh into its three prime PARTS B141; see aieioiuoa, djartklom
the striving-to-reblend-into-a-whole B156 ff B167 ff B171; and B1159
see Okidanokh
The holy affirming part of the sacred Triamazikamno: B279

SEE: fraction, whole