
Now listen and try to justify, and not to disappoint, my expectations. This original PERSONALITY of mine, already “smelled out” by certain definite individuals from both choirs of the Judgement Seat Above, whence Objective justice proceeds, and also here on Earth, by as yet a very limited number of people, is based, as I already said, on three secondary specific data formed in me at different times during my preparatory age. The first of these data, from the very beginning of its arising, became as it were the chief directing lever of my entire wholeness, and the other two, the “vivifying-sources”, as it were, for the feeding and perfecting of this first datum. BTG I

“That you may better represent to yourself the events of this tale of mine, you must first of all know that at the beginning of my exile to that solar system, certain corresponding essence-friends of mine who had not taken part in those events from which the causes of my exile had issued, performed concerning my PERSONALITY that sacred process which exists in the Universe under the name of the ‘Sacred Vznooshlitzval’, that is to say, concerning my PERSONALITY there was implanted in the presences of those three-brained beings by means of another sacred process called ‘Askalnooazar’, that which Objective Science defines by the notion, ‘Trust-another-like-yourself’. BTG XVIII

“This Kashireitleer began thus: ” ‘Man’s greatest happiness consists in not being dependent on any other PERSONALITY whatsoever, and in being free from the influence of any other person, whoever he may be!’ BTG XXVIII

“And besides all this, every participant thus engaged in the fulfillment of the perceptions and accurate automatic manifestations that happened to be connected with him and were proper to a PERSONALITY of a type quite foreign to him had, at the same time that he was fulfilling that role, to give himself time, under some plausible pretext, to change into a corresponding costume. BTG XXX

“And it was the basis because it appeared in the word by which the learned mysterists were designated and also in the word which stood for a PERSONALITY invented by the ancient Greeks, with whose name, as I have already said, one of the schools-of-art then existing had been connected, and the result of this was that the mentioned representatives of this terrestrial art of that time, with their already now quite bobtailed reason, thought that it was nothing more than the word indicating ‘the-followers-of-this-historical-PERSONALITY Orpheus’, and as many of them did not regard themselves as his followers, then instead of the mentioned word they just invented the word artist. BTG XXX

“The manifestations of the mentioned ‘Vietro-yretznel’ personally in relation to my person began to have their action already from the very morning of the following day, in this sense that every data for ‘being-notion’ about my PERSONALITY which had been before this already soundly fixed in the presences of all the beings there who knew me, suddenly sharply changed, thanks only to this ‘objectively maleficent’ official presentation of me to their highest power-possessing beings. BTG XXXIV

“These customs existing there progressively increase year by year the ‘duality’ of the PERSONALITY and mind of the beings there. BTG XLII

“When, during my investigations concerning the actions and PERSONALITY of this Makary Kronbernkzion, it seemed probable that there still existed on the surface of that planet ‘something’ which had a close connection with him, I just began to look for that ‘something’ also in the said manner. BTG XLIV

The fundamental evil among contemporary people is chiefly that, owing to the rooted and widespread abnormal methods of education of the rising generation, this fourth PERSONALITY which should be present in everybody on reaching responsible age is entirely missing in them; and almost all of them consist only of the three enumerated parts, which parts, moreover, are formed arbitrarily of themselves and anyhow. In other words, almost every contemporary man of responsible age consists of nothing more nor less than simply a “hackney carriage”, and one moreover, composed as follows: a broken-down carriage “which has long ago seen its day”, a crock of a horse, and, on the box, a tatterdemalion, half-sleepy, half-drunken coachman whose time designated by Mother Nature for self-perfection passes while he waits on a corner, fantastically daydreaming, for any old chance passenger. The first passenger who happens along hires him and dismisses him just as he pleases, and not only him but also all the parts subordinate to him. BTG XLVIII

“And each and all claim immutability and infallibility for the methods they employ for grafting these branches on to the main trunk, called man’s PERSONALITY. BTG XLVIII