“As you see,” he said, “there exist four quite different situations. In one case all the functions are controlled by the physical body. It is active; in relation to it everything else is passive. In another case the second body has power over the physical. In the third case the ‘mental’ body has power over the ‘astral’ and the physical. And in the last case the fourth body has power over the first three. We have seen before that in man of physical body only, exactly the same order of relationship is possible between his various functions. The PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS may control feeling, thought, and consciousness. Feeling may control the PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS. Thought may control the PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS and feeling. And consciousness may control the PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS, feeling, and thought. Fragments: Five
AT ONE of the following lectures G. returned to the question of consciousness. “Neither the psychical nor the PHYSICAL FUNCTIONS of man can be understood,” he said, “unless the fact has been grasped that they can both work in different states of consciousness. Fragments: Eight