
“Moreover, you will soon clearly convince yourself about this, when on returning to our dear Karatas, I will show you, as I have already promised, and explain practically the significance of the tuning on that contemporary sound-producing instrument, the PIANO, which was taken by me among a number of other things from the surface of your planet and which I brought in order experimentally to elucidate to myself on being free at home, one of its particularities which I did not have sufficient time to elucidate there on the spot and which is connected with the strange psyche of these three-brained beings who have taken your fancy and with the vibrations of different vivifyingness engendered around them. BTG XL

“And if besides this I now still add, concerning the strange psyche of your favorites, what I constated during my last sojourn among them, namely, that none of the contemporary three-brained beings of your planet — in spite of the fact that they, having put this same ‘Chinese seven-toned subdivision’ as the basis of all their ‘sound-producing instruments’, almost daily perceive the results of its consequences — are not only not at all inspired by this as they should be objectively, but on the contrary, under the action of this kind of consonance with the total absence of remorse and even with the impulse of satisfaction, intentionally maintain in themselves the flowing of those associations of all their spiritualized parts which arise in their common presences under the influence of data crystallized in them from the consequences of the properties of the, for them, accursed organ Kundabuffer, then you, I am sure, after such a practical demonstration on this PIANO, will have not only an approximate representation concerning all what are called ‘some-obtained-from-the-other-and-harmoniously-flowing-gravity-center-vibrations’, but likewise you will constate once more with the impulse of astonishment, to what an extent there is weakened in the common presences of these favorites of yours the essence of the action of those being-data, which in general are proper to be crystallized in the presences of all three-brained beings and the totality of which is called ‘quickness-of-instinct’. BTG XL

“However it might have been there, my boy, yet at the present time I regret very much that it will be impossible for me with the contemporary sound-producing instrument PIANO which I brought from the surface of your planet, to explain fully to you the laws of vibrations of all sources which actualize the common-cosmic ‘Ansanbaluiazar’ as this was ideally possible to do on the remarkable Lav-Merz-Nokh, created by the follower of the great twin brothers, himself not less great, also a Chinese learned being, King-Too-Toz. BTG XL

“However, my boy, although the sound-producing instrument PIANO which I brought from the surface of your planet is a very typical invention of your contemporary favorites, yet owing to the fact, as I have already told you that the fundamental tuning of the strings of its whole notes and half notes has not yet been changed, therefore according to the consecutive blending vibrations evoked in a corresponding manner by the strings on it, it might still be possible experimentally to demonstrate at least the laws of vibrations issuing from any one fundamental common-cosmic octave of substances, that is to say, issuing from one of the seven fundamental totalities of sources and thanks to this, it might be possible to represent to oneself and to cognize all the reciprocally acting vibrations issuing from all other sources, because as I have already told you, all the variously scaled cosmoses as well as the independent seventh parts of these cosmoses, are almost exactly similar to the Megalocosmos, and in each of them, the sevenfold sources of vibrations have the same reciprocal actions as proceed in the Megalocosmos, and therefore having understood the laws of vibrations for any one center-of-gravity, it is possible to understand approximately also the laws of vibrations for all centers-of-gravity, if, of course, their difference of scale is taken into account. BTG XL

“I repeat, if the strings of this PIANO are tuned correctly and the corresponding vibrations are evoked in corresponding strings, then the resulting blending of vibrations almost exactly coincides, even mathematically, with the law-conformable totality of vibrations of substances actualized by corresponding cosmic sources on the basis of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh. BTG XL

“On this PIANO the vibrations of each whole note and half note of any octave pass from one to another exactly according to the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and thus their vibrations — as this occurs always and everywhere in the Universe exactly similarly — mutually help each other to evolve or involve. BTG XL

“On this PIANO vibrations of extraneous origin come through different shocks and tremblings and for the greater part from what are called aerial vibrations of inertia, which are generally formed in the atmospheric space by the natural vibrations already referred to. BTG XL

“It is necessary at this point in connection with the actualization of the fifth Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh to trace a parallel between two processes which externally have nothing in common with one another, namely: in the same manner as the first being-food cannot acquire its vivifying power until after its transformation into being-piandjichari, in the same manner on this PIANO the vibrations of a chord do not acquire a corresponding vivifying power until they have been fused with the preceding vibrations produced, starting from the center of gravity of the totality of the vibrations of the note ‘sol’. BTG XL

“This last particularity of the sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh is absolutely certain in this given case, that is to say on the PIANO, but uniquely in consequence of the fact that if the vibrations of ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ are produced in a hermetically sealed room, these vibrations either cease instantaneously or else the notes ‘mi’ and ‘ti’ by reason of the momentum obtained from the first shock given for their arising undergo involution and immediately cease, that is to say as soon as the note ‘ml’ reaches the note ‘do’ and the note ‘ti’ the lower ‘fa’. BTG XL

“In this unusual interior were several ‘experimental apparatuses’ of strange form and among them was a specimen of the sound-producing-instrument which I brought with me from the surface of your planet, the type of contemporary terrestrial sound-producing instrument which your favorites call a grand PIANO. BTG XLI

“The cover of this grand PIANO was open, and to each series of the strings visible beneath it were fitted independent little apparatuses which served as measures of the ‘degree of vivifyingness of the variously sourced vibrations’ and were called ‘vibrometers’. BTG XLI

“To the other half of this board were fastened a great number of vibrometers like those on the strings of the grand PIANO, and they were affixed in such a way that their indicating needles came just over the mentioned frets on the front side of the board. BTG XLI

“Then Hadji moved from the former monochord to the sound-producing instrument grand PIANO, and having again directed our attention to the hands of the vibrometers, he began to strike successively the corresponding keys of the grand PIANO, which gave out the same monotonous melody of the same five tones of sound. BTG XLI

Hadji-Asvatz-Troov continued: “‘At first we made our experiments with the aid of this vibrosho alone, but one day when my friend Kerbalai-Azis-Nuaran was in the Bokharan town of X on business, he happened to see a grand PIANO there at an auction sale of a number of things belonging to a Russian general who had left, and noticing by chance that its strings were made of just the metal needed for our experiments, he bought it and afterwards, of course with great difficulty, brought it up here into the mountains. BTG XLI

“‘When we had placed this grand PIANO here, we tuned its strings exactly according to those laws of vibrations indicated in the ancient Chinese science Shat-Chai-Mernis. BTG XLI

“‘And when we had thus exactly tuned this grand PIANO, then from that moment indeed, the vibrations issuing from it immediately acquired all those properties mentioned in the said great science. BTG XLI

“On the paper he brought he wrote something, placed what he had written in the envelope, attached the envelope to a hook that hung from the ceiling in the center of the room, again sat down at the grand PIANO, and without saying a word began just as before to strike definite keys, from which there was again produced a certain monotonous melody. BTG XLI

“But this time, in the melody, two sounds of the lowest octave of the grand PIANO were evenly and constantly repeated. BTG XLI

“I stood up, took the envelope, opened it and read as follows: “‘On each of you, from the vibrations issuing from the grand PIANO, there must be formed on the left leg an inch below the knee and half an inch to the left of the middle of the leg what is called a “boil”.’ BTG XLI

“Having said this, he sat down at the grand PIANO and again began to strike the keys; this time he produced the sounds of two notes only, one from among those of the higher octaves of the grand PIANO, and the other from among the lower, always alternately, and as he began he almost shouted: “‘Now thanks again to the vibrations engendered by means of the sounds of the grand PIANO, but this time good-carrying ones, let the pain of my faithful old friend cease’. BTG XLI