
All fell prostrate before Beelzebub because by the fifth fork on his horns it was indicated that He had attained the Reason of the sacred PODKOOLAD, i.e., the last gradation before the Reason of the sacred Anklad.BTG XLVII

But the Reason of the sacred PODKOOLAD, to which Beelzebub had already perfected himself, is also very rare in the Universe, hence even the venerable archangel prostrated himself before Beelzebub because his own degree of Reason was as yet only that of the sacred Degindad, i.e., wanting three degrees to the Reason of the sacred Anklad.BTG XLVII

“And now let us all together exult and rejoice over such a worthiness, which is for us such a revivifying shock for our ability to struggle against our own denying source, which ability alone can lead us to that sacred PODKOOLAD attained by one of the sons of our COMMON FATHER, who although he first transgressed on account of his youth, yet afterwards was able by his conscious labors and intentional sufferings to become worthy with his essence to be one of the very rare Sacred Individuals of the whole of our Great Universe”.BTG XLVII

When Beelzebub, now with a transfigured appearance corresponding to His merits and visible to all, had occupied His usual place, Ahoon, His old servant who had been close to Him during almost the whole of His existence, unexpectedly fell prostrate before Him and in a sincerely entreating voice began to speak: “Sacred PODKOOLAD of our Great Megalocosmos! Have mercy upon me and pardon me, an unfortunate ordinary three-centered being, for my past disrespectful manifestations, voluntary and involuntary, towards Your Sacred Essence.BTG XLVII

To this question of Beelzebub’s, Hassein, also in an uncertain tone unusual for him, timidly replied: “Almost . . . yes . . . Sacred PODKOOLAD of our Great Megalocosmos. Only with this difference, that at this moment the impulse of love both for our Ahoon and for the three-brained beings of the planet Earth now functions still more strongly in me.BTG XLVII

At this proposal of his grandfather, Hassein deeply thought rather a long time, and then, in an exalted mood, spoke as follows: “Sacred PODKOOLAD and fundamental cause of the cause of my arising!BTG XLVII

Sacred PODKOOLAD, and cause of the cause of my arising. BTG XLVII