power-possessing beings

“What occurred was as follows: “The ordinary beings of the said community, seeing the fuss made about this writer by the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, became very greatly interested in him and avidly bought and read not only this new ‘Gospel ‘ of his but also all the books he had written before. BTG XII

“And this occurred because some of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of this community, usually with pockets full of money, still continued in their turn to go to other communities, where ‘roulette ‘ and ‘baccarat ‘ proceeded, and carrying on their discussion there concerning this writer, they gradually infected the beings of other communities also with this affair. BTG XII

“This Menitkel then became a learned being, firstly because his childless aunt was an excellent what is called matchmaker and mixed a great deal with POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, and secondly, because when by age he was approaching the ‘threshold of the being’ of a responsible being, he received on his birthday a gift of a book entitled Manual of Bon Ton and Love Letter Writing. Being materially secure and therefore quite free, thanks to an inheritance left him by his uncle, a former pawnshop proprietor, he out of boredom compiled a massive and erudite work in which he ‘spun out’, concerning the origin of these apes, an elaborate theory with every kind of ‘logical proof’, but of course with such ‘logical proofs’ as could be perceived and crystallized only in the Reasons of those freaks who have taken your fancy. BTG XXIII

“The same day, he gave appropriate instructions to his nearest corresponding assistants, and the latter already began to ‘examine’, after the manner that had already long before been the way of POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS to examine ordinary beings. BTG XXIV

“And all this then so happened because when the actions of the data of the Divine being-impulse began to participate in the functioning of their ordinary waking-consciousness, and the three-brained beings began manifesting themselves towards each other, solely in accordance with conscience, the consequence was that masters ceased to deprive their slaves of freedom, and various POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of their own accord surrendered their unmerited rights, having become aware by conscience and sensing that they possessed and occupied these rights and positions not for the common welfare but only for the satisfaction of their various personal weaknesses, such for instance as ‘vanity’, ‘self-love’, ‘self-calming’, and so on. BTG XXVII

“And I first began thinking about it when I learned that the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS also of that no less great contemporary community were already utilizing that maleficent means of theirs, sport, for their own Hasnamussian aims, exactly as the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community Russia had, for their similar aims, utilized what is called ‘the-question-of-Russian-vodka’. BTG XXIX

“Just as the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community Russia then tried, by every kind of artifice, to instill into the weak wills of the ordinary beings the necessity of the intensive use of the said ‘Russian vodka’, so also the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of that community England are now already also maneuvering to intrigue the ordinary beings of their community with this same sport and to urge them to it by every means. BTG XXIX

“And I conclude this from the etherogram I recently received from the planet Mars, in which among other things, it was said, that though there are more than two and a half millions of what are called ‘unemployed-beings’ in that community England, yet the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS there take no measures concerning this, but endeavor to spread still more widely among them that same famous sport of theirs. BTG XXIX

“From the information I obtained, I learned that in order to set up such a laboratory there, it was obligatorily required first of all to have a permit from the local POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, and that is why I quickly began to take steps to get this permit. BTG XXXIV

“As regards the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of this community, the crystallization of these peculiar automatic ‘being-data’ at this period of the flow of time, proceeded in them much more intensely than anywhere else, and was expressed so sharply that sometimes it even seemed as if there were completely absent in them in general all data whatsoever for the immediate bringing forth of being-impulses proper in general to beings. BTG XXXIV

“The point is that, owing to the insistence of certain hereditary POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, there were among the number of the permanent chief participants of this new institution several what are called ‘learned physicians. BTG XXXIV

“They happened to be among the leaders of this Trusteeship, in consequence of the fact that in the presences of the hereditary POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of that period there had again already become finally fixed and had become the inviolable part of their essence always the same ‘inner overlord’ of theirs, maleficent for the terrestrial three-brained beings, named by them ‘self-calming’, which by itself became for those unfortunates the sense and aim of their existence. And therefore in order not to make any being-effort at all, they insisted that these learned physicians should also unfailingly take part in this important institution of great social significance. BTG XXXIV

“It is further also necessary to tell you here that when from among these learned beings of ‘new format’ some become power-possessing and happen to take up important responsible posts in the process of ordinary existence, they then often serve much more as the sources of every kind of subsequent misunderstanding than the hereditary POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS. BTG XXXIV

“And they serve as these sources of misunderstandings obviously in consequence of this, that in the common presences of these beings there are acquired and in a particular way are interwoven the characteristic inherencies which had already become proper to your favorites of three quite different contemporary types, namely, POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, learned beings of ‘new format’, and the contemporary ‘professional physicians’. BTG XXXIV

“And so, my boy, on the initiative and insistence of several hereditary POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of that community, especially on that of those who, although they outwardly still continue to be power-possessing yet in inner significance are only as they are celled ’emptied sand boxes’ ( deflated gasbags ), there were called to power for the business of actualizing such a serious task as the ‘relative saving’ of many millions of beings similar to themselves, those genuine ‘stuffed turkeys’, or, as they would be called there, ‘upstarts’. BTG XXXIV

“And so, my boy, as long as I did not yet know that to be occupied with ‘intrigues’ and dodges, or, as sometimes they themselves still express it, ‘mutually-to-get-rid-of-each-other’, is already unavoidably inherent in POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of this community, I still hoped for and patiently awaited that time when eventually the corresponding conditions would give me the possibility of actualizing my fundamental aim, namely, the possibility of proceeding with the ‘elucidatory experiments’ on the psyche of the terrestrial beings en masse. But when it became definitely clear to me that here in this community under the existing conditions of reciprocal relationships it would be impossible for me to succeed in this, and I also became convinced that it was impossible to get one’s own chemical laboratory there honestly, i.e., strictly according to the laws fixed in this community, I decided to remain there no longer, but to depart, in order to seek suitable conditions for my said aim, to some other European community. BTG XXXIV

“But His Noble Excellency himself, with a very friendly smile, although with a shade of what is called ‘hauteur’ characteristic of all the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of that community at that time, came towards me, at the same time examining with great curiosity the ‘antiques’ which were in my room, and, shaking me in a special way by the wrist, sat down in my favorite armchair. BTG XXXIV

“The manifestations of the mentioned ‘Vietro-yretznel’ personally in relation to my person began to have their action already from the very morning of the following day, in this sense that every data for ‘being-notion’ about my personality which had been before this already soundly fixed in the presences of all the beings there who knew me, suddenly sharply changed, thanks only to this ‘objectively maleficent’ official presentation of me to their highest POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS. BTG XXXIV

“And further, thanks on the one hand to this clamor and, on the other hand, thanks to the action of always the same cosmic law Solioonensius, which action is always combined abnormally in the presences of all of them, others also begin to clamor. When these ‘clamorers’ among the ordinary beings begin already, excessively cacophonically, to act upon what are called ‘the-effeminate-nerves-of-the-left-half’ of several of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the given community, and these latter order those whose job it is to grease with what is called ‘Scottish cream’ the navels of several particularly loud-voiced clamorers, then there begin these excesses of theirs which, progressively increasing, reach their zenith, yet to their misfortune ultimately always lead to nothing. BTG XXXIV

“While telling you about this separate grouping of the three-brained beings, that is about France, I must also tell you for the fullness of its characterization that in France there are also beings of the ruling class, who also invented very ‘good means’ for the calming of the minds of the ordinary beings of their community, just as the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the big community Russia employ such a means for the encouragement of the use of the famous Russian vodka, and the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community England at the present time attain the same by their not less famous ‘sport’. BTG XXXVII

“However, it must be admitted that although the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community France also adopt these ‘good means’ and successfully attain their egoistic aims, yet these means, though, be it said, to no credit of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the communities of England and Russia, bring scarcely any harm to the planetary bodies themselves of the ordinary beings. BTG XXXVII

“The POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of certain communities there gradually mixed into this divine teaching, for their said Hasnamussian aims such ‘spices’ of their own invention, that a ‘Sherakhoorian-combination’ resulted, the secret of which would ‘oe the envy of all the contemporary famous European as they are called ‘pastry cooks’ and ‘chefs’. BTG XXXVIII

“Judging by the latter half of the contents of this etherogram, the process of the entire destruction of this second great religion is bound to proceed or had already proceeded there, on account of that order mentioned in the etherogram promulgated by the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community Turkey. BTG XXXVIII

“And therefore, although the teaching of this religion was gradually changed under the influence of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS there, nevertheless, among these same certain beings there, this teaching of Mohammed passed from generation to generation in an unchanged form. BTG XXXVIII

“Inasmuch as the production, importation, and consumption of what are called ‘alcoholic liquids’ have recently been strictly prohibited to the ordinary beings by the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of this group, and corresponding injunctions have also been given to those beings there upon whom the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS rest their hope for their own welfare, it is now supposed to be almost impossible for the ordinary beings there to obtain such liquids. At the same time, in these New York restaurants, various alcoholic liquids called ‘Arrack’, ‘Doosico’, ‘Scotch whisky’, ‘Benedictine’, ‘Vodka’, ‘Grand Marnier’, and many other different liquids, under every possible kind of label, and made exclusively only on what are called ‘old barges’ Iying at sea off the shores of that continent, are to be had in any quantity you please. BTG XLII

“This same American prohibition of the consumption of alcohol can serve us yet again as an excellently illuminating example for understanding to what degree the possibilities for the crystallization of data for being-reflection are atrophied in these contemporary responsible POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, in respect of the fact that such an absurdity is being actually repeated there. BTG XLII

“The difference will be only in the process of the destruction itself. The process of the destruction of the large community ‘monarchic Russia’ proceeded in consequence of the abnormalities of, so to say, the Reason of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS there, whereas the process of the destruction of this community America will proceed in consequence of organic abnormalities. In other words, the ‘death’ of the first community came from, as they say, the ‘mind’ whereas the death of the second community will come from the ‘stomach and sex’ of its beings. BTG XLII

“But just these ‘important’ and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS who have the possibility of filling themselves to satiety and who could perhaps do something toward this end, in reality do nothing at all for still quite other reasons. BTG XLIII

“For instance, when after gorging and satisfying themselves these important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the Earth are seated on their said divans, the associative thoughts which ought inevitably to flow in them receive shocks from the reflexes of their stomach and sex organs and wander freely in all directions, as they say there, ‘to their heart’s content’, and so pleasantly free and easy, as if they, that is these thoughts of theirs, were ‘strolling of an evening in Paris along the Boulevard des Capucines’. BTG XLIII

“When these POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of your planet are seated on their soft divans, subjects like the following a-think in them. BTG XLIII

“And in these cases, when the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS there sincerely ponder about this phenomenal horror which proceeds on their planet, they are always greatly agitated by it, and of course in this state of theirs they make a vow to undertake at all costs and to actualize everything necessary to put an end to this increasing evil. BTG XLIII

“But owing to their various personal egoistic and vainglorious aims, the ordinary terrestrial important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS who had then assembled, very soon quarreled among themselves and went their ways home without accomplishing anything. BTG XLIII

“From the tasks of such a society good results might be obtained for all the beings of their planet without distinction of caste, but then, as soon as the affairs of this society begin to be somewhat difficult, or, as it is said, a crisis arises, these tasks instantly bore the terrestrial POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS and even at the mention of them or when by association they themselves remember about them, expressions of martyrdom immediately appear on their faces. BTG XLIII

“Still, I must remark that these contemporary important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS who are or will be members of this contemporary society will achieve personally for themselves by this new contrivance of theirs one ‘most formidable’ and ‘most useful’ result, namely, thanks to this ‘official society’ of theirs, they will have still another as it is said very plausible excuse for drawing wool over the eyes of their what are called ‘proprietesses’,who are for these terrestrial contemporary POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS either their ‘wife’, ‘mistress’, ‘mother-in-law’, or finally, the ‘assistant’ in some large store, and so on. BTG XLIII

“Whereupon, thanks to this new official society of theirs, they will have the opportunity of passing the time tranquilly among their friends, important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS like themselves, and at these official ‘five o’clocks’ which without doubt will be very often arranged ostensibly for affairs connected as it were with the aims of this important official society of theirs, they will be able to pass the time without the silent though terrifying glances and watchfulness on the part of their ‘proprietresses’. BTG XLIII

“Such societies of POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS usually arise there at the beginning of the end of the great processes of reciprocal destruction. And almost each time they arise in the following way: “A number of them, namely, from among those power-possessors, personally suffered during their last process of reciprocal destruction such ‘heavy losses’ – the ‘momentum of the action’ of which had not yet ceased in their common presence and had engendered for the general functioning of their psyche a certain combination – that the data in their subconsciousness for the arising of the being-impulse named ‘conscience’, had begun by itself to take part in the functioning of that ‘automatic consciousness’ of theirs, which had already long ago become habitual to them; that is to say, there was obtained by itself in their general psyche that combination about which the Most Saintly Ashiata Shiemash had dreamed for all the three-brained beings of that ill-fated planet. BTG XLIII

“Well then, my boy, owing to this, when the said POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS meet together and discuss a great deal about this terrible property of theirs, they gradually begin to see it almost in its true light and a genuine sincere desire just begins to appear in them to do everything possible to attain to the abolition of this appalling horror proceeding on their planet. BTG XLIII

“And so, if it happens that several such terrestrial POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS with so to say ‘resurrected conscience’ should chance to meet, and, thanks to a long mutual influence, see and feel reality almost in its true light, then they unite in order jointly to find some possibility or other of actualizing these sincere wishes of theirs. BTG XLIII

“These beings might, perhaps, somehow or other achieve good results, but the evil lies in this, that, as a rule, other of these terrestrial important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS very soon enter such societies and begin to take part in them. BTG XLIII

“When these other terrestrial important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS enter such societies and also begin to participate in their affairs, then they, with their personal egoistic and vainglorious aims, as a rule not only very soon send all the tasks of the society and everything that has been done by the beings with ‘resurrected consciences’ as is said ‘flying up the chimney’, but as a rule, they also very soon, as it is also said there, ‘put genuine spokes into the wheels of the first founders of these societies’. BTG XLIII

“That is why the beings with Pure Reason there never have had and never will have the possibility of taking part in the societies of beings who are formed of important and POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS. BTG XLIII

“Here it might as well be remarked that when some of these democrats for some reason or other occasionally occupy the places of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, then a very, very rare cosmic phenomenon sometimes occurs from their actions, namely, as Mullah Nassr Eddin says, ‘the very corns turn pedicures’. BTG XLIII

“And this rare phenomenon occurs in my opinion because when the democrats there chance to occupy the places of the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS, they have in themselves no inherited aptitudes at all for instinctively being able to direct others and in consequence they are quite unable to direct the existence of beings who happen to be in their power. BTG XLIII

“It was further conveyed in the same etherogram that the POWER-POSSESSING BEINGS of the community Russia had applied to the beings of another European community to undertake the destruction of the existence of those small beings – mice and rats – which had multiplied among them, in return for which they promised to pay them as much money as it would cost. BTG XLIII