“It must be remarked that in the PRIMORDIAL three-brained beings there, this said being-brain was localized in the same part of their planetary body as in us, and had an exterior form exactly similar to our own; but for many reasons which you will be able to understand for yourself during the course of my further talks, Great Nature was compelled little by little to regenerate this brain and to give it the form which it now has in the contemporary beings. BTG XVII
“‘During the period of my year of special observations on all of their manifestations and perceptions, I made it categorically clear to myself that although the factors for engendering in their presences the sacred being-impulses of Faith, Hope, and Love are already quite degenerated in the beings of this planet, nevertheless, the factor which ought to engender that being-impulse on which the whole psyche of beings of a three-brained system is in general based, and which impulse exists under the name of Objective-Conscience, is not yet atrophied in them, but remains in their presences almost in its PRIMORDIAL state. BTG XXVI
“For these four kinds of Hasnamuss-individuals, owing to their having in their presences this something, the mentioned retributive-suffering-consequences are various and correspond both to the nature of each kind as well as to what is called ‘objective-responsibilities’ ensuing from the PRIMORDIAL providence and hopes and expectations of our COMMON FATHER concerning these cosmic actualizations. BTG XXVIII
“The third religion, founded on the teaching of Jesus Christ, very soon became in its PRIMORDIAL form so widely spread that almost one-third of all the three-centered beings of this planet were its followers. BTG XXXVIII
“And the second particular property of this Hanbledzoin consists in this, that, when it is introduced into the fundamental concentration of this substance and has mixed with this PRIMORDIAL concentration, it is distributed in it everywhere in uniform densities and in uniform quantities, wherever the given concentration may be and in whatever quantity this same Hanbledzoin may accidentally or intentionally be introduced. BTG XXXVIII
“In order that you may more clearly understand how our ENDLESSNESS decided to attain immunity from the maleficent action of the merciless Heropass and of course how HE ultimately actualized it all, you must first of all know that before this, the Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained and existed on the basis of the system called ‘Autoegocrat’, i.e., on that principle according to which the inner forces which maintained the existence of this cosmic concentration had an independent functioning, not depending on any forces proceeding from outside, and which were based also on those two fundamental cosmic sacred laws by which at the present time also, the whole of our present Megalocosmos is maintained and on the basis of which it exists, and, namely, on the basis of those two fundamental PRIMORDIAL sacred cosmic laws, called the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh and the sacred Triamazikamno. BTG XXXIX
“About both of these fundamental cosmic PRIMORDIAL sacred laws, I have already once told you a little; now however I shall try to explain to you about them in rather more detail. BTG XXXIX
“The first of these fundamental PRIMORDIAL cosmic sacred laws, namely, the law of Heptaparaparshinokh, present-day objective cosmic science, by the way, formulates in the following words: “‘The-line-of-the-flow-of-forces-constantly-deflecting-according-to-law-and-uniting-again-at-its-ends’. BTG XXXIX
“This sacred PRIMORDIAL cosmic law has seven deflections or, as it is still otherwise said, seven ‘centers of gravity’ and the distance between each two of these deflections or ‘centers of gravity’ is called a ‘Stopinder-of-the-sacred-Heptaparaparshinokh’. BTG XXXIX
“And in regard to the second PRIMORDIAL fundamental cosmic law, and, namely, the Sacred-Triamazikamno, common-cosmic objective science also formulates with the words: “‘A new arising from the previously arisen through the “Harnel-miaznel”, the process of which is actualized thus: the higher blends with the lower in order to actualize the middle and thus becomes either higher for the preceding lower, or lower for the succeeding higher; and as I already told you, this Sacred-Triamazikamno consists of three independent forces, which are called: the first, ‘Surp-Otheos’; the second, ‘Surp-Skiros’ the third, ‘Surp-Athanotos’; which three holy forces of the sacred Triamazikamno the said science calls as follows: the first, the ‘Affirming-force’ or the ‘Pushing-force’ or simply the ‘Force-plus’; the second, the ‘Denying-force’ or the ‘Resisting-force’ or simply the ‘Force-minus’ and the third, the ‘Reconciling-force’ or the ‘Equilibrating-force’ or the ‘Neutralizing-force’. BTG XXXIX
“And so, in the beginning as I have already told you, our Most Most Holy Sun Absolute was maintained by the help of these two PRIMORDIAL sacred laws; but then these PRIMORDIAL laws functioned independently, without the help of any forces whatsoever coming from outside, and this system was still called only the ‘Autoegocrat’. BTG XXXIX
Our COMMON FATHER OMNI-BEING ENDLESSNESS, having decided to change the principle of the maintenance of the existence of this then still unique cosmic concentration and sole place of HIS most glorious Being, first of all altered the process itself of the functioning of these two PRIMORDIAL fundamental sacred laws, and HE actualized the greater change in the law of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh. BTG XXXIX
“And the Stopinder which HE shortened, is between its last deflection and the beginning of a new cycle of its completing process; by this same shortening, for the purpose of facilitating the commencement of a new cycle of its completing process, HE predetermined the functioning of the given Stopinder to be dependent only upon the affluence of forces, obtained from outside through that Stopinder from the results of the action of that cosmic concentration itself in which the completing process of this PRIMORDIAL fundamental sacred law flows. BTG XXXIX
“Thus from that time, the process of actualization began to proceed in the greatest as well as in the smallest cosmic concentrations with these Stopinders of this PRIMORDIAL sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh changed in this way in their subjective actions. BTG XXXIX
And so, my dear boy, our COMMON FATHER CREATOR ALMIGHTY, having then in the beginning changed the functioning of both these PRIMORDIAL sacred laws, directed the action of their forces from within the Most Holy Sun Absolute into the space of the Universe, whereupon there was obtained the what is called ‘Emanation-of-the-Sun-Absolute’ and now called, ‘Theomertmalogos’ or ‘Word-God’. BTG XXXIX
“The subsequent creation went on automatically, of its own accord, entirely without the participation of His Own Divine Will Power, thanks only to these two changed fundamental PRIMORDIAL cosmic laws. BTG XXXIX
“And the process itself of creation proceeded then in the following successiveness: “Thanks to the new particularity of the fifth Stopinder of the sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, these emanations issuing from the Sun Absolute began to act at certain definite points of the space of the Universe upon the prime Source cosmic substance Etherokrilno from which, owing to the totality of the former and the new particularities of the sacred PRIMORDIAL laws, certain definite concentrations began to be concentrated. BTG XXXIX
“Now as regards the first two lower being-bodies, namely, the planetary-body and the body-Kesdjan, then, after the first sacred Rascooarno of a being, his planetary body, being formed of Microcosmoses or of crystallizations transformed on that planet itself, gradually decomposes and disintegrates there on that same planet, according to a certain second-grade cosmic law called ‘Again-Tarnotoltoor’, into its own PRIMORDIAL substances from which it obtained its arising. BTG XXXIX
“As regards the second-being-body, namely, the body-Kesdjan, this body, being formed of radiations of other concentrations of Tritocosmoses and of the Sun itself of the given solar system, and having entered after the second process of the sacred Rascooarno into the sphere just mentioned, also begins gradually to decompose, and the crystallizations of which it is composed go in various ways into the sphere of its own PRIMORDIAL arisings. BTG XXXIX
“These many hundreds of ‘active elements’ with various properties wherever they might be, proceeding from the seven Stopinders of the fundamental common-cosmic Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh, are — depending upon the Stopinder from which they received their PRIMORDIAL arising — divided and localized, according to what is called the ‘affinity of vibrations’, into seven what are called ‘Okhtapanatsakhnian classes’. And all without exception of both the large and small already definite concentrations in all our Megalocosmos are formed from these active elements belonging to seven independent classes, and, as I have already told you, they have their own subjective properties. BTG XXXIX
“Well then, owing to that change in the general functioning of the PRIMORDIAL common-cosmic sacred law of Heptaparaparshinokh, this totality of substances named ‘being-Tritoëhary’ can in the given case evolve further from this state only with the help of forces coming from outside. BTG XXXIX
“If the transformation of substances through ‘beings-apparatuses’ proceeded according to the law of the Sacred Heptaparaparshinokh when certain of its Stopinders were not yet changed, that is as it still functioned before the creation of our now existing Megalocosmos, then the cosmic substances composing the first being-food, entering into such ‘apparatuses-cosmoses’ for the local process of evolution, would accomplish their ascent up to their completing transmutation into other higher definite active elements without any obstacle and without any help coming from outside — merely by the process of Harnelmiatznel alone, but now since the independent functioning of this PRIMORDIAL sacred law has been changed into a dependent functioning, the evolution or involution in its changed Stopinders must always be dependent upon external ‘extraneously caused’ manifestations. BTG XXXIX
“When you began your elucidations about the holy planet Purgatory, you enjoined me to try to take in everything you spoke about, without missing anything, and you also enjoined me constantly to maintain the intensive tension of my ‘active mentation’, so that corresponding data for the formation of the notion relating to every question explaining the details of both PRIMORDIAL fundamental sacred cosmic laws should be completely crystallized in me. I did indeed try during all your elucidations to do so and it seems to me, I cleared up so much for myself about these cosmic laws that I could perhaps even freely explain them to someone else. BTG XL