process of being-existence

“Owing to all this, the question of conscience already began to predominate at that period during the ordinary PROCESS OF BEING-EXISTENCE both in the waking-consciousness state and in the ‘passive-instinctive’ state among your favorites particularly among those who existed on the continent Asia. BTG XXVII

“I employed the word ‘almost’ when I referred to the ultimate almost total destruction of that blessing because some fragments from the whole totality of this, in the objective sense, important true information nevertheless began – after the lapse of the mentioned period there, when their relatively normal PROCESS OF BEING-EXISTENCE was again re-established – to be again handed clown to subsequent generations exclusively only through ‘genuine’ initiates and being handed down by succession from generation to generation reached unchanged even to your contemporary favorites, though to a very limited number of them. BTG XL

“On the other hand, with the trades and ‘professions’ indispensable in the PROCESS OF BEING-EXISTENCE, exclusively only those beings are occupied among them, who have gone there from other continents temporarily, and for the purpose, as is said, of ‘earning money’. BTG XLII

“And this abnormality proceeded in the ordinary PROCESS OF BEING-EXISTENCE of the three-brained beings who have taken your fancy – in this instance, in the case of this new group – and continues to be spread and to be fixed everywhere there, also of course in consequence of the fact that, subsequent to the time, when they – that is to say, when all the three-brained beings in general of that planet of yours – had ceased to actualize in themselves the indispensable being-efforts, there was then gradually destroyed in them the possibility for the crystallization in their common presences of those being-data thanks to which, even in the absence of the guidance of true knowledge, the maleficence for themselves of any of their manifestations can be sensed instinctively. BTG XLII

“It will not be amiss now, my boy, also to remark, by way of illustration, upon the invention of preserved products for the first being-food and their application in the PROCESS OF BEING-EXISTENCE by the beings of this contemporary group, who in recent times have chanced to become for the strange Reason of the beings of all the other continents, so to say, ‘objects of imitation’, chiefly on account simply of the fact that they were supposed to be the first on their planet to invent such beneficent and convenient being-usages, namely, in the given case, the device of feeding themselves with preserved products, thanks to which they, as it were, save time. BTG XLII