
“In the big cosmic octave, which reaches us in the form of the ray of creation, we can see the first complete example of the law of octaves. The ray of creation begins with the Absolute. The Absolute is the All. The All, possessing full unity, full will, and full consciousness, creates worlds within itself, in this way beginning the descending world octave. The Absolute is the do of this octave. The worlds which the Absolute creates in itself are si. The ‘interval’ between do and si in this case is filled by the will of the Absolute. The process of creation is developed further by the force of the original impulse and an ‘additional shock.’ Si passes into la which for us is our star world, the Milky Way. La passes into sol — our sun, the solar system. Sol passes into fa — the planetary world. And here between the planetary world as a whole and our earth occurs an ‘interval.’ This means that the planetary RADIATIONS carrying various influences to the earth are not able to reach it, or, to speak more correctly, they are not received, the earth reflects them. In order to fill the ‘interval’ at this point of the ray of creation a special apparatus is created for receiving and transmitting the influences coming from the planets. This apparatus is organic life on earth. Organic life transmits to the earth all the influences intended for it and makes possible the further development and growth of the earth, mi of the cosmic octave, and then of the moon or re, after which follows another do — Nothing. Between All and Nothing passes the ray of creation. Fragments: Seven

Organic life is the organ of perception of the earth and it is at the same time an organ of radiation. With the help of organic life each portion of the earth’s surface occupying a given area sends every moment certain kinds of rays in the direction of the sun, the planets, and the moon. In connection with this the sun needs one kind of RADIATIONS, the planets another kind, and the moon another. Everything that happens on earth creates RADIATIONS of this kind. And many things often happen just because certain kinds of radiation are required from a certain place on the earth’s surface.” Fragments: Seven

“The action of the Absolute upon the world, or upon the worlds created by it or within it, continues. The action of each of these worlds upon subsequent worlds continues in exactly the same way. ‘All suns’ of the Milky Way influence our sun. The sun influences the planets. ‘All planets’ influence our earth and the earth influences the moon. These influences are transmitted by means of RADIATIONS passing through starry and interplanetary space. Fragments: Nine

“In order to study these RADIATIONS let us take the ‘ray of creation’ in an abridged form: Absolute-sun-earth-moon, or in other words let us imagine the ‘ray of creation’ in the form of three octaves of RADIATIONS: the first octave between the Absolute and the sun, the second octave between the sun and the earth, and the third octave between the earth and the moon; and let us examine the passage of RADIATIONS between these four fundamental points of the universe. Fragments: Nine

“We have to find our place and understand our functions in this universe, which is taken in the form of three octaves of RADIATIONS between four points. Fragments: Nine

“The RADIATIONS reach the sun. Two notes are included in the sun itself, do, an ‘interval,’ and si, then follow la, sol, faRADIATIONS going towards the earth. Fragments: Nine

“Then an ‘interval’ and the ‘shock’ of organic life which fills it, then mi and re. The earth: do, an ‘interval,’ si, and then la, sol, faRADIATIONS going towards the moon; then again an ‘interval,’ a ‘shock’ unknown to us, then mi, re, and the moon, do. Fragments: Nine

“These three octaves of RADIATIONS, in which form we shall now imagine the universe, will enable us to explain the relation of matters and forces of different planes of the world to our own life. Fragments: Nine

“It must be observed that, although there are six ‘intervals’ in these three octaves, only three of them actually require to be supplemented from outside. The first ‘interval’ between do and si is filled by the will of the Absolute. The second ‘interval’ do-si is filled by the influence of the sun’s mass upon RADIATIONS passing through it. And the third ‘interval’ do-si is filled by the action of the earth’s mass upon RADIATIONS passing through it. Only the ‘intervals’ between fa and mi have to be filled by ‘additional shocks.’ These ‘additional shocks’ can come either from other octaves which pass across the given point or from parallel octaves which start from higher points. We know nothing about the nature of the ‘shock’ between mi-fa in the first octaoctave Absolute-Sun. But the ‘shock’ in the octave Sun-Earth is organic life on earth, that is, the three notes la, sol, fa of the octave which starts in the sun. The nature of the ‘shock’ between mi and fa in the octave Earth-Moon is unknown to us. Fragments: Nine

“If we now examine the first of these three octaves of RADIATIONS, that is, the octave Absolute-Sun, from the point of view of the law of three, we shall see that the note do will be the conductor of the active force, designated by the number 1, while the matter in which this force acts will be ‘carbon’ (C). The ‘active’ force which creates the note do in the Absolute represents the maximum frequency of vibrations or the greatest density of vibrations. Fragments: Nine

I ought to say at this point that the “three octaves of RADIATIONS” and the “table of hydrogens” derived from them were a stumbling block to us for a long time. The fundamental and the most essential principle of the transition of the triads and the structure of matter I understood only later, and I will speak of it in its proper place. Fragments: Nine

“Physical food is H768, or la, sol, fa of the third cosmic octave of RADIATIONS. This ‘hydrogen’ enters the lower story of the organism as ‘oxygen’ do 768. Fragments: Nine

“At the given place in the organism “where mi 192 ought, apparently, to come to a stop there enters the ‘second food’ — air, in the form of do 192, that is, mi, re, do of the second cosmic octave of RADIATIONS. The note do possesses all the necessary semitones, that is, all the energy necessary for the transition to the next note, and it gives as it were a part of its energy to the note mi which has the same density as itself. The energy of do gives mi 192 force enough, while uniting with ‘carbon’ 48 already in the organism, to pass into ‘nitrogen’ 96. ‘Nitrogen’ 96 will be the note fa. Fragments: Nine

But I was unable to grasp the principle on the basis of which it would be possible to determine exactly when to make use of such a scale. P. showed me a table made up to the fifth scale and relating to parallel levels in different worlds. But I got nothing from it. I began to think whether it was not possible to unite all these various scales with the various cosmoses. And having dwelt on this thought I went in an absolutely wrong direction because the cosmoses of course had no relation whatever to the division of the scale. It seemed to me at the same time that I had in general ceased to understand anything in the “three octaves of RADIATIONS” from which the first scale of “hydrogens” was deduced. The principal stumbling block here was the relation of the three forces 1, 2, 3 and 1, 3, 2 and the relations between “carbon,” “oxygen,” and “nitrogen.” Fragments: Thirteen

I began to draw the diagram on the board. It was the diagram of RADIATIONS in three octaves: Absolute-sun-earth-moon. We were already accustomed to this terminology and to G.’s form of exposition. But I did not know at all what I would say beyond what they knew already. Fragments: Thirteen