“For exact understanding exact language is necessary. And the study of systems of ancient knowledge begins with the study of a language which will make it possible to establish at once exactly what is being said, from what point of view, and in what connection. This new language contains hardly any new terms or new nomenclature, but it bases the construction of speech upon a new principle, namely, the principle of RELATIVITY; that is to say, it introduces RELATIVITY into all concepts and thus makes possible an accurate determination of the angle of thought — for what precisely ordinary language lacks are expressions of RELATIVITY. Fragments: Four
“The division of man into seven categories, or seven numbers, explains thousands of things which otherwise cannot be understood. This division gives the first conception of RELATIVITY as applied to man. Things may be one thing or another thing according to the kind of man from whose point of view, or in relation to whom, they are taken. Fragments: Four
“As has been said already, the study of oneself must go side by side with the study of the fundamental laws of the universe. The laws are the same everywhere and on all planes. But the very same laws manifesting themselves in different worlds, that is, under different conditions, produce different phenomena. The study of the relation of laws to the planes upon which they are manifested brings us to the study of RELATIVITY. Fragments: Five
“The idea of RELATIVITY occupies a very important place in this teaching, and, later on, we shall return to it. But before anything else it is necessary to understand the RELATIVITY of each thing and of each manifestation according to the place it occupies in the cosmic order. Fragments: Five
Personally I was very interested in the question of RELATIVITY in connection with place, that is, with place in the world. I had long since come to the idea of a RELATIVITY dependent upon the interrelation of sizes and velocities. But the idea of place, in the cosmic order, was entirely new both to me and to all the others. How strange it was for me when, some time later, I became convinced that it was the same thing, in other words, that size and velocity determined the place and the place determined size and velocity. Fragments: Five
“The idea of cosmoses helps us to understand our place in the world; and it solves many problems, as for instance, those connected with space, with time, and so on. And above all this idea serves to establish exactly the principle of RELATIVITY. The latter is especially important for it is quite impossible to have an exact conception of the world without having established the principle of RELATIVITY. Fragments: Ten
“The idea of cosmoses enables us to put the study of RELATIVITY on a firm basis. At the first glance there is much that seems paradoxical in the system of cosmoses. In reality, however, this apparent paradox is simply RELATIVITY. Fragments: Ten
“In order to understand the laws of RELATIVITY, it is very useful to examine the life and phenomena of one cosmos as though looking at them from another cosmos, that is, to examine them from the point of view of the laws of another cosmos. All the phenomena of the life of a given cosmos, examined from another cosmos, assume a completely different aspect and have a completely different meaning. Many new phenomena appear and many other phenomena disappear. This in general completely changes the picture of the world and of things. Fragments: Ten
“As has been said before, the idea of cosmoses alone can provide a firm basis for the establishment of the laws of RELATIVITY. Real science and real philosophy ought to be founded on the understanding of the laws of RELATIVITY. Consequently it is possible to say that science and philosophy, in the true meaning of these terms, begin with the idea of cosmoses.” Fragments: Ten
“And this last point seems to me to be connected with what G. calls the ‘principle of RELATIVITY.’ His principle of RELATIVITY has nothing in common with the principle of RELATIVITY in mechanics or with Einstein’s principle of RELATIVITY. It is the same again as in the New Model of the Universe; it is the principle of the RELATIVITY of existence.” Fragments: Ten