
the individual collision which often arises from the contradiction between the concrete RESULTS flowing from the processes of all the cosmic laws and the RESULTS presupposed and even quite surely expected by their sane-logic B755

every-cause-gives-birth-to-its-corresponding-result, cosmic law B190

the-result-of-the-process-of-the-reciprocal-destruction-of-two-opposite-forces or the-cause-of-artificial-light B157

the assimilation of the RESULTS of oft-repeated acts, cosmic law B1220

arising from the seven actualizations B438

the result-of-my-all B1153

obtained from the conscious labors of Ashiata Shiemash B390

the-result-of-the-manifestation-is-proportionate-to-the-force-of-striving-received-from-the-shock B169

Babylon: center-for-the-incoming-and-the-outgoing-RESULTS-of-the-perfecting-of-being-rumination B320

cosmic RESULTS or phenomena B142 B237 B239 B264 B290 B487 B731 B764 B790 B814 B817 ff B821 B827 B832 B839 ff B851 B868; common-cosmic B239

of subjective destiny B908

distressing result from the mixing of sacred substances B793

external B754

external and internal, concerning the law of vibrations B755

Most Most High Common Cosmic Final Results B238 ff

Most Saintly Final Cosmic Results B239

final B792

law-conformable, non-law-conformable B156

of Lentrohamsanin’s inner double-gravity-centered existence B390

previously formed material RESULTS B25

mechanical B153

The Inevitable Result of Impartial Mentation B1173 ff

of mentation and feelings of the average man B1234

newly-arising result or child B814 B1146

of the peculiarities of Okidanokh B153; and B156

opposite B791

practical B844 B846 B848

proper to man B25

psychic-chemical-RESULTS B243

real B552 ff

sad B131; sorrowful B781

of Second-Order-Suns B757

sins-of-the-body-of-the-soul B799

subjectivized second-grade B1230

substantial B1186

beings of a Terbelnian result, apes B282

from theaters, one not-bad-result B505

totality of RESULTS B162 B1190; totality-of-the-RESULTS-of-the-transformation B825

three transitory RESULTS of cosmic processes B832

transitory-cosmic-RESULTS B839 ff

ensuing from vibrations B907

unexpected RESULTS ridiculous to the point of absurdity B32

resultant-creative-force B426
resultant-decomposing-force B426
in the presences of average people what they call will is exclusively only the resultant of desires B1204

SEE force